professorfabioandrade / georef

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MATLAB and Python source code for Direct Georeferencing of images taken by Drones

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APA citation:

Correia, C. A., Andrade, F. A., Sivertsen, A., Guedes, I. P., Pinto, M. F., Manhães, A. G., & Haddad, D. B. (2022). Comprehensive Direct Georeferencing of Aerial Images for Unmanned Aerial Systems Applications. Sensors, 22(2), 604.

Bibtex citation:

@article{correia2022comprehensive, title={Comprehensive Direct Georeferencing of Aerial Images for Unmanned Aerial Systems Applications}, author={Correia, Carlos AM and Andrade, Fabio AA and Sivertsen, Agnar and Guedes, Ihannah Pinto and Pinto, Milena Faria and Manh{\~a}es, Aline Gesualdi and Haddad, Diego Barreto}, journal={Sensors}, volume={22}, number={2}, pages={604}, year={2022}, publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute} }