provides an implementation of the Soil Vegetation
Atmosphere Transport (SVAT) model
(Hammel & Kennel, 2001) written in Fortran. The model simulates daily
transpiration, interception, soil and snow evaporation, streamflow and
soil water fluxes through a soil profile covered with vegetation. A set
of high-level functions for model set up, execution and parallelization
provide easy access to plot-level SVAT simulations, as well as multi-run
and large-scale applications.
You can install the released version of LWFBrook90R from CRAN with:
and the development version can be installed from
Github using the
package remotes
remotes::install_github(repo="pschmidtwalter/LWFBrook90R", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Below is basic example. For more complex examples take a look at the
packages vignettes with browseVignettes("LWFBrook90R")
The main function run_LWFB90()
creates the model input from model
control options, parameters, climate and soil data and returns the
simulation results.
# load package and sample data
data(slb1_meteo, slb1_soil)
# set up default model control options and parameters
opts <- set_optionsLWFB90()
parms <- set_paramLWFB90()
# Derive soil hydraulic properties from soil physical properties
# using a pedotransfer function:
soil <- cbind(slb1_soil, hydpar_wessolek_tab(texture = slb1_soil$texture))
# run the model and capture results
lwfb90_res <- run_LWFB90(options_b90 = opts,
param_b90 = parms,
climate = slb1_meteo,
soil = soil)
Plot results
Schmidt-Walter, P., Trotsiuk, V., Meusburger, K., Zacios, M., Meesenburg, H. (2020): Advancing simulations of water fluxes, soil moisture and drought stress by using the LWF-Brook90 hydrological model in R. Agr. For. Met. 291, 108023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108023
Implementations of further methods for creating model input (e.g. leaf area dynamics, root depth density distributions, pedotransfer functions) and other improvements are highly welcome.
Paul Schmidt-Walter, Volodymyr Trotsiuk, Klaus Hammel, Martin Kennel, Tony Federer.
Tony Federer’s original Brook90 Fortran 77 code (Brook90_v3.1F, License: CC0) was enhanced by Klaus Hammel and Martin Kennel at Bavarian State Institute of Forestry (LWF) around the year
(Schmidt-Walter, 2018) package for
LWF-Brook90 input data generation, model execution and result processing
was adapted and extended to control this interface function.GPL-3 for all Fortran and R code. brook90r
has GPL-3, while
LWF-Brook90 was without license until recently. Lothar Zimmermann and
Stephan Raspe (LWF), and all previous Fortran contributors agreed to
assign GPL-3 to the Fortran code.
Federer C.A. (2002): BROOK 90: A simulation model for evaporation, soil water, and streamflow. http://www.ecoshift.net/brook/brook90.htm
Federer C.A., Vörösmarty, C., Fekete, B. (2003): Sensitivity of Annual Evaporation to Soil and Root Properties in Two Models of Contrasting Complexity. J. Hydrometeorol. 4, 1276–1290. https://doi.org/10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004%3C1276:SOAETS%3E2.0.CO;2
Hammel, K., Kennel, M. (2001): Charakterisierung und Analyse der Wasserverfügbarkeit und des Wasserhaushalts von Waldstandorten in Bayern mit dem Simulationsmodell BROOK90. Forstliche Forschungsberichte München
Schmidt-Walter, P. (2018). brook90r: Run the LWF-BROOK90 hydrological model from within R (Version v1.0.1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1433677