psyinfra / prometheus-eaton-ups-exporter

A Prometheus exporter for (some) Eaton UPSs
ISC License
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eaton prometheus prometheus-exporter

Eaton UPS Prometheus Exporter


A Prometheus exporter for Eaton UPSs. Data is collected from the REST API of the web UI of Eaton UPSs and is made available for Prometheus to scrape.

The exporter can monitor multiple UPSs.

Information Exported

Supported Devices:


UPSs to monitor and their credentials are defined in a config file. See config.json for an example.

./ [-h] [-w WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS] -c CONFIG [-k] [-t] [-v] [--login-timeout {range 2 - 10}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS, --web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        Interface and port to listen on, in the format of "ip_address:port".
                        If the IP is omitted, the exporter listens on all interfaces. (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration JSON file containing UPS addresses and login info (default: None)
  -k, --insecure        Allow the exporter to connect to UPSs with self-signed SSL certificates (default: False)
  -t, --threading       Whether to use multi-threading for scraping (faster) (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose (default: False)
  --login-timeout {range 2 - 10}
                        The login timeout for the UPSs in seconds (default: 3)




git clone
cd prometheus-eaton-ups-exporter
pip install -r requirements.txt


Install requirements with

pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Runt tests with

pytest tests
