projectatomic / ContainerApplicationGenericLabels

Default Containerized Application Labels used to document the application and/or image
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Standard Container/Application Identifiers

Default Containerized Application Labels/Annotations/Ids used to document the application and/or image

With the introduction of the Atomic command, we are accessing container image meta data to describe the purpose of the image or the application defined by the image.

We would like to get consensus on default names. Proposals have been made to namespace the label names defined in Docker.

But we believe there should be some generic toplevel names defined that are not vendor specific, or distribution specific.

If you would like to see additional names and descriptions added please open issues and send pull requests to update this readme.


The following types of data are being considered:

  1. Labels used to describe how to use the application/image

    Name Description
    help Command to run the help command of the image
    run Command to run the image
    run_opts_file Path to a file containing options that will be used in 'run' command in place of ${RUN_OPTS}
    uninstall Command to uninstall the image
    install Command to install the image
    stop Command to execute before stopping container
    debug Command to run the image with debugging turned on
  2. Labels Names used to describe the application/image

    Name Description
    name Name of the Image
    version Version of the image
    release Release Number for this version
    architecture Architecture for the image
    build-date Date/Time image was built as RFC 3339 date-time
    vendor Owner of the image
    url Url with more information on the image
    summary Short Description of the image
    description Detailed description of the image
    vcs-type The type of version control used by the container source. Generally one of git, hg, svn, bzr, cvs
    vcs-url URL of the version control repository
    vcs-ref A 'reference' within the version control repository; e.g. a git commit, or a subversion branch
    authoritative-source-url The authoritative location in which the image is published
    distribution-scope Intended scope of distribution for image (see below for possible values)
    changelog-url URL of a page containing release notes for the image
  3. Possible values of distribution-scope field

    Name Description
    private No public redistribution intended
    authoritative-source-only Redistribution only from the source listed in the 'authoritative-source-url' label
    restricted Redistribution only with permission
    public No redistribution limits beyond licenses
  4. Custom labels may be defined by a namespace prefix using reverse DNS notation of a domain controlled by the author. For example, com.redhat.access.

    LABEL io.openshift.expose-services="8080:http" \

Details on Labels



Signing Server Metadata "sigstore" Image

Signing server metadata may be served by a special image in a repository. The image shall be named "sigstore" and contain the following labels, all required:

Name Description
sigstore-url The signature server URL, including port
sigstore-type Signature server type, either "docker" (static web server) or "atomic" (Atomic Registry and OpenShift API)
pubkey-id The public key ID in the form of an email address
pubkey-fingerprint The public key fingerprint, typically a long hexidecimal string
pubkey-url The URL to download the public key

Example Dockerfile:

FROM scratch
LABEL sigstore-url="" \
      sigstore-type="docker" \
      pubkey-id="" \
      pubkey-fingerprint="B3B04F8CF186436EF8F1CDAD7C6ACC9EE3A31016" \