psychogenic / SerialUI

A Serial User Interface for embedded devices, namely Arduinos.
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SerialUI: Serial User Interface. Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Pat Deegan. All rights reserved.

SerialUI is released under the LGPL -- see LICENSE.txt for details.

SerialUI Overview

SerialUI is useful when you want to provide a user interface through the serial channel (menus, sub-menus and command execution). It provides built-in support for navigation through the menu hierarchy and online help.

With SerialUI, you can create a hierarchy of menus and submenus of arbitrary depth (limited only by ROM/RAM space).

Each menu contains a list of menu items. There are two types of SerialUI menu items:

Sub menus: lead you to another level of menu items

Commands: actually perform some type of action.

Exactly what happens when a user issues a command is determined by the callback implementations.

A few commands are built-in and don't need to be defined:

- '?': Help, which displays all the available menu keys and
        help messages, where defined.

- '..': Up, which moves up to a parent menu from a sub-menu

- 'quit': Exit the SerialUI interface (available in top level

Using SerialUI, you can create any serial user interface. Example menu hierarchy:

So, here we'd have a three-option top level menu (information, enable, settings) with two of those options leading to sub-menus.

Every "leaf" (option that doesn't lead to a sub-menu) is a command that uses a callback specified when setting up the menu item.


Here's a sample of the interaction through the serial connection (created using the code in examples/SuperBlinker):

+++ Welcome to the SuperBlinker +++
Enter '?' to list available options.
> ?
*** Help for: SuperBlinker Main Menu

    * information         Retrieve data and current settings
    + enable              Enable/disable device
    + settings            Perform setup and config

    * quit                Exit SerialUI
    * ?                   List available menu items
> settings
SuperBlinker Settings
SuperBlinker Settings> ?
*** Help for: SuperBlinker Settings

    * red                 Set color [0-255]
    * green 
    * blue 
    * deviceid            Set dev ID [string]
    * show 

    * ..                  Move up to parent menu
    * ?                   List available menu items
SuperBlinker Settings> red
..# 10
SuperBlinker Settings> green
..# 20
SuperBlinker Settings> blue
..# 42
SuperBlinker Settings> deviceid
... Yay Device!
SuperBlinker Settings> show
(Called 'show_info' from menu: SuperBlinker Settings)
ID: Yay Device!
Color--> R:10 G:20 B:42
Device is OFF
SuperBlinker Settings> ..
SuperBlinker Main Menu
> quit

See examples/SuperBlinker for a full demo/tutorial.

See INSTALL.txt for installation instructions.

Please let me know if you use SerialUI in your projects, and provide a URL if you'd like me to link to it from the SerialUI home.

Enjoy! Pat Deegan,