protanki-re / utils

A bunch of utilities for ProTanki.
MIT License
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ProTanki Utilities

A bunch of utilities for ProTanki.


PowerShell script that patches library.swf ( to use game and resource server configuration from Prelauncher.swf.
Requires JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler to be installed.
The minimum supported game version is library-20220501-221826.

Argument Type Description Default value
InputFile string Game SWF to patch
OutputFile string Patched SWF file
FFDec string Path to ffdec.jar file C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec.jar

Example usage (PowerShell):

./Patch-Library-LegacySocket -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf'

# Use custom ffdec.jar
./Patch-Library-LegacySocket -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -FFDec 'ffdec.jar'


PowerShell script that patches Prelauncher.swf ( to use custom loader, game library, game and resource server configuration.
Requires JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler to be installed.

Argument Type Description Default value
InputFile string Prelauncher SWF to patch
OutputFile string Patched SWF file
FFDec string Path to ffdec.jar file C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec.jar
ConfigFile string? Path / URL to the configuration file socket.cfg

Example configuration file:

  "ip": "",
  "port": 1337,
  "loader": "Loader.swf",
  "library": "library.swf",
  "resources": ""

Example usage (PowerShell):

# Default configuration file (socket.cfg)
./Patch-Prelauncher-Local -InputFile 'Prelauncher-original.swf' -OutputFile 'Prelauncher.swf'

# Local configuration file
./Patch-Prelauncher-Local -InputFile 'Prelauncher-original.swf' -OutputFile 'Prelauncher.swf' -ConfigFile 'my-config.json'

# Configuration file on the remote server
./Patch-Prelauncher-Local -InputFile 'Prelauncher-original.swf' -OutputFile 'Prelauncher.swf' -ConfigFile ''

# Use custom ffdec.jar
./Patch-Prelauncher-Local -InputFile 'Prelauncher-original.swf' -OutputFile 'Prelauncher.swf' -FFDec 'ffdec.jar'


PowerShell script that patches library.swf ( to log network packets into a file.
Requires JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler to be installed.

Argument Type Description Default value
InputFile string Game SWF to patch
OutputFile string Patched SWF file
FFDec string Path to ffdec.jar file C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec.jar
LogFile string Path to log file (in the Desktop directory) packets.txt

Example usage (PowerShell):

./Patch-Library-PacketLog -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf'

# Custom log file
./Patch-Library-PacketLog -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -LogFile 'commands.txt'

# Use custom ffdec.jar
./Patch-Library-PacketLog -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -FFDec 'ffdec.jar'


PowerShell script that patches library.swf ( to use custom game and/or resource server.
Requires JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler to be installed.
The minimum supported game version is library-20220501-221826.

Argument Type Description Default value
InputFile string Game SWF to patch
OutputFile string Patched SWF file
FFDec string Path to ffdec.jar file C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec.jar
GameServer string? Game server endpoint in IP:port format (e.g.
ResourceServer string? Resource server URL (e.g.

Example usage (PowerShell):

# Change game server
./Patch-Library-Socket -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -GameServer ''

# Change resource server
./Patch-Library-Socket -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -ResourceServer ''

# Change both game and resource server
./Patch-Library-Socket -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -GameServer '' -ResourceServer ''

# Use custom ffdec.jar
./Patch-Library-Socket -InputFile 'library-original.swf' -OutputFile 'library.swf' -FFDec 'ffdec.jar' -GameServer ''


Patch (manual applying via JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler) to log incoming and outgoing game packets.
Log file is located at $Desktop/packets.txt.


Converts battle join packets to the server map file (data/maps/$name/$theme.json).

Input format:


Alternative input format:


Example usage (PowerShell):

Get-Content battle.txt | node ./packet2map.js | Set-Content map.json


Extracts resource and battle model init packets from dump.

Example usage (PowerShell):

Get-Content battle.txt | node ./strip-packets.js | node ./packet2map.js | Set-Content map.json