pthom / imgui_bundle

Dear ImGui Bundle: an extensive set of Ready-to-use widgets and libraries, based on ImGui. Start your first app in 5 lines of code, or less. Whether you prefer Python or C++, this pack has your back!
MIT License
666 stars 66 forks source link
cpp creative-coding imgui immediate-gui jupyter-notebook python3 research-and-development

= Dear ImGui Bundle :toc: left :source-highlighter: pygments :docinfo: shared

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[caption=] .CI status [cols="4*"] |=== |OpenGL renderer|Python bindings|Alternative renderers|Mobile

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|link:[image:{url-bundle}/workflows/Metal/badge.svg[]][image:{url-bundle}/workflows/DirectX/badge.svg[]] link:[image:{url-bundle}/workflows/Vulkan/badge.svg[]]

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[.text-center] link:{url-demo-imgui-bundle}[image:{url-logo}["abc", 150]] [.text-center]

Click the bird for + the interactive manual!

Dear ImGui Bundle: an extensive set of ready-to-use widgets and libraries, based on ImGui. Start your first app in 5 lines of code, or less.

Whether you prefer Python or {cpp}, this pack has you covered, with the same ease in both languages.

{btn-sources} {btn-doc} {btn-interactive-manual}

Key Features

For a detailed look at each feature and more information, explore the sections listed in the Table of Contents.

Example code

A hello world example with Dear ImGui Bundle


For Python developers [source, python]

from imgui_bundle import imgui, immapp imgui.text("Hello, world!"))

For {cpp} developers [source, cpp]

include "immapp/immapp.h"

include "imgui.h"

int main() { ImmApp::Run([] { ImGui::Text("Hello, world!"); }); }

Interactive Manual

Click on the animated demonstration below to launch the fully interactive manual.

.Dear ImGui Bundle interactive manual [#truc,link={url-demo-imgui-bundle}] image::[Demo, 700]

[[introduction]] == What's in the pack?

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// :url-demo-images: doc_images/

Dear ImGui Bundle includes the following libraries, which are available in {cpp} and in Python:

[cols="30,30" grid=none frame=none width=75%] |=== |[Dear ImGui] : Bloat-free Graphical User interface with minimal dependencies |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_imgui.jpg[width=200]

|[ImGui Test Engine]: Dear ImGui Tests & Automation Engine |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_testengine.jpg[width=200]

|[Hello ImGui]: cross-platform Gui apps with the simplicity of a "Hello World" app |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_docking.jpg[width=200] image:{url-demo-images}/demo_custom_background.jpg[width=200]

|[ImPlot]: Immediate Mode Plotting |image:{url-demo-images}/battery_implot.jpg[width=200]

|[ImGuizmo]: Immediate mode 3D gizmo for scene editing and other controls based on Dear ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_gizmo.jpg[width=200]

|[ImGuiColorTextEdit]: Colorizing text editor for ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_editor.jpg[width=200]

|[imgui-node-editor]: Node Editor built using Dear ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_node_editor.jpg[width=200]

|[imgui_md]: Markdown renderer for Dear ImGui using MD4C parser |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_md.jpg[width=200]

|[ImmVision]: Immediate image debugger and insights |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_immvision_process_1.jpg[width=200] image:{url-demo-images}/demo_immvision_process_2.jpg[width=200]

|[NanoVG]: Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations |image:{url-demo-images}/nanovg_full_demo.jpg[width=200]

|[imgui_tex_inspect]: A texture inspector tool for Dear ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_imgui_tex_inspector.jpg[width=200]

|[ImFileDialog]: A file dialog library for Dear ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_imfiledialog.jpg[width=200]

|[portable-file-dialogs] OS native file dialogs library ({cpp}11, single-header) |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_portablefiledialogs.jpg[width=200]

|[imgui-knobs]: Knobs widgets for ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_knobs.jpg[width=200]

|[imspinner]: Set of nice spinners for imgui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_spinners.jpg[width=200]

|[imgui_toggle]: A toggle switch widget for Dear ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_toggle.jpg[width=200]

|[ImCoolBar]: A Cool bar for Dear ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_coolbar.jpg[width=200]

|[imgui-command-palette]: A Sublime Text or VSCode style command palette in ImGui |image:{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_command_palette.jpg[width=200]


A big thank you to their authors for their awesome work!

[[install_python]] == Install for Python

:doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python:




// :url-demo-images: doc_images/

=== Install from pypi

[source, bash]

pip install imgui-bundle # <1> pip install opencv-python # <2> pip install pyGLM # <3>

