prosyslab-classroom / cs348-information-security

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[Announcement] Homework 3 is out #270

Closed yeonhee-ryou closed 1 year ago

yeonhee-ryou commented 1 year ago

Hi all, this is an announcement about homework 3.

Homework 3 is a programming assignment requiring you to implement encryption, decryption and crack algorithms of RSA.

Here is the GitHub classroom link for this homework: (

Auto grading

Your implementation will be graded using GradeScope. Please check GradeScope guideline.

Memory and time limits are important in this assignment. For each test case, score will be given as follow:

let score = match (execute test_case) with
  | Success(execution_time) -> 60.0 - execution_time
  | Fail -> 0.0
  | Timeout -> 0.0

Due date

Considering the midterm period, the due date for homework 3 is 2 weeks from today.

Due: 04. 25 (Tue.) 23:59:59 Late Due: 04. 27 (Thu.) 23:59:59 (late submission penalty).

lummsklr commented 1 year ago

I got a score but the autograder marks each function red. Is it okay? image

yeonhee-ryou commented 1 year ago

pass/fail marks have the same meaning as before: #236

lummsklr commented 1 year ago

Thank you

bonjune commented 1 year ago

What is the size of machine-word on the grader machine? The size of int depends on machine-word size in OCaml. And it can be useful to know this to implement the HW.

KihongHeo commented 1 year ago

maybe ?

yeonhee-ryou commented 1 year ago

Note that we limit the maximum of the input upperbound to 2^16 (=65536).

Doe it means ./rsa keygen 65536 and dec, enc should pass? Or the maximum value of the upperbound is 65535?

The maximum input value of the ub parameter of keygen. (+ You may infer the upper bounds of other inputs of dec and enc)

gayeun4195 commented 1 year ago

Is there any general rule for generating e and d in keygen? p, q is described as biggest two prime numbers same with or smaller than ub. However, I think there can exist various e and d even if p and q is fixed.

jinho-choi123 commented 1 year ago

I think we have to choose the smallest e to get the correct answer