programa-stic / Marvin-dynamic-Analyzer

Dynamic android vulnerability scanner using OpenNebula and Android-x86 emulators.
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Marvin Dynamic Analyzer

Dynamic android vulnerability scanner using OpenNebula and Android-x86 emulators.

Version: 0.01

General architecture


Vulnerabilities analyzed dynamically are:

Also it checks for new vulnerabilities that might be found while searching for others:

VMManager is in charge of searching new vulnerabilities to be analyzed in Marvin's Django database.

VMClients receive the app and type of vulnerability to analyze and emulator to use from VMManager. It uses ADB to connect to the emulator and start the analysis. It also configures the emulator to act as its gateway to intercept HTTP/HTTPS requests.

VMClients uses a custom fuzzer MarvinToqueton developed for interacting with the application to try triggering the vulnerabilities.

The emulators are running Android 4.3 x86 because of Cydia Substrate support. The project is using Android-x86 images.

There are 3 types of emulator:


VMManager configurations are in

NET_ID = 1 #ID used for OpenNebula virtual network
#credentials for RPC
ONE_IP = "http://IP:2633/RPC2"
ONE_CREDS = "" #OpenNebula xml RPC credentials

IMPORTANT: Under the django_support directory, also configure the file with the corresponding SECRET_KEY, database password and BungieSearch URL from Marvin-frontend configuration.

VMClient configurations are also in the file:

REPORTER_IP = 'localhost:8081'

#Some fuzzer configurations that can be modified in Marvin-toqueton project.


Start the server with:


And VMClients with:


Running a single analysis

Marvin dynamic analyzer obtains the next app to analyze from the pool of unverified vulnerabilities on Marvin's database. If you want to run an analysis on a single app you can change the variable DEBUG_MODE to True in of the client. Then you can run an analysis with:

    python [VULNERABILITY_ID] [PACKAGE-NAME/FILE-NAME] '''{"emulator":"EMULATOR_IP_ADDRESS","count":0}'''

In the case of PHONEGAP_CVE_3500_URL, you must also include the parameter "activity" with a reference to the initial application activity. If you only want to run checks against vulnerabilities not found statically such as ZIP path traversal, insecure storage and insecure transmission use "dummy" as the vulnerability ID.

IMPORTANT: The filename of the APK must be the same as the package name.


VMManager and VMClient can use any Linux virtual machine hosted in OpenNebula. Authors used ttylinux - kvm from OpenNebula Marketstore as template.

VMManager dependencies

Run to install dependencies:

    pip install bungiesearch

    sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

    apt-get install default-jre

    apt-get install python-django

VMClient dependencies

Run to install dependencies:

    apt-get install mitmproxy

Creating an emulator

Download from the Android-x86 site the ISO for 4.3 or 4.0 release. Install it in a disk with your favorite virtualization tool. Authors used VirtualBox.

Convert the installed image to KVM qemu's format in order to support OpenNebula's snapshot feature. You can use the following command:

    qemu-img convert -O qcow2 original-image image-converted.qcow

Upload the image to OpenNebula and create a new template for the emulator.

Example of template:



    DISK=[DRIVER="qcow2",IMAGE="Image Name",IMAGE_UNAME="Your user"]




    NIC=[MODEL="pcnet",NETWORK="Your Virtual Network Name",NETWORK_UNAME="Your user"]



IMPORTANT: Set QCOW2 as the image mapping driver for snapshot support.

IMPORTANT: When creating a ICS Android device, set the network interface driver to pcnet.

Create a VM using the previous template and boot the device.

IMPORTANT: Start the kernel in debug mode the first time and edit the file /mnt/grub/menu.lst. Add "quiet nomodeset vga=788" before the option video=-16 to kernel arguments.

So far there is no contextualization support for Android VMs running in OpenNebula so the network interfaces have to be configured manually. First to run commands as root run in Terminal application the following commands:

    adb root

    adb kill-server

    adb start-server

    adb shell

The following commands should work to set the network if run using the Terminal application as root.

    ifconfig eth0 [IP] netmask [NETMASK]

    busybox route add default gw [GATEWAY] dev eth0

Once the network configuration is set,exit the Terminal in root mode and use adb to allow remote debugging with:

    adb tcpip 5556

Manually configure:

Then run in a host with the following parameters: {SSL/NOSSL} {EMULATOR-IP} {GATEWAY-IP-FOR-EMULATOR}

Choose {SSL/NOSSL} to emulator deploy type 1 or 2.

This script:

Lastly, create a snapshot of the VM running with any name you refer.



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