protocol / research-website

PL Research website
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This repository contains the source code for the Protocol Labs Research website, available at



The easiest way to a working set-up is to follow the installation instructions for Homebrew, and then run brew install yarn node hugo.


Use yarn serve to launch a dynamic (real-time) local preview (defaults to localhost:1313). This greatly helps when preparing larger PRs.


We use fleek to automate builds and deployment for the website. A site preview is pinned to IPFS for every PR. It shows up as a status check at the bottom of the PR. Click the "show all checks", link and then the the "Details" link under fleek/build.

Note the internal link check action too: if it triggers, it's likely that you used a full URL ( where you should have used the path from the website root instead (/page/subpage). This is so that users can access the website over a gateway of their choice or directly over IPFS, even if they cannot resolve our DNS name. In some cases, particularly minisites that aren't built by Hugo, this might be intentional -- ignore the warning at your own peril.

When the master branch changes, typically after a PR is merged, the live site will update automatically (once fleek builds and the DNS record propagates, which usually takes a few minutes).


Adding content

If you would like to add content to the website, please read the guidelines specific to the content type (below). If you are familiar with Hugo, feel free to submit a PR (follow the DIY instructions under each content type or use hugo new).


If you're doing research work at PL (which doesn't require your job title to be Research Scientist!) and wish to be listed on the website, please contact us and include the following information:

While we recommend including all of the above information, the only required information is a name or pseudonym -- preferably the name under which you plan to publish your work, taking into account publisher policies. Your profile will be linked to your publications, talks, and blog posts.

Content Attribution

The PL Research Website's content attribution practices are modeled after the conventions of the academic research community, with the aim of facilitating broader dissemination of PL research. There are a few aspects of research culture to keep in mind when setting up your web presence and preparing content for posting to the website:



We index publications that meet the following criteria:

Publications don't need to be peer reviewed. We normally prefer publications to be available elsewhere (e.g. arXiv) but this is not a requirement. Please send us a link to the original source and/or the PDF file and relevant metadata (title, authors, venue, publication date).

In the case of preprints that eventually got accepted to a conference/journal, we'll update the metadata to match the publication but will only make the preprint copy available on our site. This does not apply if the venue is fully (green) open access, in which case we'll replace the preprint with the published version.

It is now possible to also list your non-PL publications. These will show up in your personal profile but not on the global/area/group listings. To do so, just set the unaffiliated flag.



We index talks that:

Talks will be uploaded to Youtube for embedding on the website. If the talk is already available online, you may also link to it.


Blog post

Everyone, regardless of their team affiliation or their role, is welcome to write a post for the Research blog. The blog post should have some connection to research and be of interest to (at least a part of) our target audience. It can be about your work a PL, an idea you had, or a project you work on during weekends

We try to keep the publication process agile and grant considerable freedom to authors in terms of content and style (but see below for general recommendations). We do, nevertheless, edit blog posts to better fit the website.

If there are multiple authors, present them sorted by last name.

Note: Posts pertaining to events and other time-specific content are eligible as new content for six weeks after the conclusion of the event, after which point they should be retro-dated to the date of the event.


Style guide