prosyslab-classroom / cs348-information-security

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CS348: Introduction to Information Security (정보보호개론)


Course Description

This course covers the overall contents of information security. Students will be exposed to fundamental concepts in information security including cryptography, system security, software security, web security, and network security. This course introduces how security attacks occur in modern computing environments. Students will also have opportunities to understand techniques to discover and disable such security attacks.


Notice that participation does not mean attendance but includes various activities during the semester. There is no attendance score because attendance is expected by default.



This course includes written and programming assignments. Students will use a few tools which are described here. All submissions will be managed using Github. For each assignment, a unique invitation URL for Github Classroom will be posted in the issue board. Once you accept the invitation, a private repository for your assignment will be created. You can push as many commits as you want before the deadline. We will grade the final commit of your main branch.

The late homework policy is as follows:

Academic Integrity Violation

Students who violate academic integrity will get F. See the KAIST CS honor code.


# Topics Reading Homework
0 Functional Programming in OCaml HW0: Hello-world, OCaml programming
1 Introduction
2 Concepts in Security
3 Classical Cryptography IMC Ch1 HW1: Classical Cryptography
4 Symmetic-key Encryption IMC Ch2, Ch3, AES Visualization HW2: Mini-AES
5 Message Integrity IMC Ch4, Birthday Paradox
6 Availability
7 Public-key Cryptography IMC Ch11, Ch12, Ch13, Diffie-Hellman HW3: Mini-RSA
8 Access Control Zelkova HW4: Access Control System
9 Web Security CSI Ch9
10 Software Vulnerabilities HW5: Exploitation
11 Safe Programming Systems Undecidability
12 Dynamic Analysis and Fuzzing HW6: Fuzzer
13 Static Analysis CACM'19, Zoncolan HW7: Static Analyzer
- Final Exam

Hall of Fame

See the outstanding achievement of our friends here.

Advanced Course


A large part of the slides is based on the lecture notes of Prof. Min Suk Kang at KAIST.
