pserey / SimpleTTRobot

A Realistic, Cheap, and Easy-to-Build Open Source Table Tennis Robot.
MIT License
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Simple TT Robot

Warning: This project is still in its early stages. Expect frequent updates and potential breaking changes to the codebase. The first real release will be available on the Releases page.

This open-source Table Tennis Robot project is designed to be a realistic, affordable, and easy-to-build robot for training purposes. Below, links to various sections of this repository are available.

robot robot

Table of Contents


The Simple Table Tennis Robot was a personal project that tried to create a cheap alternative to every table tennis robot out there without losing on training capabilities. Now, the difference is it's an Open Source project πŸ“

The main objective of this project is to use easy-to-find materials, electric components and microcontroller to make the building of it viable and cheap for anyone (mainly focused in the Brazilian market).

The whole design of the robot is heavily inspired in this video from the channel hiennguyenvan.


Physical/Hardware Materials

Electronic Components

Further detail of materials such as quantities will be added in a BOM format and updated at the after the first release.

Build Guide

Build guide and circuit schema will be added with the first release. For now, only build pictures are available.


CAD and documentation

The non-software components (3D CAD designs and documentation) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License. See the CAD-LICENSE file for more details.

Shield: CC BY-SA 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CC BY-SA 4.0


The software components of this project are licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.