<1> imgui_bundle: Binary wheels are available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. If a compilation from source is needed, the build process might take up to 5 minutes, and will require an internet connection. <2> OpenCV: in order to run the immvision module, install opencv-python. The alternative OpenCV versions, such as opencv-python-headless (headless) opencv-contrib-python (with extra modules) also work. <3> pyGLM: in order to run the demo, install pyGLM *Platform notes* * _Windows_: Under windows, you might need to install[msvc redist]. * _macOS_ : under macOS, if a binary wheel is not available (e.g. for older macOS versions), pip will try to compile from source. This might fail if you do not have XCode installed. In this case, install imgui-bundle with the following command `SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0 pip install --only-binary=:all: imgui_bundle` === Install from source [source, bash] ---- git clone cd imgui_bundle git submodule update --init --recursive # <1> pip install -v . # <2> pip install opencv-python pip install pyGLM ---- <1> Since there are lots of submodules, this might take a few minutes <2> The build process might take up to 5 minutes === Run the python demo Simply run `demo_imgui_bundle`. The source for the demos can be found inside link:{url-bindings-bundle}/demos_python[bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python]. TIP: Consider `demo_imgui_bundle` as an always available manual for Dear ImGui Bundle with lots of examples and related code source. [[install_cpp]] == Install for {cpp} :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Integrate Dear ImGui Bundle in your own project in 5 minutes The easiest way to use Dear ImGui Bundle in an external project is to use the template available at link:[]. This template includes everything you need to set up your own project. === Build from source If you choose to clone this repo, follow these instructions: [source, bash] ---- git clone cd imgui_bundle git submodule update --init --recursive # <1> mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DIMMVISION_FETCH_OPENCV=ON # <2> make -j ---- <1> Since there are lots of submodules, this might take a few minutes <2> The flag `-DIMMVISION_FETCH_OPENCV=ON` is optional. If set, a minimal version of OpenCV will be downloaded a compiled at this stage (this might require a few minutes) **** The `immvision` module will only be built if OpenCV can be found. Otherwise, it will be ignored, and no error will be emitted. If you have an existing OpenCV install, set its path via: [source, bash] ---- cmake .. -DOpenCV_DIR=/.../path/to/OpenCVConfig.cmake ---- **** === Run the {cpp} demo If you built ImGuiBundle from source, Simply run `build/bin/demo_imgui_bundle`. The source for the demos can be found inside link:{url-bindings-bundle}/demos_cpp/[bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_cpp]. TIP: Consider `demo_imgui_bundle` as a manual with lots of examples and related code source. It is always {url-demo-imgui-bundle}[available online] [[quickstart]] == Quick Start & Examples :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ First, install Dear ImGui Bundle following the <>. Then study the examples below. :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Hello, World in Python .Hello World image::{url-demo-images}/demo_hello.jpg[] link:[Run this demo in your browser] link:{url-bindings-bundle}/demos_python/demos_immapp/[] [source,python] ---- from imgui_bundle import imgui, immapp def gui(): imgui.text("Hello, world!") gui_function=gui, # The Gui function to run window_title="Hello!", # the window title window_size_auto=True, # Auto size the application window given its widgets # Uncomment the next line to restore window position and size from previous run # window_restore_previous_geometry==True ) ---- :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Hello, World in {cpp} .Hello World image::{url-demo-images}/demo_hello.jpg[] link:[Run this demo in your browser] _link:{url-bindings-bundle}/demos_cpp/demos_immapp/demo_hello_world.cpp[demo_hello_world.cpp]_ [source,cpp] ---- #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "imgui.h" void Gui() { ImGui::Text("Hello, world!"); } int main(int, char **) { ImmApp::Run( Gui, "Hello!", true // window_size_auto // Uncomment the next line to restore window position and size from previous run // , true // windowRestorePreviousGeometry ); return 0; } ---- .{cpp} build instructions (click to expand) [%collapsible] ==== **Build with cmake, using `imgui_bundle_add_app`** `imgui_bundle_add_app` is a cmake command, close to `add_executable`, which will: * automatically link your app to the required libraries (imgui_bundle, OpenGl, glad, etc) * embed the assets (for desktop, mobile, and emscripten apps) * add an icon for your app (on desktop and mobile platforms) * perform additional customization (app icon and name on mobile platforms, etc) **Option 1: using imgui_bundle as a submodule** First, add imgui_bundle as a submodule: [source, bash] ---- git submodule add cd imgui_bundle git submodule update --init --recursive ---- Then, write a simple CMakeLists file where you add imgui_bundle, then call `imgui_bundle_add_app` to create your application. [source,cmake] ---- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20) project(imgui_bundle_hello) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) add_subdirectory(imgui_bundle) imgui_bundle_add_app(hello_world hello_world.cpp) ---- **Option 2 : Fetch imgui_bundle during compilation** [source,cmake] ---- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project(helloworld_with_helloimgui) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) include(FetchContent) Set(FETCHCONTENT_QUIET FALSE) FetchContent_Declare(imgui_bundle GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG main) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(imgui_bundle) # set(IMMVISION_FETCH_OPENCV ON) # optional, if you wish to build ImmVision # Build your app imgui_bundle_add_app(hello_world hello_world.cpp) ---- NOTE: This cmake file is part of a quick start template available at link:[]. Refer to it if you wish to customize the application icon. ==== :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Complex layouts with docking windows .Complex docking layout image::{url-demo-images}/demo_docking.jpg[width=400] link:[Run this demo in your browser] TIP: As shown in the screenshot, Dear ImGui Bundle provides a variety of predefined themes. In this demo, you can access them via the menu "View/Theme". This demonstration showcases how to: - set up a complex docking layouts (with several possible layouts): - use the status bar - use default menus (App and view menu), and how to customize them - display a log window - load additional fonts - use a specific application state (instead of using static variables) - save some additional user settings within imgui ini file Its source code is heavily documented and should be self-explanatory. .Click to see its source code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- /* A more complex app demo It demonstrates how to: - set up a complex docking layouts (with several possible layouts): - use the status bar - use default menus (App and view menu), and how to customize them - display a log window - load additional fonts, possibly colored, and with emojis - use a specific application state (instead of using static variables) - save some additional user settings within imgui ini file - use borderless windows, that are movable and resizable */ #include "hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h" #include "hello_imgui/icons_font_awesome_6.h" #include "nlohmann/json.hpp" #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui_stdlib.h" #include "imgui_internal.h" #include "demo_utils/api_demos.h" #include // Poor man's fix for C++ late arrival in the unicode party: // - C++17: u8"my string" is of type const char* // - C++20: u8"my string" is of type const char8_t* // However, ImGui text functions expect const char*. #ifdef __cpp_char8_t #define U8_TO_CHAR(x) reinterpret_cast(x) #else #define U8_TO_CHAR(x) x #endif // And then, we need to tell gcc to stop validating format string (it gets confused by the u8"" string) #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat" #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Our Application State ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct MyAppSettings { HelloImGui::InputTextData motto = HelloImGui::InputTextData( "Hello, Dear ImGui\n" "Unleash your creativity!\n", true, // multiline ImVec2(14.f, 3.f) // initial size (in em) ); int value = 10; }; struct AppState { float f = 0.0f; int counter = 0; float rocket_launch_time = 0.f; float rocket_progress = 0.0f; enum class RocketState { Init, Preparing, Launched }; RocketState rocket_state = RocketState::Init; MyAppSettings myAppSettings; // This values will be stored in the application settings ImFont* TitleFont = nullptr; ImFont* ColorFont = nullptr; ImFont* EmojiFont = nullptr; ImFont* LargeIconFont = nullptr; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional fonts handling ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LoadFonts(AppState& appState) // This is called by runnerParams.callbacks.LoadAdditionalFonts { // First, load the default font (the default font should be loaded first) // In this example, we instruct HelloImGui to use FontAwesome6 instead of FontAwesome4 HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->callbacks.defaultIconFont = HelloImGui::DefaultIconFont::FontAwesome6; HelloImGui::ImGuiDefaultSettings::LoadDefaultFont_WithFontAwesomeIcons(); // Load the title font. Also manually merge FontAwesome icons to it appState.TitleFont = HelloImGui::LoadFont("fonts/DroidSans.ttf", 18.f); HelloImGui::FontLoadingParams fontLoadingParamsTitleIcons; fontLoadingParamsTitleIcons.mergeToLastFont = true; fontLoadingParamsTitleIcons.useFullGlyphRange = true; appState.TitleFont = HelloImGui::LoadFont("fonts/Font_Awesome_6_Free-Solid-900.otf", 18.f, fontLoadingParamsTitleIcons); // Load an Emoji font HelloImGui::FontLoadingParams fontLoadingParamsEmoji; fontLoadingParamsEmoji.useFullGlyphRange = true; appState.EmojiFont = HelloImGui::LoadFont("fonts/NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf", 24.f, fontLoadingParamsEmoji); // Load a large icon font HelloImGui::FontLoadingParams fontLoadingParamsLargeIcon; fontLoadingParamsLargeIcon.useFullGlyphRange = true; appState.LargeIconFont = HelloImGui::LoadFont("fonts/Font_Awesome_6_Free-Solid-900.otf", 24.f, fontLoadingParamsLargeIcon); #ifdef IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE // Load a colored font (requires FreeType & lunasvg) HelloImGui::FontLoadingParams fontLoadingParamsColor; fontLoadingParamsColor.loadColor = true; appState.ColorFont = HelloImGui::LoadFont("fonts/Playbox/Playbox-FREE.otf", 24.f, fontLoadingParamsColor); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save additional settings in the ini file ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This demonstrates how to store additional info in the application settings // Use this sparingly! // This is provided as a convenience only, and it is not intended to store large quantities of text data. // Warning, the save/load function below are quite simplistic! std::string MyAppSettingsToString(const MyAppSettings& myAppSettings) { using namespace nlohmann; json j; j["motto"] = HelloImGui::InputTextDataToString(myAppSettings.motto); j["value"] = myAppSettings.value; return j.dump(); } MyAppSettings StringToMyAppSettings(const std::string& s) { if (s.empty()) return MyAppSettings(); MyAppSettings myAppSettings; using namespace nlohmann; try { json j = json::parse(s); myAppSettings.motto = HelloImGui::InputTextDataFromString(j["motto"].get()); myAppSettings.value = j["value"]; } catch (json::exception& e) { HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Error, "Error while parsing user settings: %s", e.what()); } return myAppSettings; } // Note: LoadUserSettings() and SaveUserSettings() will be called in the callbacks `PostInit` and `BeforeExit`: // runnerParams.callbacks.PostInit = [&appState] { LoadMyAppSettings(appState);}; // runnerParams.callbacks.BeforeExit = [&appState] { SaveMyAppSettings(appState);}; void LoadMyAppSettings(AppState& appState) // { appState.myAppSettings = StringToMyAppSettings(HelloImGui::LoadUserPref("MyAppSettings")); } void SaveMyAppSettings(const AppState& appState) { HelloImGui::SaveUserPref("MyAppSettings", MyAppSettingsToString(appState.myAppSettings)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gui functions used in this demo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display a button that will hide the application window void DemoHideWindow(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Hide app window"); ImGui::PopFont(); static double lastHideTime = -1.; if (ImGui::Button("Hide")) { lastHideTime = ImGui::GetTime(); HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->appWindowParams.hidden = true; } if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("By clicking this button, you can hide the window for 3 seconds."); if (lastHideTime > 0.) { double now = ImGui::GetTime(); if (now - lastHideTime > 3.) { lastHideTime = -1.; HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->appWindowParams.hidden = false; } } } // Display a button that will show an additional window void DemoShowAdditionalWindow(AppState& appState) { // Notes: // - it is *not* possible to modify the content of the vector runnerParams.dockingParams.dockableWindows // from the code inside a window's `GuiFunction` (since this GuiFunction will be called while iterating on this vector!) // - there are two ways to dynamically add windows: // * either make them initially invisible, and exclude them from the view menu (such as shown here) // * or modify runnerParams.dockingParams.dockableWindows inside the callback RunnerCallbacks.PreNewFrame const char* windowName = "Additional Window"; ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Dynamically add window"); ImGui::PopFont(); if (ImGui::Button("Show additional window")) { auto additionalWindowPtr = HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->dockingParams.dockableWindowOfName(windowName); if (additionalWindowPtr) { // additionalWindowPtr->includeInViewMenu = true; additionalWindowPtr->isVisible = true; } } if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("By clicking this button, you can show an additional window"); } void DemoLogs(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Log Demo"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::BeginGroup(); // Edit a float using a slider from 0.0f to 1.0f bool changed = ImGui::SliderFloat("float", &appState.f, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (changed) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Warning, "state.f was changed to %f", appState.f); // Buttons return true when clicked (most widgets return true when edited/activated) if (ImGui::Button("Button")) { appState.counter++; HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Button was pressed"); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("counter = %d", appState.counter); ImGui::EndGroup(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("These widgets will interact with the log window"); } void DemoUserSettings(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("User settings"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::BeginGroup(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(HelloImGui::EmSize(7.f)); ImGui::SliderInt("Value", &appState.myAppSettings.value, 0, 100); HelloImGui::InputTextResizable("Motto", &appState.myAppSettings.motto); ImGui::Text("(this text widget is resizable)"); ImGui::EndGroup(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("The values below are stored in the application settings ini file and restored at startup"); } void DemoRocket(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Status Bar Demo"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::BeginGroup(); if (appState.rocket_state == AppState::RocketState::Init) { if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_ROCKET" Launch rocket")) { appState.rocket_launch_time = (float)ImGui::GetTime(); appState.rocket_state = AppState::RocketState::Preparing; HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Warning, "Rocket is being prepared"); } } else if (appState.rocket_state == AppState::RocketState::Preparing) { ImGui::Text("Please Wait"); appState.rocket_progress = (float)(ImGui::GetTime() - appState.rocket_launch_time) / 3.f; if (appState.rocket_progress >= 1.0f) { appState.rocket_state = AppState::RocketState::Launched; HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Warning, "Rocket was launched"); } } else if (appState.rocket_state == AppState::RocketState::Launched) { ImGui::Text(ICON_FA_ROCKET " Rocket launched"); if (ImGui::Button("Reset