This proof of concept shows the principal functionality for using vtk inside the psyplot visualization framework. We use the functionality of psyplot and combine it with the wonderful vtk interface by pyvista [1].
You can run some example use cases interactively on |binder|
.. note::
This package is in the development mode and it will take several months
until it is ready for general usage. But we are looking for contributions
and/or feedback. Just raise a new issue or post your comment in
.. pyvista: .. #1:
.. |binder| image:: :target:
As stated above, you can run the latest version of this code from mybinder. If
you, however, want to install this work in progress on your local computer,
we recommend to use conda for it with the provided environment.yml
_ file.
Clone the repository from github::
git clone
cd psy-vtk
and create the conda environment::
conda env create -f binder/environment.yml
conda activate psy-vtk
Now install the package with the -e
flag if you want it as a development
pip install -e .
If you want to run the notebooks in the examples_ directory, you should also install jupyter and panel via::
conda install jupyter
and then you can run the notebook server via::
PYVISTA_USE_PANEL=true jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=examples
.. _environment.yml: environment.yml .. _examples: examples
As a simple demo: Consider the following basic example (also accessible
as a notebook the examples/example_basic.ipynb
_ notebook and on
binder <>
.. code:: ipython3
import psyplot.project as psy
import psy_vtk.plotters as pvtk
ds = psy.open_dataset('')
.. parsed-literal::
Dimensions: (lat: 96, lev: 4, lon: 192, time: 5)
* lon (lon) float64 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 7.5 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1
* lat (lat) float64 88.57 86.72 84.86 83.0 ... -83.0 -84.86 -86.72 -88.57
* lev (lev) float64 1e+05 8.5e+04 5e+04 2e+04
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 1979-01-31T18:00:00 ... 1979-05-31T18:00:00
Data variables:
t2m (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
u (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
v (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
CDI: Climate Data Interface version 1.6.8 (
Conventions: CF-1.4
history: Mon Aug 17 22:51:40 2015: cdo -r copy test-...
title: Test file
CDO: Climate Data Operators version 1.6.8rc2 (http://mpimet.mpg....
.. code:: ipython3
data = ds.psy.t2m[0, 0]
.. code:: ipython3
globe_plot = pvtk.GlobePlotter(data)
disp =
.. image:: readme_files/example_basic_5_0.png
.. code:: ipython3
globe_plot.update(datagrid=True, cmap='viridis')
.. image:: readme_files/example_basic_6_0.png
.. _examples/example_basic.ipynb: examples/example_basic.ipynb
.. [1] Sullivan et al., (2019). PyVista: 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). Journal of Open Source Software, 4(37), 1450,