prolike / GitLabelWizard

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GitLabelWizard CircleCI GitHub issues open

GitLabelWizard is a tool designed to automatically create and delete GitHub issue labels upon the creation of a new GitHub repository. This is done by using a GitHub app (GitLabelWizardBot) and Firebase Cloud Functions, which will manipulate labels through Github API.


The goal for this project was to solve the following issue:

Everytime we create a new repository, we need to have the labels in GitHub issues set up right in order to use it in our agile planning, our Git Phlow and on Git repos on GitHub comes with a set of predefined labels, but they don’t match what we need and should be removed. Currently we have scripts that can set this up for us, but the problem with this method is

Originally we started this project on AWS Lambda where we almost finished a working product written in Python 3. Though, due to complications with local testing of Lambda and CircleCI implementation, we decided to move to Firebase, which meant that we had to rewrite our codebase to Javascript (Nodejs). We have included the old codebase here.


By using serverless functions (in this case on Firebase) we make HTTP requests to the GitHub label API to create our desired labels and delete the default ones. These functions are called by our GitHub App (GitLabelWizardBot) through a webhook, which is triggered when a new repository is created. Seen below is a flowchart describing the process.

GitLabelWizard REST API documentation



  "action": "created",
  "repository": {
    "name": "{YOUR_REPO_NAME}",
    "owner": {
      "login": "{REPO_OWNER_NAME}"


1. A Firebase account with a Blaze plan* 
* You need a account with blaze plan to be have any outbound connection,
but no worries it will be almost free anyway.
2. A Firebase project
3. Git & Node.js installed

Prepare your setup

We will go though some few steps to prepare the setup that will run the GitLabelWizard Bot.

1. Create a firebase account

Visit the link, and create a account for yourself

2. Create a new project

You will now enter the console panel for your firebase account, and create a new project, and assign a name to the project. We will be using this project as our serverless/cloud functions service to doing label manipulation in a Github repository.

3. Find your ProjectID

Enter your firebase project -> Click project settings -> There you can find your project ID Save the ProjectID for later use in installation.


1. Clone github repo

Clone the repository

$ git clone

2. Install Node.js (Skip if you have already Node.js installed)

Download and install your Node.js

3. Configure firebase file

Open GitLabelWizard/.firebasesrc and change the default value to your projectID. You can find your projectID from your firebase console.

  "projects": {
    "default": "gitlabelwizard-8a56d"

4. Install firebase tools

$ sudo npm install -g firebase-tools

5. Install npm modules

$ cd GitLabelWizard/functions
$ cd sudo npm install

Running the tests

To run the automated tests you need to be in the folder GitLabelWizard/functions/. You have to make sure you have the GitLabelWizard/functions/node_modules/ folder installed. If not, please redo part 5 in the installation guideline.

You should now have the requirements to run the tests.

Make sure you're still inside GitLabelWizard/functions/ and run

$ npm test

You should now see the test passes.

Running the firebase functions locally

You can now test your firebase function locally. Currently state: The function will be invoked but not run correctly and will fail since the environment config is not yet set, we will do that later under deloyment. Read the documentation.

If you want to invoke the functions locally as a API service, then run this command:

$ sudo firebase serve

If you want to invoke the functions locally as a functions, then run this command:

$ sudo firebase functions:shell

Deployment guideline

In order to deploy the project into a firebase functions, you need to generate 3 tokens:


This token is your API_KEY for accessing the firebase functions.

Write following in your terminal/commandline

$ date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo 

You will get something like: $ nGNiMDYzMWVjMmE2ZGYxNGZkNTJmMjYz

This is your secret RANDOM_GENERATED_API_KEY for the project, save the api key and dont expose it someplace!


This token is your basic authentication token for github project (Base64)

Write following in your terminal/

$ echo yourgithubusername:yourgithubpassword | base64

You will get something like: $ eGF4YW5zdHhheGFzOnNhc2RICg==

This is your secret GITHUB_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN for the project, save the key and dont expose it someplace!


This is your authentication token for firebase

Write following in your terminal/commandline

$ firebase login:ci

You will get prompted and redirected to a login screen for firebase, sign yourself in and then the token will be showed in terminal.

Waiting for authentication...

✔  Success! Use this token to login on a CI server:


Example: firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN"

This is your secret FIREBASE_TOKEN for the project, save the key and dont expose it someplace!


Hereby you have created a firebase project, installed the project locally and ran the test successfully. Now your project is ready for the deployment to firebase cloud functions. Run following commands to deploy.

$ firebase functions:config:set github.authkey={YOUR_GITHUB_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN} --token={YOUR_FIREBASE_TOKEN_HERE}
$ firebase functions:config:set fb.apikey={YOUR_RANDOM_GENERATED_API_KEY} --token={YOUR_FIREBASE_TOKEN_HERE}
$ firebase deploy --only functions --token={YOUR_FIREBASE_TOKEN_HERE}

Now the firebase functions should be deployed and visible in firebase console panel under "functions". There you can aswell find the HTTP URL for api entrypoint. This url you will be using for setting up the Webhook.

Implement the bot for your project

Using the bot as a webhook for a organization

Goto the organization or repository and put your HTTP URL and concat it with your API URL.

So your webhook URL should look like:

Insert your Webhook URL in your github organization or repository that you have owner access to.

Future development

To expand this service, we would like to add the following features in the future:

Some of these features were actually already developed in the first part of the project when we were still running on AWS Lambda. The codebase (written in Python 3) can be found here.