Rocket")) { appState.rocket_state = AppState::RocketState::Init; appState.rocket_progress = 0.f; } } ImGui::EndGroup(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("Look at the status bar after clicking"); } void DemoDockingFlags(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Main dock space node flags"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::TextWrapped(R"( This will edit the ImGuiDockNodeFlags for "MainDockSpace". Most flags are inherited by children dock spaces. )"); struct DockFlagWithInfo { ImGuiDockNodeFlags flag; std::string label; std::string tip; }; std::vector all_flags = { {ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoSplit, "NoSplit", "prevent Dock Nodes from being split"}, {ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize, "NoResize", "prevent Dock Nodes from being resized"}, {ImGuiDockNodeFlags_AutoHideTabBar, "AutoHideTabBar", "show tab bar only if multiple windows\n" "You will need to restore the layout after changing (Menu \"View/Restore Layout\")"}, {ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode, "NoDockingInCentralNode", "prevent docking in central node\n" "(only works with the main dock space)"}, // {ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode, "PassthruCentralNode", "advanced"}, }; auto & mainDockSpaceNodeFlags = HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->dockingParams.mainDockSpaceNodeFlags; for (const auto& flag: all_flags) { ImGui::CheckboxFlags(flag.label.c_str(), &mainDockSpaceNodeFlags, flag.flag); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", flag.tip.c_str()); } } void GuiWindowLayoutCustomization(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Switch between layouts"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::Text("with the menu \"View/Layouts\""); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("Each layout remembers separately the modifications applied by the user, \nand the selected layout is restored at startup"); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Change the theme"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::Text("with the menu \"View/Theme\""); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("The selected theme is remembered and restored at startup"); ImGui::Separator(); DemoDockingFlags(appState); ImGui::Separator(); } void GuiWindowAlternativeTheme(AppState& appState) { // Since this window applies a theme, We need to call "ImGui::Begin" ourselves so // that we can apply the theme before opening the window. // // In order to obtain this, we applied the following option to the window // that displays this Gui: // alternativeThemeWindow.callBeginEnd = false; // Apply the theme before opening the window ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTweakedTheme tweakedTheme; tweakedTheme.Theme = ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTheme_WhiteIsWhite; tweakedTheme.Tweaks.Rounding = 0.0f; ImGuiTheme::PushTweakedTheme(tweakedTheme); // Open the window bool windowOpened = ImGui::Begin("Alternative Theme"); if (windowOpened) { // Display some widgets ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Alternative Theme"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::Text("This window uses a different theme"); ImGui::SetItemTooltip(" ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTweakedTheme tweakedTheme;\n" " tweakedTheme.Theme = ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTheme_WhiteIsWhite;\n" " tweakedTheme.Tweaks.Rounding = 0.0f;\n" " ImGuiTheme::PushTweakedTheme(tweakedTheme);"); if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Basic Widgets", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { static bool checked = true; ImGui::Checkbox("Checkbox", &checked); if (ImGui::Button("Button")) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Button was pressed"); ImGui::SetItemTooltip("This is a button"); static int radio = 0; ImGui::RadioButton("Radio 1", &radio, 0); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton("Radio 2", &radio, 1); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton("Radio 3", &radio, 2); // Haiku { // Display a image of the haiku below with Japanese characters // with an informative tooltip float haikuImageHeight = HelloImGui::EmSize(5.f); HelloImGui::ImageFromAsset("images/haiku.png", ImVec2(0.f, haikuImageHeight)); ImGui::SetItemTooltip(R"( Extract from Wikipedia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In early 1686, Bashō composed one of his best-remembered haiku: furu ike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto an ancient pond / a frog jumps in / the splash of water This poem became instantly famous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This haiku is here rendered as an image, mainly to preserve space, because adding a Japanese font to the project would enlarge its size. Handling Japanese font is of course possible within ImGui / Hello ImGui! )"); // Display the haiku text as an InputTextMultiline static std::string poem = " Old Pond\n" " Frog Leaps In\n" " Water's Sound\n" "\n" " Matsuo Bashō - 1686"; ImGui::InputTextMultiline("##Poem", &poem, HelloImGui::EmToVec2(15.f, 5.5f)); } // A popup with a modal window if (ImGui::Button("Open Modal")) ImGui::OpenPopup("MyModal"); if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("MyModal", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui::Text("This is a modal window"); if (ImGui::Button("Close")) ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); } static std::string text = "Hello, world!"; ImGui::InputText("Input text", &text); if (ImGui::TreeNode("Text Display")) { ImGui::Text("Hello, world!"); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f), "Some text"); ImGui::TextDisabled("Disabled text"); ImGui::TextWrapped("This is a long text that will be wrapped in the window"); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } // Close the window ImGui::End(); // Restore the theme ImGuiTheme::PopTweakedTheme(); } void DemoAssets(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Image From Asset"); ImGui::PopFont(); HelloImGui::BeginGroupColumn(); ImGui::Dummy(HelloImGui::EmToVec2(0.f, 0.45f)); ImGui::Text("Hello"); HelloImGui::EndGroupColumn(); HelloImGui::ImageFromAsset("images/world.png", HelloImGui::EmToVec2(2.5f, 2.5f)); } void DemoFonts(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Fonts - " ICON_FA_PEN_NIB); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::TextWrapped("Mix icons " ICON_FA_FACE_SMILE " and text " ICON_FA_ROCKET ""); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("Example with Font Awesome Icons"); ImGui::Text("Emojis"); ImGui::BeginGroup(); { ImGui::PushFont(appState.EmojiFont); // ✌️ (Victory Hand Emoji) ImGui::Text(U8_TO_CHAR(u8"\U0000270C\U0000FE0F")); ImGui::SameLine(); // ❤️ (Red Heart Emoji) ImGui::Text(U8_TO_CHAR(u8"\U00002764\U0000FE0F")); ImGui::SameLine(); #ifdef IMGUI_USE_WCHAR32 // 🌴 (Palm Tree Emoji) ImGui::Text(U8_TO_CHAR(u8"\U0001F334")); ImGui::SameLine(); // 🚀 (Rocket Emoji) ImGui::Text(U8_TO_CHAR(u8"\U0001F680")); ImGui::SameLine(); #endif ImGui::PopFont(); } ImGui::EndGroup(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("Example with NotoEmoji font"); #ifdef IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE ImGui::Text("Colored Fonts"); ImGui::PushFont(appState.ColorFont); ImGui::Text("C O L O R !"); ImGui::PopFont(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("Example with Playbox-FREE.otf font"); #endif } void DemoThemes(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.TitleFont); ImGui::Text("Themes"); ImGui::PopFont(); auto& tweakedTheme = HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->imGuiWindowParams.tweakedTheme; ImGui::BeginGroup(); ImVec2 buttonSize = HelloImGui::EmToVec2(7.f, 0.f); if (ImGui::Button("Cherry", buttonSize)) { tweakedTheme.Theme = ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTheme_Cherry; ImGuiTheme::ApplyTweakedTheme(tweakedTheme); } if (ImGui::Button("DarculaDarker", buttonSize)) { tweakedTheme.Theme = ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTheme_DarculaDarker; ImGuiTheme::ApplyTweakedTheme(tweakedTheme); } ImGui::EndGroup(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip( "There are lots of other themes: look at the menu View/Theme\n" "The selected theme is remembered and restored at startup" ); } // The Gui of the demo feature window void GuiWindowDemoFeatures(AppState& appState) { DemoFonts(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoAssets(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoLogs(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoRocket(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoUserSettings(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoHideWindow(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoShowAdditionalWindow(appState); ImGui::Separator(); DemoThemes(appState); ImGui::Separator(); } // The Gui of the status bar void StatusBarGui(AppState& app_state) { if (app_state.rocket_state == AppState::RocketState::Preparing) { ImGui::Text("Rocket completion: "); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ProgressBar(app_state.rocket_progress, HelloImGui::EmToVec2(7.0f, 1.0f)); } } // The menu gui void ShowMenuGui(HelloImGui::RunnerParams& runnerParams) { HelloImGui::ShowAppMenu(runnerParams); HelloImGui::ShowViewMenu(runnerParams); if (ImGui::BeginMenu("My Menu")) { bool clicked = ImGui::MenuItem("Test me", "", false); if (clicked) { HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Warning, "It works"); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } } void ShowAppMenuItems() { if (ImGui::MenuItem("A Custom app menu item")) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Clicked on A Custom app menu item"); } void ShowTopToolbar(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.LargeIconFont); if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_POWER_OFF)) HelloImGui::GetRunnerParams()->appShallExit = true; ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - HelloImGui::EmSize(7.f)); if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_HOUSE)) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Clicked on Home in the top toolbar"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_FLOPPY_DISK)) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Clicked on Save in the top toolbar"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_ADDRESS_BOOK)) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Clicked on Address Book in the top toolbar"); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - HelloImGui::EmSize(2.f)); ImGui::Text(ICON_FA_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS); ImGui::PopFont(); } void ShowRightToolbar(AppState& appState) { ImGui::PushFont(appState.LargeIconFont); if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_CIRCLE_ARROW_LEFT)) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Clicked on Circle left in the right toolbar"); if (ImGui::Button(ICON_FA_CIRCLE_ARROW_RIGHT)) HelloImGui::Log(HelloImGui::LogLevel::Info, "Clicked on Circle right in the right toolbar"); ImGui::PopFont(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Docking Layouts and Docking windows ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // 1. Define the Docking splits (two versions are available) // std::vector CreateDefaultDockingSplits() { // Define the default docking splits, // i.e. the way the screen space is split in different target zones for the dockable windows // We want to split "MainDockSpace" (which is provided automatically) into three zones, like this: // // ___________________________________________ // | | | // | Command| | // | Space | MainDockSpace | // |------- | | // | |--------------------------------| // | | CommandSpace2 | // ------------------------------------------- // | MiscSpace | // ------------------------------------------- // // Then, add a space named "MiscSpace" whose height is 25% of the app height. // This will split the preexisting default dockspace "MainDockSpace" in two parts. HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainMisc; splitMainMisc.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainMisc.newDock = "MiscSpace"; splitMainMisc.direction = ImGuiDir_Down; splitMainMisc.ratio = 0.25f; // Then, add a space to the left which occupies a column whose width is 25% of the app width HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainCommand; splitMainCommand.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainCommand.newDock = "CommandSpace"; splitMainCommand.direction = ImGuiDir_Left; splitMainCommand.ratio = 0.25f; // Then, add CommandSpace2 below MainDockSpace HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainCommand2; splitMainCommand2.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainCommand2.newDock = "CommandSpace2"; splitMainCommand2.direction = ImGuiDir_Down; splitMainCommand2.ratio = 0.5f; std::vector splits {splitMainMisc, splitMainCommand, splitMainCommand2}; return splits; } std::vector CreateAlternativeDockingSplits() { // Define alternative docking splits for the "Alternative Layout" // ___________________________________________ // | | | // | Misc | | // | Space | MainDockSpace | // | | | // ------------------------------------------- // | | | // | | Command | // | CommandSpace | Space2 | // | | | // ------------------------------------------- HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainCommand; splitMainCommand.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainCommand.newDock = "CommandSpace"; splitMainCommand.direction = ImGuiDir_Down; splitMainCommand.ratio = 0.5f; HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainCommand2; splitMainCommand2.initialDock = "CommandSpace"; splitMainCommand2.newDock = "CommandSpace2"; splitMainCommand2.direction = ImGuiDir_Right; splitMainCommand2.ratio = 0.4f; HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainMisc; splitMainMisc.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainMisc.newDock = "MiscSpace"; splitMainMisc.direction = ImGuiDir_Left; splitMainMisc.ratio = 0.5f; std::vector splits {splitMainCommand, splitMainCommand2, splitMainMisc}; return splits; } // // 2. Define the Dockable windows // std::vector CreateDockableWindows(AppState& appState) { // A window named "FeaturesDemo" will be placed in "CommandSpace". Its Gui is provided by "GuiWindowDemoFeatures" HelloImGui::DockableWindow featuresDemoWindow; featuresDemoWindow.label = "Features Demo"; featuresDemoWindow.dockSpaceName = "CommandSpace"; featuresDemoWindow.GuiFunction = [&] { GuiWindowDemoFeatures(appState); }; // A layout customization window will be placed in "MainDockSpace". Its Gui is provided by "GuiWindowLayoutCustomization" HelloImGui::DockableWindow layoutCustomizationWindow; layoutCustomizationWindow.label = "Layout customization"; layoutCustomizationWindow.dockSpaceName = "MainDockSpace"; layoutCustomizationWindow.GuiFunction = [&appState]() { GuiWindowLayoutCustomization(appState); }; // A Log window named "Logs" will be placed in "MiscSpace". It uses the HelloImGui logger gui HelloImGui::DockableWindow logsWindow; logsWindow.label = "Logs"; logsWindow.dockSpaceName = "MiscSpace"; logsWindow.GuiFunction = [] { HelloImGui::LogGui(); }; // A Window named "Dear ImGui Demo" will be placed in "MainDockSpace" HelloImGui::DockableWindow dearImGuiDemoWindow; dearImGuiDemoWindow.label = "Dear ImGui Demo"; dearImGuiDemoWindow.dockSpaceName = "MainDockSpace"; dearImGuiDemoWindow.imGuiWindowFlags = ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar; dearImGuiDemoWindow.GuiFunction = [] { ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); }; // additionalWindow is initially not visible (and not mentioned in the view menu). // it will be opened only if the user chooses to display it HelloImGui::DockableWindow additionalWindow; additionalWindow.label = "Additional Window"; additionalWindow.isVisible = false; // this window is initially hidden, additionalWindow.includeInViewMenu = false; // it is not shown in the view menu, additionalWindow.rememberIsVisible = false; // its visibility is not saved in the settings file, additionalWindow.dockSpaceName = "MiscSpace"; // when shown, it will appear in MiscSpace. additionalWindow.GuiFunction = [] { ImGui::Text("This is the additional window"); }; // alternativeThemeWindow HelloImGui::DockableWindow alternativeThemeWindow; // Since this window applies a theme, We need to call "ImGui::Begin" ourselves so // that we can apply the theme before opening the window. alternativeThemeWindow.callBeginEnd = false; alternativeThemeWindow.label = "Alternative Theme"; alternativeThemeWindow.dockSpaceName = "CommandSpace2"; alternativeThemeWindow.GuiFunction = [&appState]() { GuiWindowAlternativeTheme(appState); }; std::vector dockableWindows { featuresDemoWindow, layoutCustomizationWindow, logsWindow, dearImGuiDemoWindow, additionalWindow, alternativeThemeWindow }; return dockableWindows; } // // 3. Define the layouts: // A layout is stored inside DockingParams, and