probcomp / GenExperimental.jl

Featherweight embedded probabilistic programming language and compositional inference programming library
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Make use of generator registry optional and used for syntactic sugar only #51

Closed marcoct closed 6 years ago

marcoct commented 7 years ago

Generators should just be Julia objects. You should be able to construct a generator and use it without need for a global registry. The registry is only used syntactic sugar that allows e.g. flip(0.5) to be expanded to FlipGenerator(0.5) within a tagged expression and generate(FlipGenerator(0.5)) outside of a tagged expression. However, use of that syntactic sugar is completely optional, and there is no need to use the global registry for new generators.

See for an experimental implementation of this.

marcoct commented 6 years ago

In the refactoring that is in progress on, this is no longer an issue. There is no global registry. There is now a register_primitive that simply does a bit of code generation:

 function register_primitive(shortname::Symbol, generator_type::Type)
     eval(quote $shortname = $generator_type() end)
     eval(quote (g::$generator_type)(args...) = (g, args) end)
     eval(quote export $shortname end)
     eval(quote export $(Symbol(generator_type)) end)
marcoct commented 6 years ago

There is also now a Generator{TraceType} abstract type, of which there are a few extant sub-types:

The basic Generator interface is score = generate!(generator, args, trace) with some syntactic sugars for, e.g. score = generate!(generator(args), trace).

Currently, the only compositional generator is a ProbabilisticProgram, and for these the only sub-regenerators are currently AtomicGenerators, and the value itself is stored in the program's trace instead of the (AtomicTrace) sub-trace.