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[Blog] RFP-011 award announcement, Apostolaki & Rexford - Tango #647

Closed KarolaKirsanow closed 1 year ago

KarolaKirsanow commented 1 year ago

Blog post topic: announcing the RFP-011 award to the Apostolaki/rexford group

Author(s): @KarolaKirsanow

Link to draft text:

Desired publication date (approximate): 11 December 2022

Project Abstract: In their unrelenting quest for lower latency, cloud providers are deploying servers closer to their customers and enterprises are adopting paid Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) offerings with performance guarantees. Unfortunately, these trends contribute to greater industry consolidation, benefiting larger companies and well-served regions while leaving little room for smaller cloud providers and enterprises to flourish. Instead, we argue that the public Internet could offer good enough performance if only edge networks could control wide-area routing. More concretely, we envision an incrementally deployable system, namely Tango, that allows individual pairs of edge networks (e.g., access, enterprise, and data-center networks) to optimize Internet paths between them without collaboration from the Intenet core. Tango relies on the cooperation between the two edge networks to expose more wide-area paths, and achieve accurate and trustworthy monitoring. While a single cooperative pair of Tango edge networks is already beneficial, it barely scratches the surface of what is possible with a Tango overlay i.e., a set of edge-network PoPs (hardware and/or software) that collaboratively optimize paths between them. If successful our proposal will allow edge networks to make the most out of the public Internet, effectively fighting the industry consolidation and the associated privacy, financial, and political risks.