stores the splits + the dockable windows. // Here, we provide the default layout, and two alternative layouts. // HelloImGui::DockingParams CreateDefaultLayout(AppState& appState) { HelloImGui::DockingParams dockingParams; // dockingParams.layoutName = "Default"; // By default, the layout name is already "Default" dockingParams.dockingSplits = CreateDefaultDockingSplits(); dockingParams.dockableWindows = CreateDockableWindows(appState); return dockingParams; } std::vector CreateAlternativeLayouts(AppState& appState) { HelloImGui::DockingParams alternativeLayout; { alternativeLayout.layoutName = "Alternative Layout"; alternativeLayout.dockingSplits = CreateAlternativeDockingSplits(); alternativeLayout.dockableWindows = CreateDockableWindows(appState); } HelloImGui::DockingParams tabsLayout; { tabsLayout.layoutName = "Tabs Layout"; tabsLayout.dockableWindows = CreateDockableWindows(appState); // Force all windows to be presented in the MainDockSpace for (auto& window: tabsLayout.dockableWindows) window.dockSpaceName = "MainDockSpace"; // In "Tabs Layout", no split is created tabsLayout.dockingSplits = {}; } return {alternativeLayout, tabsLayout}; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main(): here, we simply fill RunnerParams, then run the application ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int, char**) { ChdirBesideAssetsFolder(); //############################################################################################# // Part 1: Define the application state, fill the status and menu bars, load additional font //############################################################################################# // Our application state AppState appState; // Hello ImGui params (they hold the settings as well as the Gui callbacks) HelloImGui::RunnerParams runnerParams; runnerParams.appWindowParams.windowTitle = "Docking Demo"; runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.menuAppTitle = "Docking Demo"; runnerParams.appWindowParams.windowGeometry.size = {1000, 900}; runnerParams.appWindowParams.restorePreviousGeometry = true; runnerParams.appWindowParams.borderless = true; runnerParams.appWindowParams.borderlessMovable = true; runnerParams.appWindowParams.borderlessResizable = true; runnerParams.appWindowParams.borderlessClosable = true; // Set LoadAdditionalFonts callback runnerParams.callbacks.LoadAdditionalFonts = [&appState]() { LoadFonts(appState); }; // // Status bar // // We use the default status bar of Hello ImGui runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.showStatusBar = true; // Add custom widgets in the status bar runnerParams.callbacks.ShowStatus = [&appState]() { StatusBarGui(appState); }; // uncomment next line in order to hide the FPS in the status bar // runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.showStatusFps = false; // // Menu bar // // Here, we fully customize the menu bar: // by setting `showMenuBar` to true, and `showMenu_App` and `showMenu_View` to false, // HelloImGui will display an empty menu bar, which we can fill with our own menu items via the callback `ShowMenus` runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.showMenuBar = true; runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.showMenu_App = false; runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.showMenu_View = false; // Inside `ShowMenus`, we can call `HelloImGui::ShowViewMenu` and `HelloImGui::ShowAppMenu` if desired runnerParams.callbacks.ShowMenus = [&runnerParams]() {ShowMenuGui(runnerParams);}; // Optional: add items to Hello ImGui default App menu runnerParams.callbacks.ShowAppMenuItems = ShowAppMenuItems; // // Top and bottom toolbars // // toolbar options HelloImGui::EdgeToolbarOptions edgeToolbarOptions; edgeToolbarOptions.sizeEm = 2.5f; edgeToolbarOptions.WindowBg = ImVec4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.35f); // top toolbar runnerParams.callbacks.AddEdgeToolbar( HelloImGui::EdgeToolbarType::Top, [&appState]() { ShowTopToolbar(appState); }, edgeToolbarOptions ); // right toolbar edgeToolbarOptions.WindowBg.w = 0.4f; runnerParams.callbacks.AddEdgeToolbar( HelloImGui::EdgeToolbarType::Right, [&appState]() { ShowRightToolbar(appState); }, edgeToolbarOptions ); // // Load user settings at callbacks `PostInit` and save them at `BeforeExit` // runnerParams.callbacks.PostInit = [&appState] { LoadMyAppSettings(appState);}; runnerParams.callbacks.BeforeExit = [&appState] { SaveMyAppSettings(appState);}; // // Change style // // 1. Change theme auto& tweakedTheme = runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.tweakedTheme; tweakedTheme.Theme = ImGuiTheme::ImGuiTheme_MaterialFlat; tweakedTheme.Tweaks.Rounding = 10.f; // 2. Customize ImGui style at startup runnerParams.callbacks.SetupImGuiStyle = []() { // Reduce spacing between items ((8, 4) by default) ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing = ImVec2(6.f, 4.f); }; //############################################################################################# // Part 2: Define the application layout and windows //############################################################################################# // First, tell HelloImGui that we want full screen dock space (this will create "MainDockSpace") runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.defaultImGuiWindowType = HelloImGui::DefaultImGuiWindowType::ProvideFullScreenDockSpace; // In this demo, we also demonstrate multiple viewports: you can drag windows outside out the main window in order to put their content into new native windows runnerParams.imGuiWindowParams.enableViewports = true; // Set the default layout (this contains the default DockingSplits and DockableWindows) runnerParams.dockingParams = CreateDefaultLayout(appState); // Add alternative layouts runnerParams.alternativeDockingLayouts = CreateAlternativeLayouts(appState); // uncomment the next line if you want to always start with the layout defined in the code // (otherwise, modifications to the layout applied by the user layout will be remembered) // runnerParams.dockingParams.layoutCondition = HelloImGui::DockingLayoutCondition::ApplicationStart; //############################################################################################# // Part 3: Where to save the app settings //############################################################################################# // tag::app_settings[] // By default, HelloImGui will save the settings in the current folder. // This is convenient when developing, but not so much when deploying the app. // You can tell HelloImGui to save the settings in a specific folder: choose between // CurrentFolder // AppUserConfigFolder // AppExecutableFolder // HomeFolder // TempFolder // DocumentsFolder // // Note: AppUserConfigFolder is: // AppData under Windows (Example: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming) // ~/.config under Linux // "~/Library/Application Support" under macOS or iOS runnerParams.iniFolderType = HelloImGui::IniFolderType::AppUserConfigFolder; // runnerParams.iniFilename: this will be the name of the ini file in which the settings // will be stored. // In this example, the subdirectory Docking_Demo will be created under the folder defined // by runnerParams.iniFolderType. // // Note: if iniFilename is left empty, the name of the ini file will be derived // from appWindowParams.windowTitle runnerParams.iniFilename = "Docking_Demo/Docking_demo.ini"; // end::app_settings[] //############################################################################################# // Part 4: Run the app //############################################################################################# HelloImGui::Run(runnerParams); // Note: with ImGuiBundle, it is also possible to use ImmApp::Run(...) return 0; } ---- ==== .Click to see its source code in Python [%collapsible] ==== Python: [source, python] ---- # A more complex app demo # # It demonstrates how to: # - set up a complex docking layouts (with several possible layouts): # - load additional fonts, possibly colored, and with emojis # - display a log window # - use the status bar # - use default menus (App and view menu), and how to customize them # - use a specific application state (instead of using static variables) # - save some additional user settings within imgui ini file # - use borderless windows, that are movable and resizable import json from enum import Enum import time from imgui_bundle import hello_imgui, icons_fontawesome_6, imgui, immapp, imgui_ctx, ImVec4, ImVec2 from imgui_bundle.demos_python import demo_utils from typing import List ########################################################################## # Our Application State ########################################################################## class MyAppSettings: motto: hello_imgui.InputTextData value: int = 10 def __init__(self): self.motto = hello_imgui.InputTextData( "Hello, Dear ImGui\n" "Unleash your creativity!\n", True, # multiline ImVec2(14.0, 3.0) # initial size (in em) ) class RocketState(Enum): Init = 0 Preparing = 1 Launched = 2 # Struct that holds the application's state class AppState: f: float counter: int rocket_progress: float my_app_settings: MyAppSettings rocket_state: RocketState rocket_launch_time: float title_font: imgui.ImFont color_font: imgui.ImFont emoji_font: imgui.ImFont large_icon_font: imgui.ImFont def __init__(self): self.f = 0 self.counter = 0 self.rocket_progress = 0.0 self.rocket_launch_time = 0.0 self.my_app_settings = MyAppSettings() self.rocket_state = RocketState.Init ########################################################################## # Additional fonts handling ########################################################################## def load_fonts(app_state: AppState): # This is called by runnerParams.callbacks.LoadAdditionalFonts # First, load the default font (the default font should be loaded first) # In this example, we instruct HelloImGui to use FontAwesome6 instead of FontAwesome4 hello_imgui.get_runner_params().callbacks.default_icon_font = hello_imgui.DefaultIconFont.font_awesome6 hello_imgui.imgui_default_settings.load_default_font_with_font_awesome_icons() # Load the title font app_state.title_font = hello_imgui.load_font("fonts/DroidSans.ttf", 18.0) font_loading_params_title_icons = hello_imgui.FontLoadingParams() font_loading_params_title_icons.merge_to_last_font = True font_loading_params_title_icons.use_full_glyph_range = True app_state.title_font = hello_imgui.load_font("fonts/Font_Awesome_6_Free-Solid-900.otf", 18.0, font_loading_params_title_icons) # Load the emoji font font_loading_params_emoji = hello_imgui.FontLoadingParams() font_loading_params_emoji.use_full_glyph_range = True app_state.emoji_font = hello_imgui.load_font("fonts/NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf", 24., font_loading_params_emoji) # Load a large icon font font_loading_params_large_icon = hello_imgui.FontLoadingParams() font_loading_params_large_icon.use_full_glyph_range = True app_state.large_icon_font = hello_imgui.load_font("fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf", 24., font_loading_params_large_icon) # Load a colored font font_loading_params_color = hello_imgui.FontLoadingParams() font_loading_params_color.load_color = True app_state.color_font = hello_imgui.load_font("fonts/Playbox/Playbox-FREE.otf", 24., font_loading_params_color) ########################################################################## # Save additional settings in the ini file ########################################################################## # This demonstrates how to store additional info in the application settings # Use this sparingly! # This is provided as a convenience only, and it is not intended to store large quantities of text data. # Warning, the save/load function below are quite simplistic! def my_app_settings_to_string(settings: MyAppSettings) -> str: as_dict = {} as_dict["motto"] = hello_imgui.input_text_data_to_dict(settings.motto) as_dict["value"] = settings.value return json.dumps(as_dict) def string_to_my_app_settings(s: str) -> MyAppSettings: r = MyAppSettings() try: as_dict = json.loads(s) r.motto = hello_imgui.input_text_data_from_dict(as_dict["motto"]) r.value = as_dict["value"] except Exception as e: hello_imgui.log(hello_imgui.LogLevel.error, f"Error while loading user settings: {e}") return r def load_my_app_settings(app_state: AppState): """ Note: load_my_app_settings() and save_my_app_settings() will be called in the callbacks `post_init` & `before_exit` runner_params.callbacks.post_init = lambda: load_user_settings(app_state) runner_params.callbacks.before_exit = lambda: save_user_settings(app_state) """ app_state.my_app_settings = string_to_my_app_settings( hello_imgui.load_user_pref("MyAppSettings") ) def save_my_app_settings(app_state: AppState): hello_imgui.save_user_pref( "MyAppSettings", my_app_settings_to_string(app_state.my_app_settings) ) ########################################################################## # Gui functions used in this demo ########################################################################## @immapp.static(last_hide_time=1) def demo_hide_window(app_state: AppState): # Display a button that will hide the application window imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Hide app window") imgui.pop_font() if imgui.button("Hide"): demo_hide_window.last_hide_time = time.time() hello_imgui.get_runner_params().app_window_params.hidden = True if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("By clicking this button, you can hide the window for 3 seconds.") if demo_hide_window.last_hide_time > 0.0: now = time.time() if now - demo_hide_window.last_hide_time > 3.0: demo_hide_window.last_hide_time = -1.0 hello_imgui.get_runner_params().app_window_params.hidden = False # Display a button that will show an additional window def demo_show_additional_window(app_state: AppState): # Notes: # - it is *not* possible to modify the content of the vector runnerParams.dockingParams.dockableWindows # from the code inside a window's `GuiFunction` (since this GuiFunction will be called while iterating # on this vector!) # - there are two ways to dynamically add windows: # * either make them initially invisible, and exclude them from the view menu (such as shown here) # * or modify runnerParams.dockingParams.dockableWindows inside the callback RunnerCallbacks.PreNewFrame window_name = "Additional Window" imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Dynamically add window") imgui.pop_font() if imgui.button("Show additional window"): runner_params = hello_imgui.get_runner_params() additional_window_ptr = runner_params.docking_params.dockable_window_of_name( window_name ) if additional_window_ptr: # additional_window_ptr.include_in_view_menu = True additional_window_ptr.is_visible = True if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("By clicking this button, you can show an additional window") def demo_basic_widgets(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Basic widgets demo") imgui.pop_font() imgui.begin_group() # Edit a float using a slider from 0.0 to 1.0 changed, app_state.f = imgui.slider_float("float", app_state.f, 0.0, 1.0) if changed: hello_imgui.log( hello_imgui.LogLevel.warning, f"state.f was changed to {app_state.f}" ) # Buttons return true when clicked (most widgets return true when edited/activated) if imgui.button("Button"): app_state.counter += 1 hello_imgui.log(, "Button was pressed") imgui.same_line() imgui.text(f"counter = {app_state.counter}") imgui.end_group() if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("These widgets will interact with the log window") def demo_user_settings(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("User settings") imgui.pop_font() imgui.begin_group() imgui.set_next_item_width(hello_imgui.em_size(7.0)) _, app_state.my_app_settings.value = imgui.slider_int( "Value", app_state.my_app_settings.value, 0, 100 ) _ = hello_imgui.input_text_resizable("Motto", app_state.my_app_settings.motto) imgui.text("(this text widget is resizable)") imgui.end_group() if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("The values below are stored in the application settings ini file and restored at startup") def demo_rocket(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Rocket demo") imgui.pop_font() imgui.begin_group() if app_state.rocket_state == RocketState.Init: if imgui.button(f"{icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_ROCKET} Launch rocket"): app_state.rocket_launch_time = time.time() app_state.rocket_state = RocketState.Preparing hello_imgui.log(hello_imgui.LogLevel.warning, "Rocket is being prepared") elif app_state.rocket_state == RocketState.Preparing: imgui.text("Please Wait") app_state.rocket_progress = (time.time() - app_state.rocket_launch_time) / 3.0 if app_state.rocket_progress >= 1.0: app_state.rocket_state = RocketState.Launched hello_imgui.log(hello_imgui.LogLevel.warning, "Rocket was launched") elif app_state.rocket_state == RocketState.Launched: