ps2homebrew / OPL-Launcher

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OPL-Launcher reads hdd0:/__common/OPL/conf_hdd.cfg to launch $OPL/OPNPS2LD.ELF.

You can inject OPL-Launcher into APA using, i.e. HDL Dump:

hdl_dump.exe modify_header hdd<Disk Number>: <PP. Partition with PS2 game>

To do so, You must also prepare few files for the injection process:

  1. Signed executable which You can make by this application
        kelftool encrypt mbr OPL-Launcher.elf boot.kelf
  1. system.cnf file that contains:
        BOOT2 = PATINFO
        VER = 1.00
        VMODE = NTSC
  1. Standard PS2 game icon. Just take one from game save and rename it to list.ico.

  2. icon.sys file, which is not binary like in Memory Card case but fully text one. Example file, title0 replaced by game name, title1 replaced by Game ID and region (information from

        title1=SCUS-97113 (NTSC-U)
  1. You can use a combination of 2 partitions: <PP. Partition with PS2 game resources> and <__. Partition with PS2 game>. Partition names should only differ in the first two characters. This will add compatibility with BB Navigator / PSX DESR XMB users. <PP. Partition with PS2 game resources> will contain game resources, <__. Partition with PS2 game> is the game in HDL format.
Detailed guide for installing on PSX DESR / BB Navigator

1. Install the game with [HDL Dump]( by using the switch `-hide`. If you already installed the game without that switch, rename the partition and change the first three characters to `__.`. 2. Create PFS partition ``. The name should match the installed game name in the previous step, except that the first three characters should be `PP.`. 3. Prepare signed executable (for example, by [this app]( ```cmd kelftool encrypt mbr OPL-Launcher.elf boot.kelf ``` 4. Put signed executable into partition from step 2. For example, you can place it in `/EXECUTE.KELF` 5. Create text file `system.cnf`, BOOT2 should be the same path as in step 4, only replace `` with `pfs:`: ```ini BOOT2 = pfs:/EXECUTE.KELF VER = 1.00 VMODE = NTSC HDDUNITPOWER = NICHDD ``` 6. `list.ico` and `icon.sys` are the same as in the first part of this Readme. These files are not used in BB Navigator / PSX DESR XMB, but you can keep them if you plan to use HDD OSD. 7. You can now inject all files into PP. with that command: ```cmd hdl_dump.exe modify_header hdd: ``` 8. Create folder `res` in ``. This folder will contain all resources. 9. Create inside `res` folder text file `info.sys`. Example file, `title` replaced by game name, `title_id` replaced by Game ID and region (information from ) ```ini title = ICO title_id = SCUS-97113 (NTSC-U) title_sub_id = 0 release_date = developer_id = publisher_id = note = content_web = image_topviewflag = 0 image_type = 0 image_count = 1 image_viewsec = 600 copyright_viewflag = 0 copyright_imgcount = 0 genre = parental_lock = 1 effective_date = 0 expire_date = 0 area = J violence_flag = 0 content_type = 255 content_subtype = 0 ``` 10. Place `jkt_001.png` and `jkt_002.png` in `res` folder. These two pictures will be used as mini-thumbnails for the game. It can be the same picture as used in OPL art. `jkt_001.png` used in BB Navigator, `jkt_002.png` used in PSX XMB.


Modified from miniOPL/diskload, credit to sp193 & l_oliveira