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[Question][Hw1] Question about passing vigenere crack test on autograde #236

Closed s20200366 closed 1 year ago

s20200366 commented 1 year ago

Name: Jaewoo Ahn

I have two versions of my code on vigenere crack. One of them does not seem to "pass" the autograder test and is showed as failed(red) in the result. However, its total score is higher than the one which passes the vigenere crack test(the tests all show up green). I wonder what exactly passing a test(vigenere test especially) means, and if it is okay to have some of my tests failed. If a test fails, will any score which was given by the failed test be ignored? Or pass/fail of individual tests don't matter?

Thank you.

yeonhee-ryou commented 1 year ago

"pass" means that all of your answers got score greater than zero, and "fail" means that at least one of your answer got zero point.

s20200366 commented 1 year ago

"pass" means that all of your answers got score greater than zero, and "fail" means that at least one of your answer got zero point.

Thank you!