imgui.text(f"{icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_ROCKET} Rocket launched") if imgui.button("Reset Rocket"): app_state.rocket_state = RocketState.Init app_state.rocket_progress = 0.0 imgui.end_group() if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("Look at the status bar after clicking") def demo_docking_flags(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Main dock space node flags") imgui.pop_font() imgui.text_wrapped( """ This will edit the ImGuiDockNodeFlags for "MainDockSpace". Most flags are inherited by children dock spaces. """ ) class DockFlagWithInfo: def __init__(self, flag, label, tip): self.flag = flag self.label = label self.tip = tip all_flags = [ DockFlagWithInfo( imgui.DockNodeFlags_.no_docking_split, "NoSplit", "prevent Dock Nodes from being split", ), DockFlagWithInfo( imgui.DockNodeFlags_.no_resize, "NoResize", "prevent Dock Nodes from being resized", ), DockFlagWithInfo( imgui.DockNodeFlags_.auto_hide_tab_bar, "AutoHideTabBar", "show tab bar only if multiple windows\n" + 'You will need to restore the layout after changing (Menu "View/Restore Layout")', ), DockFlagWithInfo( imgui.DockNodeFlags_.no_docking_over_central_node, "NoDockingInCentralNode", "prevent docking in central node\n(only works with the main dock space)", ), # DockFlagWithInfo(imgui.DockNodeFlags_.passthru_central_node, "PassthruCentralNode", "advanced"), ] main_dock_space_node_flags = ( hello_imgui.get_runner_params().docking_params.main_dock_space_node_flags ) for flag_with_info in all_flags: _, main_dock_space_node_flags = imgui.checkbox_flags( flag_with_info.label, main_dock_space_node_flags, flag_with_info.flag ) if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("%s" % flag_with_info.tip) hello_imgui.get_runner_params().docking_params.main_dock_space_node_flags = ( main_dock_space_node_flags ) def gui_window_layout_customization(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Switch between layouts") imgui.pop_font() imgui.text('with the menu "View/Layouts"') if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip( "Each layout remembers separately the modifications applied by the user, \n" + "and the selected layout is restored at startup" ) imgui.separator() imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Change the theme") imgui.pop_font() imgui.text('with the menu "View/Theme"') if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("The selected theme is remembered and restored at startup") imgui.separator() demo_docking_flags(app_state) imgui.separator() def gui_window_alternative_theme(app_state: AppState): # Since this window applies a theme, We need to call "imgui.begin" ourselves so # that we can apply the theme before opening the window. # # In order to obtain this, we applied the following option to the window # that displays this Gui: # alternative_theme_window.call_begin_end = False # emulate C/C++ static variable: we will store some static variables # as attributes of the function statics = gui_window_alternative_theme # Apply the theme before opening the window tweaked_theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTweakedTheme() tweaked_theme.theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTheme_.white_is_white tweaked_theme.tweaks.rounding = 0.0 hello_imgui.push_tweaked_theme(tweaked_theme) # Open the window window_opened = imgui.begin("Alternative Theme") if window_opened: # Display some widgets imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Alternative Theme") imgui.pop_font() imgui.text("This window uses a different theme") imgui.set_item_tooltip(""" tweaked_theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTheme.ImGuiTweakedTheme() tweaked_theme.theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTheme_.white_is_white.value tweaked_theme.tweaks.rounding = 0.0 hello_imgui.apply_tweaked_theme(tweaked_theme) """ ) if imgui.collapsing_header("Basic Widgets", imgui.TreeNodeFlags_.default_open.value): if not hasattr(statics, "checked"): statics.checked = True _, statics.checked = imgui.checkbox("Checkbox", statics.checked) if imgui.button("Button"): hello_imgui.log(, "Button was pressed") imgui.set_item_tooltip("This is a button") if not hasattr(statics, "radio"): = 0 if imgui.radio_button("Radio 1", == 0): = 0 imgui.same_line() if imgui.radio_button("Radio 2", == 1): = 1 imgui.same_line() if imgui.radio_button("Radio 3", == 2): = 2 # Haiku # Display a image of the haiku below with Japanese characters # with an informative tooltip haiku_image_height = hello_imgui.em_size(5.0) hello_imgui.image_from_asset("images/haiku.png", ImVec2(0.0, haiku_image_height)) imgui.set_item_tooltip(""" Extract from Wikipedia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In early 1686, Bashō composed one of his best-remembered haiku: furu ike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto an ancient pond / a frog jumps in / the splash of water This poem became instantly famous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This haiku is here rendered as an image, mainly to preserve space, because adding a Japanese font to the project would enlarge its size. Handling Japanese font is of course possible within ImGui / Hello ImGui! """) # Display the haiku text as an InputTextMultiline if not hasattr(statics, "poem"): statics.poem = ( " Old Pond\n" " Frog Leaps In\n" " Water's Sound\n" "\n" " Matsuo Bashō - 1686" ) _, statics.poem = imgui.input_text_multiline("##Poem", statics.poem, hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(15.0, 5.5)) # a popup with a modal window if imgui.button("Open Modal"): imgui.open_popup("MyModal") popup_opened, _ = imgui.begin_popup_modal("MyModal", None, imgui.WindowFlags_.always_auto_resize.value) if popup_opened: imgui.text("This is a modal window") if imgui.button("Close"): imgui.close_current_popup() imgui.end_popup() if not hasattr(statics, "text"): statics.text = "Hello, world!" _, statics.text = imgui.input_text("Input text", statics.text) if imgui.tree_node("Text Display"): imgui.text("Hello, world!") imgui.text_colored(ImVec4(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), "Some text") imgui.text_disabled("Disabled text") imgui.text_wrapped("This is a long text that will be wrapped in the window") imgui.tree_pop() # Close the window imgui.end() # Restore the theme hello_imgui.pop_tweaked_theme() def demo_assets(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Image From Assets") imgui.pop_font() hello_imgui.begin_group_column() imgui.dummy(hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(0.0, 0.45)) imgui.text("Hello") hello_imgui.end_group_column() hello_imgui.image_from_asset("images/world.png", hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(2.5, 2.5)) def demo_fonts(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Fonts - " + icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_PEN_NIB) imgui.pop_font() imgui.text_wrapped("Mix icons " + icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_FACE_SMILE + " and text " + icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_ROCKET) if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("Example with Font Awesome Icons") imgui.text("Emojis") with imgui_ctx.begin_group(): imgui.push_font(app_state.emoji_font) # ✌️ (Victory Hand Emoji) imgui.text("\U0000270C\U0000FE0F") imgui.same_line() # ❤️ (Red Heart Emoji) imgui.text("\U00002764\U0000FE0F") imgui.same_line() # 🌴 (Palm Tree Emoji) imgui.text("\U0001F334") imgui.same_line() # 🚀 (Rocket Emoji) imgui.text("\U0001F680") imgui.pop_font() if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("Example with NotoEmoji font") imgui.text("Colored Fonts") imgui.push_font(app_state.color_font) imgui.text("C O L O R !") imgui.pop_font() if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("Example with Playbox-FREE.otf font") def demo_themes(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.title_font) imgui.text("Themes") imgui.pop_font() tweaked_theme = hello_imgui.get_runner_params().imgui_window_params.tweaked_theme imgui.begin_group() button_size = hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(7.0, 0.0) if imgui.button("Cherry", button_size): tweaked_theme.theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTheme_.cherry hello_imgui.apply_tweaked_theme(tweaked_theme) if imgui.button("DarculaDarker", button_size): tweaked_theme.theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTheme_.darcula_darker hello_imgui.apply_tweaked_theme(tweaked_theme) imgui.end_group() if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip( "There are lots of other themes: look at the menu View/Theme\n" "The selected theme is remembered and restored at startup" ) def gui_window_demo_features(app_state: AppState): demo_fonts(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_assets(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_basic_widgets(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_rocket(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_user_settings(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_hide_window(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_show_additional_window(app_state) imgui.separator() demo_themes(app_state) imgui.separator() def status_bar_gui(app_state: AppState): if app_state.rocket_state == RocketState.Preparing: imgui.text("Rocket completion: ") imgui.same_line() imgui.progress_bar(app_state.rocket_progress, hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(7.0, 1.0)) # type: ignore def show_menu_gui(runner_params: hello_imgui.RunnerParams): hello_imgui.show_app_menu(runner_params) hello_imgui.show_view_menu(runner_params) if imgui.begin_menu("My Menu"): clicked, _ = imgui.menu_item("Test me", "", False) if clicked: hello_imgui.log(hello_imgui.LogLevel.warning, "It works") imgui.end_menu() def show_app_menu_items(): clicked, _ = imgui.menu_item("A Custom app menu item", "", False) if clicked: hello_imgui.log(, "Clicked on A Custom app menu item") def show_top_toolbar(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.large_icon_font) if imgui.button(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_POWER_OFF): hello_imgui.get_runner_params().app_shall_exit = True imgui.same_line(imgui.get_window_width() - hello_imgui.em_size(7.0)) if imgui.button(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_HOUSE): hello_imgui.log(, "Clicked on Home in the top toolbar") imgui.same_line() if imgui.button(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_FLOPPY_DISK): hello_imgui.log(, "Clicked on Save in the top toolbar") imgui.same_line() if imgui.button(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_ADDRESS_BOOK): hello_imgui.log(, "Clicked on Address Book in the top toolbar") imgui.same_line(imgui.get_window_width() - hello_imgui.em_size(2.0)) imgui.text(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS) imgui.pop_font() def show_right_toolbar(app_state: AppState): imgui.push_font(app_state.large_icon_font) if imgui.button(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_CIRCLE_ARROW_LEFT): hello_imgui.log(, "Clicked on Circle left in the right toolbar") if imgui.button(icons_fontawesome_6.ICON_FA_CIRCLE_ARROW_RIGHT): hello_imgui.log(, "Clicked on Circle right in the right toolbar") imgui.pop_font() ########################################################################## # Docking Layouts and Docking windows ########################################################################## # # 1. Define the Docking splits (two versions are available) # def create_default_docking_splits() -> List[hello_imgui.DockingSplit]: # Define the default docking splits, # i.e. the way the screen space is split in different target zones for the dockable windows # We want to split "MainDockSpace" (which is provided automatically) into three zones, like this: # # ___________________________________________ # | | | # | Command| | # | Space | MainDockSpace | # |------- | | # | |--------------------------------| # | | CommandSpace2 | # ------------------------------------------- # | MiscSpace | # ------------------------------------------- # # Uncomment the next line if you want to always start with this layout. # Otherwise, modifications to the layout applied by the user layout will be remembered. # runner_params.docking_params.layout_condition = hello_imgui.DockingLayoutCondition.ApplicationStart # Then, add a space named "MiscSpace" whose height is 25% of the app height. # This will split the preexisting default dockspace "MainDockSpace" in two parts. split_main_misc = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_misc.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_misc.new_dock = "MiscSpace" split_main_misc.direction = imgui.Dir.down split_main_misc.ratio = 0.25 # Then, add a space to the left which occupies a column whose width is 25% of the app width split_main_command = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_command.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_command.new_dock = "CommandSpace" split_main_command.direction = imgui.Dir.left split_main_command.ratio = 0.25 # Then, add CommandSpace2 below MainDockSpace split_main_command2 = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_command2.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_command2.new_dock = "CommandSpace2" split_main_command2.direction = imgui.Dir.down split_main_command2.ratio = 0.5 splits = [split_main_misc, split_main_command, split_main_command2] return splits def create_alternative_docking_splits() -> List[hello_imgui.DockingSplit]: # Define alternative docking splits for the "Alternative Layout" # ___________________________________________ # | | | # | Misc | | # | Space | MainDockSpace | # | | | # ------------------------------------------- # | | | # | | Command | # | CommandSpace | Space2 | # ------------------------------------------- split_main_command = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_command.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_command.new_dock = "CommandSpace" split_main_command.direction = imgui.Dir.down split_main_command.ratio = 0.5 split_main_command2 = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_command2.initial_dock = "CommandSpace" split_main_command2.new_dock = "CommandSpace2" split_main_command2.direction = imgui.Dir.right split_main_command2.ratio = 0.4 split_main_misc = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_misc.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_misc.new_dock = "MiscSpace" split_main_misc.direction = imgui.Dir.left split_main_misc.ratio = 0.5 splits = [split_main_command, split_main_command2, split_main_misc] return splits # # 2. Define the Dockable windows # def create_dockable_windows(app_state: AppState) -> List[hello_imgui.DockableWindow]: # A features demo window named "FeaturesDemo" will be placed in "CommandSpace". # Its Gui is provided by "gui_window_demo_features" features_demo_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() features_demo_window.label = "Features Demo" features_demo_window.dock_space_name = "CommandSpace" features_demo_window.gui_function = lambda: gui_window_demo_features(app_state) # A layout customization window will be placed in "MainDockSpace". # Its Gui is provided by "gui_window_layout_customization" layout_customization_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() layout_customization_window.label = "Layout customization" layout_customization_window.dock_space_name = "MainDockSpace" layout_customization_window.gui_function = lambda: gui_window_layout_customization(app_state) # A Log window named "Logs" will be placed in "MiscSpace". It uses the HelloImGui logger gui logs_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() logs_window.label = "Logs" logs_window.dock_space_name = "MiscSpace" logs_window.gui_function = hello_imgui.log_gui # A Window named "Dear ImGui Demo" will be placed in "MainDockSpace" dear_imgui_demo_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() dear_imgui_demo_window.label = "Dear ImGui Demo" dear_imgui_demo_window.dock_space_name = "MainDockSpace" dear_imgui_demo_window.imgui_window_flags = imgui.WindowFlags_.menu_bar dear_imgui_demo_window.gui_function = imgui.show_demo_window # type: ignore # additional_window is initially not visible (and not mentioned in the view menu). # it will be opened only if the user chooses to display it additional_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() additional_window.label = "Additional Window" additional_window.is_visible = False # this window is initially hidden, additional_window.include_in_view_menu = False # it is not shown in the view menu, additional_window.remember_is_visible = ( False # its visibility is not saved in the settings file, ) additional_window.dock_space_name = ( "MiscSpace" # when shown, it will appear in MiscSpace. ) additional_window.gui_function = lambda: imgui.text("This is the additional window") # alternativeThemeWindow alternative_theme_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() # Since this window