probcomp / GenExperimental.jl

Featherweight embedded probabilistic programming language and compositional inference programming library
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Trace visualization API for Jupyter notebooks #13

Closed marcoct closed 7 years ago

marcoct commented 7 years ago

A little API for writing interactive custom trace visualizations with Snap.svg, with the ability to drag around elements on the canvas and have the corresponding trace object be updated.

Also needs to be integrated with IJulia

marcoct commented 7 years ago

I have a basic API with a D3 example already.

D3 should be the canonical rendering scheme for Jupyter notebooks. Users can use a plotting library like matplotlib if they really need to, but our examples should use D3 or other tools better designed for more general graphics and not specifically plots. Also web-standards rendering tools are preferred to Julia- or Python-specific libraries, which are less portable.

I already have D3 renderering running in the goal inference notebook, with the d3 library made available according to instructions in notebook_install.

The trace rendering API for jupyter notebooks should not and does not restrict itself to D3. It should permit e.g. WebGL Javascript renderers as well.