process-analytics / bpmn-layout-generators

Tools for generating missing BPMNDiagram elements in BPMN files
Apache License 2.0
34 stars 4 forks source link
bpmn bpmn2 diagram generator layout shape

BPMN Layout Generators

GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases Build
Contributor Covenant License

**:warning: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT :warning:** Tools for generating the graphical layout of the BPMN process (BPMNDI Graphical Model) in BPMN files. They can be used with diagrams containing only the BPMN Semantic part or to replace the existing BPMNDI part. Plan work for the 1st implementations - based or partially based on - will be implemented in `Java`. If it works, `javascript`/`TypeScript` and `R` implementations will be done ## Implementations - [java](java/ - [R](R/bpmnLayoutGeneratoR/README.adoc) This is only a wrapper of the java library ## Existing alternatives Java - (latest available commit on 2020-04-08) - tools to migrate from several vendors to Camunda, adaptation of the `bpmndi-generator` - Camunda `fluent builder API`: Javascript - ## License `bpmn-layout-generators` is released under the [Apache 2.0](LICENSE) license. \ Copyright © 2020-present, Bonitasoft S.A.