prz3m / kind2anki
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A simple Anki add-on which imports words from Kindle's Vocabulary Builder. It translates words to chosen language using Google Translate (through TextBlob library).

Note: Google Translate can improve its anti-abuse mechanisms in any moment, making this add-on useless. Sorry for that.


Extract files to ~/Anki/addons and restart Anki or go to and follow instructions in Download section.


  1. Go to Tools -> kind2anki


  2. In a "kind2anki" window:

    kind2anki window

    • choose a deck to which you wish add words (you can create new one)
    • specify behaviour in case of duplicates
    • check "Include usage example" if you want to have a sentence with the word included in your flashcard
    • uncheck "Translate words" if you wish to import words without translating them
    • specify target language. You can select from a list or enter appropriate code (you can check language codes here:
    • change the number of days in "Import words not older than..." if you wish. The default numer is the number of days since last run of the add-on.
  3. Click Import

  4. Select a vocab.db file from your Kindle. In Linux, it should be in /media/username/Kindle/system/vocabulary. In Windows, find a letter assigned to your Kindle and enter system\vocabulary after it manually in the address bar (system folder is not visible), e.g. D:\system\vocabulary

    Select DB

  5. Click Open and wait. Translating words can take several minutes (so be patient and don't restart Anki).

  6. When importing is completed, summary will appear. That's all!


(sorry for outdated screenshots)


This add-on uses Google Translate as a translating engine. Some translations will be unsatisfactory and you will have to manually correct them.