probcomp / GenExperimental.jl

Featherweight embedded probabilistic programming language and compositional inference programming library
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link

NOTE: This repository is not maintained. We reworked the system from the ground up. The new reposity can be found there:


Gen is a featherweight embedded probabilistic programming language and compositional inference programming library.

WARNING: Gen is unsupported and highly unstable research software.


Gen.jl is not a a publicly registered Julia package. To use or develop Gen.jl, clone the repository with:

julia> Pkg.clone("")

You can find the location on your filesystem where Julia placed the clone using:

julia> Pkg.dir("Gen")

Run tests

julia> Pkg.test("Gen")

Installing support for IJulia notebooks

To install the Gen.jl notebook extension for Jupyter notebooks, which provides a simple API for Javascript-based trace renderings in Jupyter noteoboks, use:

$ cd jupyter/
$ ./