applies a theme, We need to call "imgui.begin" ourselves so # that we can apply the theme before opening the window. alternative_theme_window.call_begin_end = False alternative_theme_window.label = "Alternative Theme" alternative_theme_window.dock_space_name = "CommandSpace2" alternative_theme_window.gui_function = lambda: gui_window_alternative_theme(app_state) dockable_windows = [ features_demo_window, layout_customization_window, logs_window, dear_imgui_demo_window, additional_window, alternative_theme_window, ] return dockable_windows # # 3. Define the layouts: # A layout is stored inside DockingParams, and stores the splits + the dockable windows. # Here, we provide the default layout, and two alternative layouts. def create_default_layout(app_state: AppState) -> hello_imgui.DockingParams: docking_params = hello_imgui.DockingParams() # By default, the layout name is already "Default" # docking_params.layout_name = "Default" docking_params.docking_splits = create_default_docking_splits() docking_params.dockable_windows = create_dockable_windows(app_state) return docking_params def create_alternative_layouts(app_state: AppState) -> List[hello_imgui.DockingParams]: alternative_layout = hello_imgui.DockingParams() alternative_layout.layout_name = "Alternative Layout" alternative_layout.docking_splits = create_alternative_docking_splits() alternative_layout.dockable_windows = create_dockable_windows(app_state) tabs_layout = hello_imgui.DockingParams() tabs_layout.layout_name = "Tabs Layout" tabs_layout.dockable_windows = create_dockable_windows(app_state) # Force all windows to be presented in the MainDockSpace for window in tabs_layout.dockable_windows: window.dock_space_name = "MainDockSpace" # In "Tabs Layout", no split is created tabs_layout.docking_splits = [] return [alternative_layout, tabs_layout] ########################################################################## # main(): here, we simply fill RunnerParams, then run the application ########################################################################## def main(): # By default, an assets folder is installed via pip inside site-packages/lg_imgui_bundle/assets # and provides two fonts (fonts/DroidSans.ttf and fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf) # If you need to add more assets, make a copy of this assets folder and add your own files, # and call set_assets_folder hello_imgui.set_assets_folder(demo_utils.demos_assets_folder()) # # Part 1: Define the application state, fill the status and menu bars, and load additional font # # Our application state app_state = AppState() # Hello ImGui params (they hold the settings as well as the Gui callbacks) runner_params = hello_imgui.RunnerParams() runner_params.app_window_params.window_title = "Docking Demo" runner_params.imgui_window_params.menu_app_title = "Docking Demo" runner_params.app_window_params.window_geometry.size = (1000, 900) runner_params.app_window_params.restore_previous_geometry = True runner_params.app_window_params.borderless = True runner_params.app_window_params.borderless_movable = True runner_params.app_window_params.borderless_resizable = True runner_params.app_window_params.borderless_closable = True # Set LoadAdditionalFonts callback runner_params.callbacks.load_additional_fonts = lambda: load_fonts(app_state) # # Status bar # # We use the default status bar of Hello ImGui runner_params.imgui_window_params.show_status_bar = True # Add custom widgets in the status bar runner_params.callbacks.show_status = lambda: status_bar_gui(app_state) # uncomment next line in order to hide the FPS in the status bar # runner_params.im_gui_window_params.show_status_fps = False # # Menu bar # # Here, we fully customize the menu bar: # by setting `show_menu_bar` to True, and `show_menu_app` and `show_menu_view` to False, # HelloImGui will display an empty menu bar, which we can fill with our own menu items via the callback `show_menus` runner_params.imgui_window_params.show_menu_bar = True runner_params.imgui_window_params.show_menu_app = False runner_params.imgui_window_params.show_menu_view = False # Inside `show_menus`, we can call `hello_imgui.show_view_menu` and `hello_imgui.show_app_menu` if desired runner_params.callbacks.show_menus = lambda: show_menu_gui(runner_params) # Optional: add items to Hello ImGui default App menu runner_params.callbacks.show_app_menu_items = show_app_menu_items # # Top and bottom toolbars # # toolbar options edge_toolbar_options = hello_imgui.EdgeToolbarOptions() edge_toolbar_options.size_em = 2.5 edge_toolbar_options.window_bg = ImVec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.35) # top toolbar runner_params.callbacks.add_edge_toolbar(, lambda: show_top_toolbar(app_state), edge_toolbar_options, ) # right toolbar edge_toolbar_options.window_bg.w = 0.4 runner_params.callbacks.add_edge_toolbar( hello_imgui.EdgeToolbarType.right, lambda: show_right_toolbar(app_state), edge_toolbar_options, ) # # Load user settings at callbacks `post_init` and save them at `before_exit` # runner_params.callbacks.post_init = lambda: load_my_app_settings(app_state) runner_params.callbacks.before_exit = lambda: save_my_app_settings(app_state) # # Change style # # 1. Change theme tweaked_theme = runner_params.imgui_window_params.tweaked_theme tweaked_theme.theme = hello_imgui.ImGuiTheme_.material_flat tweaked_theme.tweaks.rounding = 10.0 # 2. Customize ImGui style at startup def setup_imgui_style(): # Reduce spacing between items ((8, 4) by default) imgui.get_style().item_spacing = (6, 4) runner_params.callbacks.setup_imgui_style = setup_imgui_style # # Part 2: Define the application layout and windows # # First, tell HelloImGui that we want full screen dock space (this will create "MainDockSpace") runner_params.imgui_window_params.default_imgui_window_type = ( hello_imgui.DefaultImGuiWindowType.provide_full_screen_dock_space ) # In this demo, we also demonstrate multiple viewports: you can drag windows outside # out the main window in order to put their content into new native windows runner_params.imgui_window_params.enable_viewports = True # Set the default layout (this contains the default DockingSplits and DockableWindows) runner_params.docking_params = create_default_layout(app_state) # Add alternative layouts runner_params.alternative_docking_layouts = create_alternative_layouts(app_state) # # Part 3: Where to save the app settings # # tag::app_settings[] # By default, HelloImGui will save the settings in the current folder. # This is convenient when developing, but not so much when deploying the app. # You can tell HelloImGui to save the settings in a specific folder: choose between # current_folder # app_user_config_folder # app_executable_folder # home_folder # temp_folder # documents_folder # # Note: app_user_config_folder is: # AppData under Windows (Example: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming) # ~/.config under Linux # "~/Library/Application Support" under macOS or iOS runner_params.ini_folder_type = hello_imgui.IniFolderType.app_user_config_folder # runnerParams.ini_filename: this will be the name of the ini file in which the settings # will be stored. # In this example, the subdirectory Docking_Demo will be created under the folder defined # by runnerParams.ini_folder_type. # # Note: if ini_filename is left empty, the name of the ini file will be derived # from app_window_params.window_title runner_params.ini_filename = "Docking_Demo/Docking_demo.ini" # end::app_settings[] # # Part 4: Run the app # if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Custom 3D Background .Custom 3D Background image::{url-demo-images}/demo_custom_background.jpg[width=400] link:[Run this demo in your browser] TIP: As shown in the screenshot, Hello ImGui is able to display a custom 3D scene in the background. This is done by using a dedicated callback. This demonstration showcases how to: - Display a 3D scene in the background via the callback `runnerParams.callbacks.CustomBackground` - Load and compile a shader - Adjust uniforms in the GUI Its source code is heavily documented and should be self-explanatory. * link:{url-demos-cpp}/demos_immapp/demo_custom_background.cpp[Source code in {cpp}] * link:{url-demos-python}/demos_immapp/[Source code in Python] :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ [[quickstart_testengine]] === Test & Automation with ImGui Test Engine .ImmGui Test Engine in action image::{url-demo-images}/demo_testengine.jpg[width=300] link:[Run this demo in your browser] link:[ImGui Test Engine] is a Tests & Automation Engine for Dear ImGui. This demo source code is heavily documented and should be self-explanatory. It shows how to: * enable ImGui Test Engine via RunnerParams.use_imgui_test_engine * define a callback where the tests are registered (runner_params.callbacks.register_tests) * create tests, and: ** automate actions using "named references" (see ** display an optional custom GUI for a test * manipulate custom variables * check that simulated actions do modify those variables NOTE: See link:[Dear ImGui Test Engine License]. (TL;DR: free for individuals, educational, open-source and small businesses uses. Paid for larger businesses) .Click to see its source code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- // A demo app that demonstrates how to use ImGui Test Engine ( // // It demonstrates how to: // - enable ImGui Test Engine via runnerParams.useImGuiTestEngine // - define a callback where the tests are registered (runnerParams.callbacks.RegisterTests) // - create tests, and: // - automate actions using "named references" (see // - display an optional custom GUI for a test // - manipulate custom variables // - check that simulated actions do modify those variables // // Important note: ImGui Test Engine falls under the Dear ImGui Test Engine License // See: // TL;DR: free for individuals, educational, open-source and small businesses uses. // Paid for larger businesses. Read license for details. // License sales to larger businesses are used to fund and sustain the development of Dear ImGui. #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui_test_engine/imgui_te_engine.h" #include "imgui_test_engine/imgui_te_context.h" #include "imgui_test_engine/imgui_te_ui.h" #include // Our tests, that will automate the application ImGuiTest* testOpenPopup; ImGuiTest* testCaptureScreenshot; ImGuiTest* testCustomGui; bool gShowStackToolWindow = false; int nbAltA = 0; // This function is called at startup and will instantiate the tests void MyRegisterTests() { ImGuiTestEngine* engine = HelloImGui::GetImGuiTestEngine(); // Demo 1: Open popup testOpenPopup = IM_REGISTER_TEST(engine, "Demo Tests", "Open Popup"); auto testOpenPopupFunc = [](ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { // This is the function that will be called by our test ctx->SetRef("Dear ImGui Demo"); // From now on, all actions happen in the "Dear ImGui Demo" window ctx->ItemOpen("**/Popups & Modal windows"); // Open the "Popups & Modal windows" tree item ctx->ItemOpen("**/Modals"); // Open the "Modal" tree item ctx->ItemClick("**/Delete.."); // Click the "Delete.." button ("**" means: search inside children) ctx->ItemClick("//Delete?/Cancel"); // Click the "Cancel" button: // here, "//" means "ignore previous set_ref" and search // for the cancel button in the root popup window named "Delete?" ctx->ItemClose("**/Popups & Modal windows"); // Close the "Popups & Modal windows" tree item }; // Let the test call our function testOpenPopup->TestFunc = testOpenPopupFunc; // Demo 2: Capture Dear ImGui Demo window testCaptureScreenshot = IM_REGISTER_TEST(engine, "Demo Tests", "Capture Screenshot"); auto testCaptureScreenshotFunc = [](ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { ctx->SetRef("Dear ImGui Demo"); // From now on, actions happen in the "Dear ImGui Demo" window ctx->ItemOpen("**/Widgets"); // Open the "Widgets", then "Basic" tree item ctx->ItemOpenAll("**/Basic"); ctx->CaptureScreenshotWindow("Dear ImGui Demo"); // Capture window and save screenshot ctx->ItemClose("**/Widgets"); }; testCaptureScreenshot->TestFunc = testCaptureScreenshotFunc; // Demo 3: a test with a custom GUI and custom variables // which asserts that simulated actions successfully changed the variables values testCustomGui = IM_REGISTER_TEST(engine, "Demo Tests", "Test custom GUI & vars"); // Our custom variables container struct TestVar2 { int myInt = 42; }; testCustomGui->SetVarsDataType(); auto testCustomGuiFunc = [](ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { // Custom GUI for this test: it can edit our custom variable TestVar2& vars = ctx->GetVars(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(HelloImGui::EmToVec2(40, 8)); ImGui::Begin("Custom Gui Test Window", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings); ImGui::SliderInt("Slider", &vars.myInt, 0, 1000); ImGui::End(); }; auto testWithVarsTestFunc = [](ImGuiTestContext* ctx){ // Our test, that will perform actions in the custom GUI, and assert that actions do change the custom variables TestVar2& vars = ctx->GetVars(); ctx->SetRef("Custom Gui Test Window"); IM_CHECK_EQ(vars.myInt, 42); ctx->ItemInputValue("Slider", 123); IM_CHECK_EQ(vars.myInt, 123); }; // Let the test call our test function, and also call our custom GUI testCustomGui->TestFunc = testWithVarsTestFunc; testCustomGui->GuiFunc = testCustomGuiFunc; // Demo 4: Write to text field auto testWrite = IM_REGISTER_TEST(engine, "Demo Tests", "Write to text field"); auto testWriteFunc = [](ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { ctx->SetRef("Dear ImGui Demo"); ctx->ItemOpen("**/Widgets"); ctx->ItemOpen("**/Text Input"); ctx->ItemOpen("**/Multi-line Text Input"); ctx->ItemClick("**/##source"); ctx->KeyChars("Hello from test engine!"); // Note: ctx.KeyUp/Down/Press also send events that you can process in the GUI // However, you need to use KeyChars to input text in the text widgets }; testWrite->TestFunc = testWriteFunc; // Demo 5: Press Alt+A auto testAltA = IM_REGISTER_TEST(engine, "Demo Tests", "Test key combination (Alt-A)"); auto testAltAFunc = [](ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { ctx->KeyDown(ImGuiKey_LeftAlt); ctx->KeyDown(ImGuiKey_A); ctx->KeyUp(ImGuiKey_A); ctx->KeyUp(ImGuiKey_LeftAlt); }; testAltA->TestFunc = testAltAFunc; } // Our application GUI: shows that we can trigger the test manually void MyGui() { ImGui::Checkbox("Show ID Stack Tool Window", &gShowStackToolWindow); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("This tool window can help to identify the ID of the widgets (use \"Copy path to clipboard\")"); if (gShowStackToolWindow) ImGui::ShowIDStackToolWindow(); ImGuiTestEngine* testEngine = HelloImGui::GetImGuiTestEngine(); if (ImGui::Button("Run \"Open popup\"")) ImGuiTestEngine_QueueTest(testEngine, testOpenPopup); if (ImGui::Button("Run \"Capture Screenshot\"")) ImGuiTestEngine_QueueTest(testEngine, testCaptureScreenshot); if (ImGui::Button("Run \"Test custom GUI & vars\"")) ImGuiTestEngine_QueueTest(testEngine, testCustomGui); ImGuiTestEngineIO& engineIo = ImGuiTestEngine_GetIO(testEngine); ImGui::Text("Speed:"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Fast")) engineIo.ConfigRunSpeed = ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast; ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Normal")) engineIo.ConfigRunSpeed = ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Normal; ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Cinematic")) engineIo.ConfigRunSpeed = ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic; if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_A) && ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey_LeftAlt)) nbAltA++; if (nbAltA > 0) ImGui::Text("Alt-A combination was pressed"); } // Defined later: helps to define the application layout, display the ImGui Demo, & ImGui Test Engine Window void ApplyApplicationLayout(HelloImGui::RunnerParams* runnerParams); // Our main function, where we need to: // - instantiate RunnerParams // - set `runnerParams.useImGuiTestEngine = true` // - fill `runnerParams.callbacks.registerTests` int main(int, const char**) { // Instantiate RunnerParams HelloImGui::RunnerParams runnerParams; // Apply the application layout configuration ApplyApplicationLayout(&runnerParams); // Enable ImGui Test Engine runnerParams.useImGuiTestEngine = true; // Set the test registration function runnerParams.callbacks.RegisterTests = MyRegisterTests; // Run the ImGui application HelloImGui::Run(runnerParams); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of demo code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define the default docking splits for the application layout std::vector CreateDefaultDockingSplits() { // Define the application layout: split the window into 3 spaces HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainDemo; splitMainDemo.