Scryber is a webapp for increasing productivity, and decreasing the amount of time spent repetitively filling out the same information in different places, over and over again. Scryber allows users to create a template once, and be able to fill in that process in a matter of minutes many times moving forward.
Scryber has the capability to print your data directly to fillable PDF documents with an intuituve data mapping system and allows you to map repetivie data entry to many documents instantly.
There is now no need to type out your name, address, date, compnay name, etc... everytime you fill out a generic expense report or other business document, once the template is created, all you need to do is enter the information once!
Navigate to the directory containing the project solution file and build:
dotnet build
Create the database:
dotnet ef database update
This project requires iText7 for pdf maniplulation. To install from NuGet:
dotnet add package itext7 --version 7.x.x
Ensure all dependencies are gathered and up to date:
dotnet restore
Now you should be good to run:
dotnet run
To view the application open a browser and navigate to:
Click the Create Template button
Give the template the following information:
Click Submit to continue
To add a field the following information must be provided:
To add criteria, the following must be provided:
PDF document will show one at a time with their fillable boxed outlined in red
When a fillable box is clicked the assignmnet window will appear
From the assignemnt window, select the prompt that receives the data that will be printed to the current selected fillable box
Click Fill
Repeat the assignment process for any desired outputs and fillable boxes
Repeat for each form that has been uploaded. Any prompts that map to multiple output boxes, even on different forms, will write the data across all applicable forms.
To begin a flow, click on whichever template is desired, and enter the information into the fields and criteria prompts
When all information is entered, click Generate
From the homepage, find the flow that is to be downloaded/sent from the list of Existing Flows
Click Send
A download will trigger automatically, with a zipped file containing all forms from the completed flow
There is also a copy/paste ready link that cant be sent given to anyone so they may download the zip file as well.
All of the information should map exactly to the output boxes they were assigned, accross all PDF documents in the workflow