pruiz / WkHtmlToXSharp

C# wrapper wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excelent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf library.
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This is a C# wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excellent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf.

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The embedded wkhtmltopdf project project requires Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) to be installed on the machine at runtime. You can grab it here from the Microsoft website.


I've been using it in production since Q4/2010, and it has worked fine so far, so we might say it's almost 'production ready'..

The way I'm using the component is from a back office windows service which handles html->pdf conversion as part of some workflows initiated by users from a web application, so, the web application does not directly call WkHtmlToXSharp, but instead sends a message thru NServiceBus to an independent service which handles (among other tasks) generation of a PDF from Html, a Pdf document which it's later made available to our user thru the web application..

As I said, it is working quite nicely, however, I think I should advise you about the current limitations of the API:

As a final note, I should note that when using this component there's no need to download nor install wkhtmltox.dll, as native .dll/.so files needed are embedded into WkHtmlToXSharp.dll and they are deployed automatically the first time a conversion is performed.

This makes the dll bigger (even if native dll's are embedded as gzipped resources), but this makes things much more fun & easier.. ;) As the embedded dll is written to disk, your project will need write permissions to the directory it's installed in.