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainDemo.newDock = "ImGuiDemoSpace"; splitMainDemo.direction = ImGuiDir_Right; splitMainDemo.ratio = 0.5f; HelloImGui::DockingSplit splitMainTest; splitMainTest.initialDock = "MainDockSpace"; splitMainTest.newDock = "TestEngineSpace"; splitMainTest.direction = ImGuiDir_Down; splitMainTest.ratio = 0.7f; return {splitMainDemo, splitMainTest}; } // Define the dockable windows for the application layout std::vector CreateDockableWindows() { // Define the app windows: MyGui, ImGui Demo Window, Dear ImGui Test Engine HelloImGui::DockableWindow myWindow; myWindow.label = "Run Demos"; myWindow.dockSpaceName = "MainDockSpace"; myWindow.GuiFunction = &MyGui; HelloImGui::DockableWindow dearImGuiDemoWindow; dearImGuiDemoWindow.label = "Dear ImGui Demo"; dearImGuiDemoWindow.dockSpaceName = "ImGuiDemoSpace"; dearImGuiDemoWindow.GuiFunction = []() { ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); }; HelloImGui::DockableWindow testEngineWindow; testEngineWindow.label = "Dear ImGui Test Engine"; testEngineWindow.dockSpaceName = "TestEngineSpace"; testEngineWindow.GuiFunction = []() { ImGuiTestEngine_ShowTestEngineWindows(HelloImGui::GetImGuiTestEngine(), nullptr); }; return {myWindow, dearImGuiDemoWindow, testEngineWindow}; } // Apply the application layout and windows to the runner parameters void ApplyApplicationLayout(HelloImGui::RunnerParams* runnerParams) { // Define the application layout and windows runnerParams->appWindowParams.windowTitle = "Demo ImGui Test Engine"; runnerParams->imGuiWindowParams.defaultImGuiWindowType = HelloImGui::DefaultImGuiWindowType::ProvideFullScreenDockSpace; runnerParams->dockingParams.dockingSplits = CreateDefaultDockingSplits(); runnerParams->dockingParams.dockableWindows = CreateDockableWindows(); runnerParams->dockingParams.layoutCondition = HelloImGui::DockingLayoutCondition::ApplicationStart; } ---- ==== .Click to see its source code in Python [%collapsible] ==== Python: [source, python] ---- # A demo app that demonstrates how to use ImGui Test Engine ( # # It demonstrates how to: # - enable ImGui Test Engine via RunnerParams.use_imgui_test_engine # - define a callback where the tests are registered (runner_params.callbacks.register_tests) # - create tests, and: # - automate actions using "named references" (see # - display an optional custom GUI for a test # - manipulate custom variables # - check that simulated actions do modify those variables # # Important note: ImGui Test Engine falls under the Dear ImGui Test Engine License # See: # TL;DR: free for individuals, educational, open-source and small businesses uses. # Paid for larger businesses. Read license for details. # License sales to larger businesses are used to fund and sustain the development of Dear ImGui. from imgui_bundle import imgui, hello_imgui from imgui_bundle.imgui.test_engine_checks import CHECK from typing import List # Our tests, that will automate the application test_open_popup: imgui.test_engine.Test test_capture_screenshot: imgui.test_engine.Test test_custom_gui = imgui.test_engine.Test g_show_stack_tool_window = False nb_alt_a = 0 # This function is called at startup and will instantiate the tests def my_register_tests(): # fmt: off global test_open_popup, test_capture_screenshot, test_custom_gui engine = hello_imgui.get_imgui_test_engine() # Demo 1: Open popup test_open_popup = imgui.test_engine.register_test(engine, "Demo Tests", "Open Popup") def test_open_popup_func(ctx: imgui.test_engine.TestContext) -> None: # This is the function that will be called by our test ctx.set_ref("Dear ImGui Demo") # From now on, all actions happen in the "Dear ImGui Demo" window ctx.item_open("**/Popups & Modal windows") # Open the "Popups & Modal windows" tree item ctx.item_open("**/Modals") # Open the "Modal" tree item ctx.item_click("**/Delete..") # Click the "Delete.." button ("**" means: search inside children) ctx.item_click("//Delete?/Cancel") # Click the "Cancel" button: # here, "//" means "ignore previous set_ref" and search # for the cancel button in the root popup window named "Delete?" ctx.item_close("**/Popups & Modal windows") # Close the "Popups & Modal windows" tree item # let the test call our function test_open_popup.test_func = test_open_popup_func # Demo 2 : Capture Dear ImGui Demo window test_capture_screenshot = imgui.test_engine.register_test(engine, "Demo Tests", "Capture Screenshot") def test_capture_screenshot_func(ctx: imgui.test_engine.TestContext) -> None: ctx.set_ref("Dear ImGui Demo") # From now on, actions happen in the "Dear ImGui Demo" window ctx.item_open("**/Widgets") # Open the "Widgets", then "Basic" tree item ctx.item_open_all("**/Basic") ctx.capture_screenshot_window("Dear ImGui Demo") # Capture window and save screenshot ctx.item_close("**/Widgets") test_capture_screenshot.test_func = test_capture_screenshot_func # Demo 3: a test with a custom GUI and custom variables # which asserts that simulated actions successfully changed the variables values test_custom_gui = imgui.test_engine.register_test( engine, "Demo Tests", "Test custom GUI & vars" ) # Our custom variables container class TestVar2: my_int = 42 test_var2 = TestVar2() # our custom variable(s) def test_custom_gui_func(ctx: imgui.test_engine.TestContext) -> None: # Custom GUI for this test: it can edit our custom variable imgui.set_next_window_size(hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(40, 8)) imgui.begin( "Custom Gui Test Window", None, imgui.WindowFlags_.no_saved_settings.value ) _, test_var2.my_int = imgui.slider_int("Slider", test_var2.my_int, 0, 1000) imgui.end() def test_with_vars_test_func(ctx: imgui.test_engine.TestContext) -> None: # Our test, that will perform actions in the custom GUI, and assert that actions do change the custom variables # Optional: reset test_var2 to its startup values nonlocal test_var2 test_var2 = TestVar2() # Run the test ctx.set_ref("Custom Gui Test Window") CHECK(test_var2.my_int == 42) ctx.item_input_value("Slider", 123) CHECK(test_var2.my_int == 123) # let the test call our test function, and also call our custom Gui test_custom_gui.test_func = test_with_vars_test_func test_custom_gui.gui_func = test_custom_gui_func # fmt: on # Demo 4: Write to text field test_write = imgui.test_engine.register_test(engine, "Demo Tests", "Write to text field") def test_write_func(ctx: imgui.test_engine.TestContext) -> None: ctx.set_ref("Dear ImGui Demo") ctx.item_open("**/Widgets") ctx.item_open("**/Text Input") ctx.item_open("**/Multi-line Text Input") ctx.item_click("**/##source") ctx.key_chars("Hello from test engine!") # Note: ctx.key_up/down/key_press also send events that you can process in the GUI # However, you need to use key_chars to input text in the text widgets test_write.test_func = test_write_func # Demo 5: Press Alt+A test_alt_a = imgui.test_engine.register_test(engine, "Demo Tests", "Test key combination (Alt-A)") def test_alt_a_func(ctx: imgui.test_engine.TestContext) -> None: ctx.key_down(imgui.Key.left_alt.value) ctx.key_down(imgui.Key.a.value) ctx.key_up(imgui.Key.a.value) ctx.key_up(imgui.Key.left_alt.value) test_alt_a.test_func = test_alt_a_func # Our application GUI: shows that we can trigger the test manually def my_gui(): global g_show_stack_tool_window _, g_show_stack_tool_window = imgui.checkbox("Show ID Stack Tool Window", g_show_stack_tool_window) if imgui.is_item_hovered(): imgui.set_tooltip("This tool window can help to identify the ID of the widgets (use \"Copy path to clipboard\")") if g_show_stack_tool_window: imgui.show_id_stack_tool_window() test_engine = hello_imgui.get_imgui_test_engine() if imgui.button('Run "Open popup"'): imgui.test_engine.queue_test(test_engine, test_open_popup) if imgui.button('Run "Capture Screenshot"'): imgui.test_engine.queue_test(test_engine, test_capture_screenshot) if imgui.button('Run "Test custom GUI & vars"'): imgui.test_engine.queue_test(test_engine, test_custom_gui) engine_io = imgui.test_engine.get_io(test_engine) imgui.text("Speed:") imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Fast"): engine_io.config_run_speed = imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Normal"): engine_io.config_run_speed = imgui.test_engine.TestRunSpeed.normal imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Cinematic"): engine_io.config_run_speed = imgui.test_engine.TestRunSpeed.cinematic global nb_alt_a if imgui.is_key_down(imgui.Key.left_alt) and imgui.is_key_down(imgui.Key.a): nb_alt_a += 1 if nb_alt_a > 0: imgui.text("Alt-A combination was pressed") # Defined later: helps to define the application layout, display the ImGui Demo, & ImGui Test Engine Window def apply_application_layout(runner_params: hello_imgui.RunnerParams) -> None: ... # Our main function, where we need to: # - instantiate RunnerParams # - set `runner_params.use_imgui_test_engine = True` # - fill `runner_params.callbacks.register_tests` def main() -> None: runner_params = hello_imgui.RunnerParams() apply_application_layout(runner_params) runner_params.use_imgui_test_engine = True runner_params.callbacks.register_tests = my_register_tests # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # // End of demo code # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # // # // Note: the code below only helps to # // - define the application layout # // - display the ImGui Demo Window # // - display the ImGui Test Engine Window def create_default_docking_splits() -> List[hello_imgui.DockingSplit]: # Define the application layout: splits the window in 3 spaces split_main_demo = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_demo.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_demo.new_dock = "ImGuiDemoSpace" split_main_demo.direction = imgui.Dir.right split_main_demo.ratio = 0.5 split_main_test = hello_imgui.DockingSplit() split_main_test.initial_dock = "MainDockSpace" split_main_test.new_dock = "TestEngineSpace" split_main_test.direction = imgui.Dir.down split_main_test.ratio = 0.7 return [split_main_demo, split_main_test] def create_dockable_windows() -> List[hello_imgui.DockableWindow]: # Define the app windows: my_gui, ImGui Demo Window, Dear ImGui Test Engine my_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() my_window.label = "Run Demos" my_window.dock_space_name = "MainDockSpace" my_window.gui_function = my_gui dear_imgui_demo_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() dear_imgui_demo_window.label = "Dear ImGui Demo" dear_imgui_demo_window.dock_space_name = "ImGuiDemoSpace" dear_imgui_demo_window.gui_function = imgui.show_demo_window # type: ignore test_engine_window = hello_imgui.DockableWindow() test_engine_window.label = "Dear ImGui Test Engine" test_engine_window.dock_space_name = "TestEngineSpace" def show_test_engine_windows(): imgui.test_engine.show_test_engine_windows( hello_imgui.get_imgui_test_engine(), None ) test_engine_window.gui_function = show_test_engine_windows return [my_window, dear_imgui_demo_window, test_engine_window] def apply_application_layout(runner_params: hello_imgui.RunnerParams) -> None: # type: ignore # noqa: F811 # Define the application layout and windows runner_params.app_window_params.window_title = "Demo ImGui Test Engine" runner_params.imgui_window_params.default_imgui_window_type = ( hello_imgui.DefaultImGuiWindowType.provide_full_screen_dock_space ) runner_params.docking_params.docking_splits = create_default_docking_splits() runner_params.docking_params.dockable_windows = create_dockable_windows() runner_params.docking_params.layout_condition = ( hello_imgui.DockingLayoutCondition.application_start ) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Display & analyze images with ImmVision .Immvision in action image::{url-demo-images}/demo_immvision_process_1.jpg[width=400] .Zooming on the images (with the mouse wheel) to display pixel values image::{url-demo-images}/demo_immvision_process_2.jpg[width=400] link:[Run this demo in your browser] link:[ImmVision], is an immediate image debugger which can display multiple kinds of images (RGB, RGBA, float, etc.), zoom to examine precise pixel values, display float images with a versatile colormap, etc. This demonstration showcases how to: - display two versions of an image, before after an image processing pipeline - zoom on specific ROI of those images to see pixel values - play with the parameter of the image processing pipeline Its source code is heavily documented and should be self-explanatory. .Click to see its source code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- #include "demo_utils/api_demos.h" #include "immvision/immvision.h" #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include #include #include // The parameters for our image processing pipeline struct SobelParams { enum class Orientation { Horizontal, Vertical }; float blur_size = 1.25f; int deriv_order = 1; // order of the derivative int k_size = 7; // size of the extended Sobel kernel it must be 1, 3, 5, or 7 (or -1 for Scharr) Orientation orientation = Orientation::Vertical; }; // Our image processing pipeline cv::Mat ComputeSobel(const cv::Mat& image, const SobelParams& params) { cv::Mat gray; cv::cvtColor(image, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cv::Mat img_float; gray.convertTo(img_float, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0); cv::Mat blurred; cv::GaussianBlur(img_float, blurred, cv::Size(), params.blur_size, params.blur_size); double good_scale = 1.0 / std::pow(2.0, (params.k_size - 2 * params.deriv_order - 2)); int dx, dy; if (params.orientation == SobelParams::Orientation::Vertical) { dx = params.deriv_order; dy = 0; } else { dx = 0; dy = params.deriv_order; } cv::Mat r; cv::Sobel(blurred, r, CV_64F, dx, dy, params.k_size, good_scale); return r; } // A GUI to edit the parameters for our image processing pipeline bool GuiSobelParams(SobelParams& params) { bool changed = false; // Blur size ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImmApp::EmSize() * 10); if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Blur size", ¶ms.blur_size, 0.5f, 10.0f)) { changed = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text(" | "); ImGui::SameLine(); // Deriv order ImGui::Text("Deriv order"); ImGui::SameLine(); for (int deriv_order = 1; deriv_order <= 4; ++deriv_order) { if (ImGui::RadioButton(std::to_string(deriv_order).c_str(), params.deriv_order == deriv_order)) { changed = true; params.deriv_order = deriv_order; } ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::Text(" | "); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("Orientation"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Horizontal", params.orientation == SobelParams::Orientation::Horizontal)) { changed = true; params.orientation = SobelParams::Orientation::Horizontal; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Vertical", params.orientation == SobelParams::Orientation::Vertical)) { changed = true; params.orientation = SobelParams::Orientation::Vertical; } return changed; } // Our Application State contains: // - the original & processed image (image & imageSobel) // - our parameters for the processing pipeline (sobelParams) // - parameters to display the images via ImmVision: they share the same zoom key, // so that we can move the two image in sync struct AppStateProcess { cv::Mat image; cv::Mat imageSobel; SobelParams sobelParams; ImmVision::ImageParams immvisionParams; ImmVision::ImageParams immvisionParamsSobel; AppStateProcess(const std::string& image_file) { image = cv::imread(image_file); sobelParams = SobelParams(); imageSobel = ComputeSobel(image, sobelParams); immvisionParams = ImmVision::ImageParams(); immvisionParams.ImageDisplaySize = cv::Size(int(ImmApp::EmSize(22.f)), 0); immvisionParams.ZoomKey = "z"; immvisionParamsSobel = ImmVision::ImageParams(); immvisionParamsSobel.ImageDisplaySize = cv::Size(int(ImmApp::EmSize(22.f)), 0); immvisionParamsSobel.ZoomKey = "z"; immvisionParamsSobel.ShowOptionsPanel = true; } }; // Our GUI function // (which instantiates a static app state at startup) void demo_immvision_process() { static AppStateProcess appState(DemosAssetsFolder() + "/images/house.jpg"); ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( This example shows a example of image processing (sobel filter) where you can adjust the params and see their effect in real time. * Pan and zoom the image with the mouse and the mouse wheel * Apply Colormaps to the filtered image in the options tab. )"); ImGui::Separator(); if (GuiSobelParams(appState.sobelParams)) { appState.imageSobel = ComputeSobel(appState.image, appState.sobelParams); appState.immvisionParamsSobel.RefreshImage = true; } ImmVision::Image("Original", appState.image, &appState.immvisionParams); ImGui::SameLine(); ImmVision::Image("Deriv", appState.imageSobel, &appState.immvisionParamsSobel); } // The main function is not present in this file, but it could be written as // ImmApp::RunWithMarkdown(demo_immvision_process, "demo_immvision_process"); ---- ==== .Click to see its source code in Python [%collapsible] ==== Python: [source, python] ---- import os.path import numpy as np from typing import Any from numpy.typing import NDArray from enum import Enum import