Libxc is a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory. The aim is to provide a portable, well tested and reliable set of exchange and correlation functionals that can be used by a variety of programs.
For more information, please check the manual at
The recommended way to install the library is by using GNU Autotools.
To install the library, just use the standard procedure:
./configure --prefix=PATH/TO/LIBXC
make check
make install
If you're not using a stable release tarball, you'll first need to
generate configure
with autoreconf -i
Support for CMake has also been recently contributed by Lori Burns.
The CMake file has the following caveats
. But it has always totally passed or totally failed, which doesn't inspire confidencelibxc_docs.txt
is large, and the generation step sometimes balks on it, leading to xc_funcs.h
not found errors. Just execute again.Use the following procedure:
cmake -H. -Bobjdir
cd objdir && make
make test
make install
The build is also responsive to
See CMakeLists.txt for options details. All these build options should be passed as cmake -DOPTION
CMake builds install with LibxcConfig.cmake
, LibxcConfigVersion.cmake
, and LibxcTargets.cmake
files suitable for use with CMake find_package()
- find any xc libraries and headersfind_package(Libxc 3.0.0 EXACT CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS static)
- find Libxc exactly version 3.0.0 built with static libraries or die tryingSee cmake/ for details of how to detect the Config file and what CMake variables and targets are exported to your project.
After find_package(Libxc ...)
or if(TARGET Libxc::xc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget Libxc::xc)
target_include_directories(mytarget PRIVATE $<TARGET_PROPERTY:Libxc::xc,INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES>)
definition using target_compile_definitions(mytarget PRIVATE $<TARGET_PROPERTY:Libxc::xc,INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS>)
Optional Python bindings are available through the cytpes module. To install
into Python site-packages plese run:
python install
or, to install locally for development:
python develop
The Python bindings require the CMake compilation pathway and the Python Numerical Python library. A short usage example is provided below:
# Build functional
>>> func = pylibxc.LibXCFunctional("gga_c_pbe", "unpolarized")
# Create input
>>> inp = {}
>>> inp["rho"] = np.random.random((3))
>>> inp["sigma"] = np.random.random((3))
# Compute
>>> ret = func.compute(inp)
>>> for k, v in ret.items():
>>> print(k, v)
zk [[-0.06782171 -0.05452743 -0.04663709]]
vrho [[-0.08349967 -0.0824188 -0.08054892]]
vsigma [[ 0.00381277 0.00899967 0.01460601]]
The distribution is organized as follows
./cmake | CMake helper files |
./build | pkgconfig and Fedora spec files |
./m4 | m4 scripts used by, and libxc.m4 used by other projects linking to libxc |
./maple | the Maple source code for the functionals |
./scripts | various scripts for libxc development |
./src | source files |
./testsuite | regression tests |
The most important contents of the src directory for users are
xc.h | main header file with all external definitions |
xc_funcs.h | automatically generated file with the list of functionals |
In addition, developers will be interested in the following
util.h | header file with internal definitions |
*.f90 *.F90 xc_f.c string_f.h | Fortran 90 interface |
*.f03 *.F03 | Fortran 2003 interface |
funcs_*.c | automatically generated files with the functional definitions |
functionals.c | generic interface to simplify access to the different families |
lda.c gga.c mgga.c | interface to the different families of functionals |
special_functions.c | implementation of a series of special functions |
hybgga*.c | definition of the different hybrid GGA functionals |
hybmgga*.c | definition of the different hybrid meta-GGA functionals |
lda_*.c | definition of the different LDA functionals |
gga_*.c | definition of the different GGA functionals |
mgga_*.c | definition of the different meta-GGA functionals |
work_lda.c | code that simplifies the implementation of LDAs |
work_gga_x.c | code that simplifies the implementation of exchange GGAs |
work_gga_c.c | code that simplifies the implementation of some correlation GGAs |
work_mgga_x.c | code that simplifies the implementation of exchange meta-GGAs |
work_mgga_c.c | code that simplifies the implementation of some correlation meta-GGAs |