psadmin-io / ps-prometheus

Configuration files for using JMX Exporter with PeopleSoft
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Prometheus for PeopleSoft

This is a repository for information on setup and configuration of using Prometheus with PeopleSoft systems. Once configured, the JMX Exporter will expose metrics out of PeopleSoft Tuxedo and Weblogic domains. Prometheus can scrape these metrics which can then be alerted on using Alertmanager and/or vizualized with Grafana.

This is leveraging the JMX metrics delivered by PeopleSoft for use with the PeopleSoft Health Center with a javaagent to expose them.

Goals are to provide curated config files to expose useful metrics with minimal setup, and to provide sample dashboards for use with Grafana.

Installing JMX Exporter

If planning to use JMX Exporter with PeopleSoft (why else are you here?), I recommend using modified version of JMX Exporter here

Choose a port number, and modify psappsrv.cfg or psprcs.cfg as shown:

JavaVM Options=-Dxdo.ConfigFile=%PS_HOME%/appserv/xdo.cfg -javaagent:/path/to/ps-jmx_exporter-0.1.jar=PORTNUM:/path/to/config.yml -Xms32m -Xmx256m

Also be sure to enable remote administration (port/user/pass is not important, exporter doesn't use it, but data not available otherwise)

Enable Remote Administration=1

Be sure to modify JavaVM Options in [PSMONITORSRV]


This has currently only been tested on PeopleTools 8.56. Later releases might have changed the MBean info. Not Production tested yet.

Original JMX Exporter is available here


Huge thanks to Nate Werner and his JMX metrics and Mike Ripley for his Javaagent experiments with PeopleSoft.