For me, [Fuzzer] means [realistic style. Mine clearer running at the field, exploding mines.].
Long Description (up to 3 sentences)
Mine clearer(fuzzer) runs across the field, and finds mines by exploding it. If the mine explodes when it passes, it means there was a mine(bug)! If mine clearer doesn’t cover the whole field perfectly, mine will be kept hidden until someone steps on it(program crash).
Name: Choi, Jinho
Short Description
For me, [Fuzzer] means [realistic style. Mine clearer running at the field, exploding mines.].
Long Description (up to 3 sentences)
Mine clearer(fuzzer) runs across the field, and finds mines by exploding it. If the mine explodes when it passes, it means there was a mine(bug)! If mine clearer doesn’t cover the whole field perfectly, mine will be kept hidden until someone steps on it(program crash).