probablytom / albert

An open-source children's story framework for improvised storytelling
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Project Albert

In the beginning, a wild, untamed mankind would hunt prey and sit around a fire and tell stories in the warm glow, painting their memories onto the walls of their homes.

In the end, when a tamed mankind breathes its dying breaths, we will huddle around the last vestiges of warmth we can find, and share stories of days past, when men were wild and the ground was alive, and we painted the walls with our fingers.

In the meantime, we keep cosy and warm in our beds, and as we tuck the next generation into slumber they ask to be told a story.

Stories were the beginning of us, and they will wave us goodbye. In the meantime, we share tales of the psat and visions of the future and stories of our own inventions. But some of us aren't as good at creating worlds of fiction as others. For the people who have use of tapping into the human response to the story, but aren't a natural-born yarn weaver, let me present Project Albert.

What's Albert?

Albert is a pattern by which one can improvise children's bedtime stories with reasonable quality. It requires no significant skill on the part of the storyteller, but provides a tale which is enjoyable and meaningful and can create a world where many stories take place, making the moment of telling a bedtime story a little more magical.

Project Albert isn't intended to replace children's books. Patterns cannot guarentee the craftsmanship a children's book is made with, nor the joy of their illustrations. By using a pattern, however, Project Albert is:

Project Albert can be the solution to a son's request for a story about a rabbit, or a calming agent for a frightened daughter. Albert is designed to be a tool that parents can implement, but also riff on: different people have different needs. This repository (and the free site accompanying it) is for people to change and experiement with. Feel free to change things, fork this repository and make a better version, or make your own personal changes for your own personal use-case. Do constribute if you can! It's tried-and-tested, but still under development. Hopefully, the availability of Project Albert will give rise to a wave of patterns and ideas that better empower us to tell stories.



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