pruiz / WkHtmlToXSharp

C# wrapper wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excelent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf library.
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One file from multiple strings #14

Closed zaaku closed 11 years ago

zaaku commented 11 years ago

Hello. I have list of strings . Each of them contains html. I want to merge them into one PDF. Could u provide me the best way for doing it ?

dambrisco commented 11 years ago

If you want to use multiple pages, WkHtmlToXSharp doesn't appear to currently support that capability at this time. The wkhtmltopdf executable, provided on the Google code project page, can do this, however, so you may want to look into using that (or extending WkHtmlToXSharp, of course).

zaaku commented 11 years ago

Thank you. In the end i done it by combinig html bodies to one and adding at the end of each "div" with "page-break-after: always" style.