protohaven / protohaven_api

API system for protohaven
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API system for protohaven


This project contains a CLI and a web server for handling the various software needs of Protohaven.



This module has several config files:


This repo uses pre-commit to autoformat and lint code. Ensure it's set up by following the instructions at

Note: you must activate the virtualenv for pylint to properly run on pre-commit. This is because it does dynamic checking of modules and needs those modules to be loaded or else it raises module import errors.

Running server locally

# Set up the environment
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

# Run the server (in dev mode)
# Be sure to download the mock_data.pkl file and place it in the root of the repository dir
# mock_data.pkl is found at
LOG_LEVEL=debug CORS=true UNSAFE_NO_RBAC=true PH_SERVER_MODE=dev flask --app protohaven_api.main run

# In prod mode:
LOG_LEVEL=debug CORS=true UNSAFE_NO_RBAC=true PH_SERVER_MODE=prod flask --app protohaven_api.main run

In either mode, the server is available at http://localhost:5000.

Running the CLI

# Set up the environment
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

# Run the command
python3 -m protohaven_api.cli project_requests

Running tests and full lint

These commands are close copies of the ones run by GitHub workflows as pre-submission checks

Unit tests:

python -m pytest -v

Browser component tests:

cd svelte
npx cypress run --component

Linter check, all files:

pylint -rn -sn --generated-members=client.tasks,client.projects $(git ls-files '*.py') --disable=logging-fstring-interpolation,import-error

Server installation

Set server to EST; otherwise some date math will break

sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York

Install venv if you're running via Cronicle, otherwise the docker container will include all deps

sudo apt install python3.10-venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Create the static build file destination for frontend assets

mkdir -p protohaven_api/static/svelte

Then follow the steps at "Pushing updates" below.

Pushing updates

cd ~/staging_protohaven_api
git status

Make a note of the branch name, in case of rollback. If changes to .env.secret were made, move the old config to a separate name and scp the new one over into its place.

git fetch --all
git checkout <release_name>

Next, build the static pages. Due to resource limits on the server, it's best to build on the dev machine and scp them to the server:

source venv/bin/activate
cd svelte
npm run build
cp -r ./build ../protohaven_api/static/svelte

Run this on the server to blow away existing build files - double check that this is the staging instance first!

rm -r ./protohaven_api/static/svelte/*

And push the new files to the static svelte directory.

scp -r build <USER>@<ADDRESS>:/home/<USER>/staging_protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/

Finally, restart the service and check its status

sudo systemctl restart staging_protohaven_api.service
sudo systemctl status staging_protohaven_api.service

Follow the QA check steps (testing with https://staging.protohaven.api), then turn the staging instance off again to conserve on host RAM:

sudo systemctl stop staging_protohaven_api.service

When staging is observed to work properly, do the same for prod (just remove all references to staging_ in the above instructions). The SCP command can be replaced with

rm -r ~/protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/* && \
cp -r ~/staging_protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/* ~/protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/

Wordpress plugins

Our main page uses custom plugins located in the wordpress/ directory. These were built following the first block tutorial.

To develop on them, open a local instance of wordpress:

cd wordpress/
docker compose up

Then run the builder in a separate terminal:

cd wordpress/protohaven-class-ticker
npm run start

When it's time to deploy, run

cd wordpress/protohaven-class-ticker
npm run plugin-zip

Then switch in the new plugin:

  1. deactivate and uninstall the old plugin (via the plugins page on the server)
  2. Use the Upload Plugin button on the Add Plugins page on the server to upload the .zip file created with npm run plugin-zip.
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Confirm everything looks as expected

Common Actions

Maintenance tasks

Maintenance tasks are hosted in Airtable (See 'Tools & Equipment' base, 'Recurring Tasks' sheet). When tasks come due, they are transfered to the 'Shop & Maintenance Tasks' asana project.

The following command picks up to three tasks that are due to be scheduled and schedules them in Asana, then generates a post to Discord's #techs-live channel announcing the new tasks plus the three oldest tasks.

PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli gen_maintenance_tasks > comms.yaml

Forwarding project requests

Project requests are submitted by members and non-members via the Asana form:

These should be forwarded daily to the #help-wanted channel on discord, and can be done automatically via this command:

PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli project_requests  --notify

Managing classes

Class emails will need to be triggered daily. This sends reminders to instructors to check for class materials, reminds both instructors and students when a class is happening, sends post-class feedback requests, and notifies when classes are canceled due to low attendance.

Do so via the following command:

LOGLEVEL=info PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli gen_class_emails > comms.yaml

You can then inspect comms.yaml to ensure that everything is in order, before sending the comms:

PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli send_comms --path=comms.yaml

When classes are canceled, run the following command to remove them from the events page and prevent additional signups:

PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli cancel_classes --id=<id1> --id=<id2>

QA check

See docs/