prograhammer / vscode-tslint-vue

TSLint for Visual Studio Code and VueJS
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VSCode extension for tslint with added support for .vue (single file component) files and compiler/typechecker level linting.


Quick Setup

Set Script lang

For linting to work in .vue files, you need to ensure your script tag's language attribute is set to ts or tsx (also make sure you include the .vue extension in all your import statements as shown below):

<script lang="ts">
import Hello from '@/components/hello.vue'

// ...


Enable typeCheck

You can turn on linting at the typechecker level by setting the typeCheck tslint option to true in your settings.json (File > Preferences > Settings - Workspace):

// .vscode/settings.json
  // ...

  "tslint.typeCheck": true, 

  // ...

Important: Importing vue modules (ie. import Hello from 'Hello.vue') will work fully within other .vue files (type information is retrieved) without the need for a declaration file .d.ts. However, .ts modules that import .vue modules (ie. main.ts, hello.spec.ts) still require a declaration file:

// vue.d.ts
declare module "*.vue" {
    import Vue from "vue"  // <-- this is not ideal, looking for solution to this in future version.
    export default Vue

The above will give the type as vue which is not ideal and defeats the purpose of TypeScript (your Vue modules extend Vue with more type information that you have added on your module). I'm currently looking for a solution to this. In the meantime, you can double check yourself (if you have any places you import vue into ts) using the Webpack plugin fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin. See Webpack section further down below. Also remember that you will still need declaration files for any non-ts/non-vue imports otherwise TypeScript does not know how to work with them.

Setup tsconfig.json

This extension assumes you have a tsconfig.json file located at the root of your current project/workspace. In your tsconfig file, ensure you don't exclude .vue files and also provide the wildcard path alias @ so that it points to src:

// tsconfig.json
  "include": [
  "exclude": [
  "compilerOptions": {

    // ...

    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": [

Setup tslint.json

Add a tslint.json file. For a quick set of rules you can use the Javascript Standard Style wit npm install tslint-config-standard --save-dev and add it to the extends section as shown below:

    "defaultSeverity": "error",
    "extends": [
        "tslint-config-standard" // <-- Don't forget to npm install this package.
    "jsRules": {},
    "rules": {},
    "rulesDirectory": []


If you are using Webpack you will mostly likely need a way to perform linting in your build process as well. Check out the fast fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin (which works with ts-loader set to transpileOnly) where I currently have a pull-request for adding Vue functionality. You can try it out early and read more at this issue here.



The extension requires that the tslint and typescript modules are installed either locally or globally. The extension will use the tslint module that is installed closest to the linted file. You can switch the typescript version at the bottom right of the status bar to use the workspace/local version (will update your settings.json). To install tslint and typescript globally you can run npm install -g tslint typescript

Development setup

Developing the server

Developing the extension/client

If you want to debug server and extension at the same time; 1st debug extension and then start server debugging

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