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[Question][KCLOUD] KCLOUD VM and environment #162

Closed miraliahmadli closed 3 years ago

miraliahmadli commented 3 years ago

I cannot access neither my KCLOUD account nor my VM. I emailed to KCLOUD staff on this issue, but they didn't reply and I cannot access to my account since then. Please allocate new VM and account for me or fix my issue or allocate any other cloud service.

I did not choose to use KCLOUD for the assignments and this assignments are heavily environment dependent. I cannot setup proper environment on my Mac because we are using LLVM 10 (and that is the only version not available on Homebrew). Moreover, if I have any issue with KCLOUD, I should not contact to them, I should contact to the people who chose that environment and they have to fix the issue.

Also, docker is very problematic as I cannot open it in my code editor and I am forced to work using VIM (which I am not comfortable at all) as well as I have to make changes locally then push to GitHub then pull it on docker. Therefore, running and testing code takes a lot of time.

I used docker on last 2 assignments, but it was very painful. Fortunately, assignments were not that hard and didn't require much debugging. But I cannot do the same with this assignment.


jirheee commented 3 years ago

You can use vscode docker extension to access the container. try this!

nv-quan commented 3 years ago

Did you try editing on your host machine and run on the container?

RiceBiscuits commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, there are nothing we can do regarding KCloud issues without support from the KCloud administrator. So, I think you should wait until the problem is solved.

If you have a problem using KCloud and docker, you can set up your own environment with a virtual machine program(i.e., VMware Fusion, Virtual Box, Parallels). KCloud and docker are just options.

RiceBiscuits commented 3 years ago

Please check the vm and KCloudVPN again, if the problem is not solved yet, please send an email to again , with your IP address of the vm.