API system for protohaven
This project contains a CLI and a web server for handling the various software needs of Protohaven.
This module has several config files:
- default values to pass into config.yaml
- secret values which touch production and must not be checked in - you can request a copy from other Protohaven devs.config.yaml
- provides structure and includes non-secret config infocredentials.json
- google session credentials for accessing sheets & calendar - you can request a copy from other Protohaven devs.This repo uses pre-commit to autoformat and lint code. Ensure it's set up by following the instructions at https://pre-commit.com/#installation.
Note: you must activate the virtualenv for pylint to properly run on pre-commit. This is because it does dynamic checking of modules and needs those modules to be loaded or else it raises module import errors.
# Set up the environment
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
# Run the server (in dev mode)
# Be sure to download the mock_data.pkl file and place it in the root of the repository dir
# mock_data.pkl is found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_Fd0BoAkPqNjPmHUsWW27YXN7XFqZI20/view
LOG_LEVEL=debug CORS=true UNSAFE_NO_RBAC=true PH_SERVER_MODE=dev flask --app protohaven_api.main run
# In prod mode:
LOG_LEVEL=debug CORS=true UNSAFE_NO_RBAC=true PH_SERVER_MODE=prod flask --app protohaven_api.main run
In either mode, the server is available at http://localhost:5000.
# Set up the environment
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
# Run the command
python3 -m protohaven_api.cli project_requests
Unit tests:
python -m pytest -v
Browser component tests:
cd svelte
npx cypress run --component
Linter check, all files:
pylint -rn -sn --generated-members=client.tasks,client.projects $(git ls-files '*.py') --disable=logging-fstring-interpolation,import-error
Set server to EST; otherwise some date math will break
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
Install venv if you're running via Cronicle, otherwise the docker container will include all deps
sudo apt install python3.10-venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Create the static build file destination for frontend assets
mkdir -p protohaven_api/static/svelte
Then follow the steps at "Pushing updates" below.
cd ~/staging_protohaven_api
git status
Make a note of the branch name, in case of rollback. If changes to .env.secret
were made, move the old config to a separate name and scp
the new one over into its place.
git fetch --all
git checkout <release_name>
Next, build the static pages. Due to resource limits on the server, it's best to build on the dev machine and scp
them to the server:
source venv/bin/activate
cd svelte
npm run build
cp -r ./build ../protohaven_api/static/svelte
Run this on the server to blow away existing build files - double check that this is the staging instance first!
rm -r ./protohaven_api/static/svelte/*
And push the new files to the static svelte directory.
scp -r build <USER>@<ADDRESS>:/home/<USER>/staging_protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/
Finally, restart the service and check its status
sudo systemctl restart staging_protohaven_api.service
sudo systemctl status staging_protohaven_api.service
Follow the QA check steps (testing with https://staging.protohaven.api), then turn the staging instance off again to conserve on host RAM:
sudo systemctl stop staging_protohaven_api.service
When staging is observed to work properly, do the same for prod (just remove all references to staging_
in the above instructions). The SCP command can be replaced with
rm -r ~/protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/* && \
cp -r ~/staging_protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/* ~/protohaven_api/protohaven_api/static/svelte/
Our main page https://protohaven.org uses custom plugins located in the wordpress/ directory. These were built following the first block tutorial.
To develop on them, open a local instance of wordpress:
cd wordpress/
docker compose up
Then run the builder in a separate terminal:
cd wordpress/protohaven-class-ticker
npm run start
When it's time to deploy, run
cd wordpress/protohaven-class-ticker
npm run plugin-zip
Then switch in the new plugin:
npm run plugin-zip
.Maintenance tasks are hosted in Airtable (See 'Tools & Equipment' base, 'Recurring Tasks' sheet). When tasks come due, they are transfered to the 'Shop & Maintenance Tasks' asana project.
The following command picks up to three tasks that are due to be scheduled and schedules them in Asana, then generates a post to Discord's #techs-live channel announcing the new tasks plus the three oldest tasks.
PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli gen_maintenance_tasks > comms.yaml
Project requests are submitted by members and non-members via the Asana form: https://app.asana.com/0/1204107875202537/1204159014519513
These should be forwarded daily to the #help-wanted channel on discord, and can be done automatically via this command:
PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli project_requests --notify
Class emails will need to be triggered daily. This sends reminders to instructors to check for class materials, reminds both instructors and students when a class is happening, sends post-class feedback requests, and notifies when classes are canceled due to low attendance.
Do so via the following command:
LOGLEVEL=info PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli gen_class_emails > comms.yaml
You can then inspect comms.yaml
to ensure that everything is in order, before sending the comms:
PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli send_comms --path=comms.yaml
When classes are canceled, run the following command to remove them from the events page and prevent additional signups:
PH_SERVER_MODE=prod python3 -m protohaven_api.cli cancel_classes --id=<id1> --id=<id2>
See docs/qa.md