noise:data was created to serve audio generation as much as the visual generation Each module sends OSC on its own way visualized graphicly in a minimal esthetic
Duplicate "Module" class to create another module.
Each module send a OSC message. There are two types of messages : bangs and waves. A trigger is a value switching from zero to one. It's an integer value. A wave is a continuous signal ranging from zero to one. It's a float value.
lfo's can't be controlled (for now) Each line module send a continuous signal. The OSC messages are :
A ball bounces on every side of the module when the ball collides with one of those side a bang message is sent (1 or true)
The node module is a central point surrounded by other points Each of those point are linked to the central point and they all send an osc value based on the distance separating them from the central point By default you can controll the central point position manually but other options are available
Can be activated on with m key on the keyboard Manual mode move the mouse
Can be activated on with l key on the keyboard the pointer moves following a lissajous curve
With left/right/up/down arrows you can controll the phases of the curve
Can be activated on with n key on the keyboard the pointer moves based on a perlin noise
In term of osc sent this module is close to the ball module Each circle has a "point" rotating on the circle, when the point reaches the little dot it sends a bang (1) through OSC
As mentioned above you can create your own scenes, It can be really useful to create a music or live structure
By default there are 7 scenes declared, you can access each of them with the numpad keys (1 to 7)
Launch noise:data Launch Ableton Add a midi track (right clic Insert MIDI track) Select the midi track You will need to download the Ableton Connection Kit Once you've unzip all the files go to OSC TouchOSC Drag and drop on your midi track the OSC TouchOSC.amxd file the module should appear Add a instrument on the midi track
On OSC TouchOSC module : Change the port number to 7777 Click on Learn on the OSC TouchOSC Some osc msg should be received (ex : /POT ) unclick the learn button after that Click on map on the same line you've "learned" and select a knob you would like to modify on the instrument (the pan for example) The knob values should automaticly adapt to the osc message You're DONE :)
We've setup a demo file to show how noise:data can be interfaced with ableton Download this project file