projectriff / riff

riff is for functions
Apache License 2.0
800 stars 64 forks source link
faas knative serverless serverless-functions

= Project riff is complete. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

image::logo.png[riff logo, link=] = A FaaS for Kubernetes

The riff CLI helps developers build and run functions in a Kubernetes cluster.

== Installation of the latest release

=== Binaries

Official binary releases are available from the link:[Releases] page. See link:[Getting started] for how to install the riff CLI and the riff system.

=== Homebrew

To install the CLI for Mac OS with link:[Homebrew]:

[source, bash]

brew install riff

=== Chocolatey

To install the CLI for Windows with link:[Chocolatey]:

[source, bash]

choco install riff

== Contributing to riff

Please refer to the link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[Contributors' Guide].

There are many repos under the projectriff org

image::dependencies.png[riff dependencies]

== Code of Conduct

Please refer to the link:CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc[Contributor Code of Conduct].