cv2 # type: ignore import math from imgui_bundle import imgui, immvision, immapp, imgui_md from imgui_bundle.demos_python import demo_utils ImageRgb = NDArray[np.uint8] ImageFloat = NDArray[np.floating[Any]] class SobelParams: """The parameters for our image processing pipeline""" class Orientation(Enum): Horizontal = 0 Vertical = 1 blur_size = 1.25 deriv_order = 1 # order of the derivative k_size = 7 # size of the extended Sobel kernel it must be 1, 3, 5, or 7 (or -1 for Scharr) orientation: Orientation = Orientation.Vertical def compute_sobel(image: ImageRgb, params: SobelParams) -> ImageFloat: """Our image processing pipeline""" gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_float = gray / 255.0 blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur( img_float, (0, 0), sigmaX=params.blur_size, sigmaY=params.blur_size ) good_scale = 1.0 / math.pow(2.0, (params.k_size - 2 * params.deriv_order - 2)) if params.orientation == SobelParams.Orientation.Vertical: dx = params.deriv_order dy = 0 else: dx = 0 dy = params.deriv_order r = cv2.Sobel( blurred, ddepth=cv2.CV_64F, dx=dx, dy=dy, ksize=params.k_size, scale=good_scale ) return r def gui_sobel_params(params: SobelParams) -> bool: """A GUI to edit the parameters for our image processing pipeline""" changed = False # Blur size imgui.set_next_item_width(immapp.em_size() * 10) c, params.blur_size = imgui.slider_float("Blur size", params.blur_size, 0.5, 10) if c: changed = True imgui.same_line() imgui.text(" | ") imgui.same_line() # Deriv order imgui.text("Deriv order") imgui.same_line() for deriv_order in (1, 2, 3, 4): c, params.deriv_order = imgui.radio_button( str(deriv_order), params.deriv_order, deriv_order ) if c: changed = True imgui.same_line() imgui.text(" | ") imgui.same_line() imgui.text("Orientation") imgui.same_line() if imgui.radio_button( "Horizontal", params.orientation == SobelParams.Orientation.Horizontal ): changed = True params.orientation = SobelParams.Orientation.Horizontal imgui.same_line() if imgui.radio_button( "Vertical", params.orientation == SobelParams.Orientation.Vertical ): changed = True params.orientation = SobelParams.Orientation.Vertical return changed # Our Application State contains: # - the original & processed image (image & imageSobel) # - our parameters for the processing pipeline (sobelParams) # - parameters to display the images via ImmVision: they share the same zoom key, # so that we can move the two image in sync class AppState: image: ImageRgb image_sobel: ImageFloat sobel_params: SobelParams immvision_params: immvision.ImageParams immvision_params_sobel: immvision.ImageParams def __init__(self, image_file: str): self.image = cv2.imread(image_file) self.sobel_params = SobelParams() self.image_sobel = compute_sobel(self.image, self.sobel_params) self.immvision_params = immvision.ImageParams() self.immvision_params.image_display_size = (int(immapp.em_size(22)), 0) self.immvision_params.zoom_key = "z" self.immvision_params_sobel = immvision.ImageParams() self.immvision_params_sobel.image_display_size = (int(immapp.em_size(22)), 0) self.immvision_params_sobel.zoom_key = "z" self.immvision_params_sobel.show_options_panel = True # Our GUI function # (which instantiates a static app state at startup) @immapp.static(app_state=None) def demo_gui(): static = demo_gui if static.app_state is None: this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) static.app_state = AppState(this_dir + "/../../demos_assets/images/house.jpg") imgui_md.render_unindented( """ This example shows a example of image processing (sobel filter) where you can adjust the params and see their effect in real time. * Pan and zoom the image with the mouse and the mouse wheel * Apply Colormaps to the filtered image in the options tab. """ ) imgui.separator() changed = gui_sobel_params(static.app_state.sobel_params) if changed: static.app_state.image_sobel = compute_sobel( static.app_state.image, static.app_state.sobel_params ) static.app_state.immvision_params_sobel.refresh_image = changed immvision.image( "Original", static.app_state.image, static.app_state.immvision_params ) imgui.same_line() immvision.image( "Deriv", static.app_state.image_sobel, static.app_state.immvision_params_sobel ) # The main entry point will run our GUI function if __name__ == "__main__": demo_utils.set_hello_imgui_demo_assets_folder() immapp.run_with_markdown(demo_gui, window_size=(1000, 1000)) ---- ==== :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Widgets ==== Dear ImGui Widgets .Dear ImGui widgets image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_imgui.jpg[width=400] link:[Dear ImGui] provides _lots_ of widgets by default. link:{url-imgui-manual}[ImGui Manual] enables you to browse all of them all, while looking at their code. --- ==== Additional Widgets .Knobs widget image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_knobs.jpg[width=400] .Toggle widget image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_toggle.jpg[width=400] .Spinners widget image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_spinners.jpg[width=400] .File dialog image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_file_dialog.jpg[width=400] .Cool bar image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_coolbar.jpg[width=400] link:[Try these widgets in your browser] .Click to see the widgets code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== [source, cpp] ---- // Part of ImGui Bundle - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Pascal Thomet - #include "hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h" #include "imspinner/imspinner.h" #include "imgui_toggle/imgui_toggle.h" #include "imgui_toggle/imgui_toggle_presets.h" #include "imgui_toggle/imgui_toggle_palette.h" #include "imgui_toggle/imgui_toggle_renderer.h" #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "portable_file_dialogs/portable_file_dialogs.h" #include "imgui-command-palette/imcmd_command_palette.h" #include "imgui-knobs/imgui-knobs.h" #include "ImGuiColorTextEdit/TextEditor.h" #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMFILEDIALOG #include "ImFileDialog/ImFileDialog.h" #endif #include "imgui_md_wrapper.h" #include "ImCoolBar/ImCoolbar.h" #include "demo_utils/api_demos.h" #include #include void DemoKnobs() { ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # Knobs [imgui-knobs]( provides knobs for ImGui. )"); static float knob_float_value = 0.f; static int knob_int_value = 0; std::vector> knob_types = { {ImGuiKnobVariant_Tick, "tick"}, {ImGuiKnobVariant_Dot, "dot"}, {ImGuiKnobVariant_Space, "space"}, {ImGuiKnobVariant_Stepped, "stepped"}, {ImGuiKnobVariant_Wiper, "wiper"}, {ImGuiKnobVariant_WiperDot, "wiper_dot"}, {ImGuiKnobVariant_WiperOnly, "wiper_only"}, }; auto show_float_knobs = [&knob_types](float knob_size) { std::string knob_size_str = std::to_string(knob_size); ImGui::PushID((knob_size_str + "_float").c_str()); for (const auto& [knob_type, knob_typename] : knob_types) { ImGuiKnobs::Knob( knob_typename.c_str(), &knob_float_value, /*v_min=*/ 0.0f, /*v_max=*/ 1.0f, /*speed=*/ 0, /*format=*/ "%.2f", /*variant=*/ knob_type, /*size=*/ knob_size, /*flags=*/ 0, /*steps=*/ 100 ); ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::PopID(); }; auto show_int_knobs = [&knob_types](float knob_size) { std::string knob_size_str = std::to_string(knob_size); ImGui::PushID((knob_size_str + "_int").c_str()); for (const auto& [knob_type, knob_typename] : knob_types) { ImGuiKnobs::KnobInt( knob_typename.c_str(), &knob_int_value, /*v_min=*/ 0.0, /*v_max=*/ 15, /*speed=*/ 0, /*format=*/ "%02i", /*variant=*/ knob_type, /*size=*/ knob_size, /*flags=*/ 0, /*steps=*/ 10 ); ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::PopID(); }; float knobsSizeSmall = ImmApp::EmSize() * 2.5; float knobsSizeBig = knobsSizeSmall * 1.3; ImGui::BeginGroup(); ImGui::Text("Some small knobs"); show_float_knobs(knobsSizeSmall); ImGui::EndGroup(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::BeginGroup(); ImGui::Text("Some big knobs (int values)"); show_int_knobs(knobsSizeBig); ImGui::EndGroup(); } void DemoSpinner() { ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # Spinners [imspinner]( provides spinners for ImGui. )"); ImColor color(0.3f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1.f); ImGui::Text("spinner_moving_dots"); ImGui::SameLine(); ImSpinner::SpinnerMovingDots("spinner_moving_dots", 20.0, 4.0, color, 20); ImGui::SameLine(); float radius = ImGui::GetFontSize() / 1.8f; ImGui::Text("spinner_arc_rotation"); ImGui::SameLine(); ImSpinner::SpinnerArcRotation("spinner_arc_rotation", radius, 4.0, color); ImGui::SameLine(); float radius1 = ImGui::GetFontSize() / 2.5f; ImGui::Text("spinner_ang_triple"); ImGui::SameLine(); ImSpinner::SpinnerAngTriple("spinner_ang_triple", radius1, radius1 * 1.5f, radius1 * 2.0f, 2.5f, color, color, color); } void DemoToggle() { static bool flag = true; ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # Toggle Switch [imgui_toggle]( provides toggle switches for ImGui.""" )"); bool changed = false; changed |= ImGui::Toggle("Default Toggle", &flag); ImGui::SameLine(); changed |= ImGui::Toggle("Animated Toggle", &flag, ImGuiToggleFlags_Animated); ImGui::SameLine(); auto toggle_config = ImGuiTogglePresets::MaterialStyle(); toggle_config.AnimationDuration = 0.4f; changed |= ImGui::Toggle("Material Style (with slowed anim)", &flag, toggle_config); ImGui::SameLine(); changed |= ImGui::Toggle("iOS style", &flag, ImGuiTogglePresets::iOSStyle(0.2f)); ImGui::SameLine(); changed |= ImGui::Toggle( "iOS style (light)", &flag, ImGuiTogglePresets::iOSStyle(0.2f, true)); } void DemoPortableFileDialogs() { static std::string lastFileSelection; ImGui::PushID("pfd"); ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # Portable File Dialogs [portable-file-dialogs]( provides file dialogs as well as notifications and messages. They will use the native dialogs and notifications on each platform. )"); #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( *Note: On Emscripten/Web, only messages dialogs (with an Ok button and an icon) are supported. On Windows, Linux and MacOS, everything is supported.* )"); #endif ImGui::Text(" --- File dialogs ---"); auto logResult = [](std::string what) { lastFileSelection = what; }; auto logResultList = [](const std::vector& whats) { lastFileSelection = fplus::join(std::string("\n"), whats); }; static std::unique_ptr openFileDialog; if (ImGui::Button("Open File")) openFileDialog = std::make_unique("Select file"); if (openFileDialog.get() && openFileDialog->ready()) { logResultList(openFileDialog->result()); openFileDialog.reset(); } ImGui::SameLine(); static std::unique_ptr openFileMultiselect; if (ImGui::Button("Open File (multiselect)")) openFileMultiselect.reset(new pfd::open_file("Select file", "", {}, pfd::opt::multiselect)); if (openFileMultiselect.get() && openFileMultiselect->ready()) { logResultList(openFileMultiselect->result()); openFileMultiselect.reset(); } ImGui::SameLine(); static std::unique_ptr saveFileDialog; if (ImGui::Button("Save File")) saveFileDialog = std::make_unique("Save file"); if (saveFileDialog.get() && saveFileDialog->ready()) { logResult(saveFileDialog->result()); saveFileDialog.reset(); } ImGui::SameLine(); static std::unique_ptr selectFolderDialog; if (ImGui::Button("Select Folder")) selectFolderDialog = std::make_unique("Select folder"); if (selectFolderDialog.get() && selectFolderDialog->ready()) { logResult(selectFolderDialog->result()); selectFolderDialog.reset(); } if (lastFileSelection.size() > 0) ImGui::Text("%s", lastFileSelection.c_str()); ImGui::Text(" --- Notifications and messages ---"); static pfd::icon iconType = pfd::icon::info; static std::optional messageDialog; static pfd::choice messageChoiceType = pfd::choice::ok; // icon type ImGui::Text("Icon type"); ImGui::SameLine(); std::vector> iconTypes = { {pfd::icon::info, "info"}, {pfd::icon::warning, "warning"}, {pfd::icon::error, "error"}, }; for (const auto& [notification_icon, name]: iconTypes) { if (ImGui::RadioButton(name, iconType == notification_icon)) iconType = notification_icon; ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::NewLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Add Notif")) pfd::notify("Notification title", "This is an example notification", iconType); // messages ImGui::SameLine(); // 1. Display the message if (ImGui::Button("Add message")) messageDialog = pfd::message("Message title", "This is an example message", messageChoiceType, iconType); // 2. Handle the message result if (messageDialog.has_value() && messageDialog->ready()) { printf("msg ready\n"); // Get the result via messageDialog->result() messageDialog.reset(); } // Optional: Select the message type ImGui::SameLine(); std::vector> choiceTypes = { {pfd::choice::ok, "ok"}, {pfd::choice::yes_no, "yes_no"}, {pfd::choice::yes_no_cancel, "yes_no_cancel"}, {pfd::choice::retry_cancel, "retry_cancel"}, {pfd::choice::abort_retry_ignore, "abort_retry_ignore"}, }; for (const auto& [choice_type, name]: choiceTypes) { if (ImGui::RadioButton(name, messageChoiceType == choice_type)) messageChoiceType = choice_type; ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::PopID(); } void DemoImFileDialog() { #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMFILEDIALOG static std::string selectedFilename; ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # ImFileDialog [ImFileDialog]( provides file dialogs for ImGui, with images preview. *Not (yet) adapted for High DPI resolution under windows* )"); if (ImGui::Button("Open file")) ifd::FileDialog::Instance().Open( "ShaderOpenDialog", "Open a shader", "Image file (*.png*.jpg*.jpeg*.bmp*.tga).png,.jpg,.jpeg,.bmp,.tga,.*", true ); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Open directory")) ifd::FileDialog::Instance().Open("DirectoryOpenDialog", "Open a directory", ""); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Save file")) ifd::FileDialog::Instance().Save("ShaderSaveDialog", "Save a shader", "*.sprj .sprj"); if (selectedFilename.size() > 0) ImGui::Text("Last file selection:\n%s", selectedFilename.c_str()); if (ifd::FileDialog::Instance().IsDone("ShaderOpenDialog")) { if (ifd::FileDialog::Instance().HasResult()) { // get_results: plural form - ShaderOpenDialog supports multi-selection auto results = ifd::FileDialog::Instance().GetResults(); selectedFilename = ""; for (auto path: results) selectedFilename += path.string() + "\n"; } ifd::FileDialog::Instance().Close(); } if (ifd::FileDialog::Instance().IsDone("DirectoryOpenDialog")) { if (ifd::FileDialog::Instance().HasResult()) selectedFilename = ifd::FileDialog::Instance().GetResult().string(); ifd::FileDialog::Instance().Close(); } if (ifd::FileDialog::Instance().IsDone("ShaderSaveDialog")) { if (ifd::FileDialog::Instance().HasResult()) selectedFilename = ifd::FileDialog::Instance().GetResult().string(); ifd::FileDialog::Instance().Close(); } #endif // #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMFILEDIALOG } void DemoCommandPalette() { static bool wasInited = false; static bool showCommandPalette = false; static ImCmd::Context * commandPaletteContext = nullptr; static int counter = 0; auto initCommandPalette = []() { commandPaletteContext = ImCmd::CreateContext(); ImVec4 highlight_font_color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); ImCmd::SetStyleColor(ImCmdTextType_Highlight, ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(highlight_font_color)); // Add theme command: a two steps command, with initial callback + SubsequentCallback { ImCmd::Command select_theme_cmd; select_theme_cmd.Name = "Select theme"; select_theme_cmd.InitialCallback = [&]() { ImCmd::Prompt(std::vector{ "Classic", "Dark", "Light", }); }; select_theme_cmd.SubsequentCallback = [&](int selected_option) { switch (selected_option) { case 0: ImGui::StyleColorsClassic(); break; case 1: ImGui::StyleColorsDark(); break; case 2: ImGui::StyleColorsLight(); break; default: break; } }; ImCmd::AddCommand(std::move(select_theme_cmd)); } // Simple command that increments a counter { ImCmd::Command inc_cmd; inc_cmd.Name = "increment counter"; inc_cmd.InitialCallback = [] { counter += 1; }; ImCmd::AddCommand(inc_cmd); } }; if (!wasInited) { initCommandPalette(); wasInited = true; } ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # Command Palette [imgui-command-palette]( provides a Sublime Text or VSCode style command palette in ImGui )"); auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); if (io.KeyCtrl && io.KeyShift && ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_P)) showCommandPalette = ! showCommandPalette; if (showCommandPalette) ImCmd::CommandPaletteWindow("CommandPalette", &showCommandPalette); ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::Text("Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the command palette"); ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::Text("counter=%i", counter); } void DemoCoolBar() { auto ShowCoolBarButton = [](const std::string& label) -> bool { float w = ImGui::GetCoolBarItemWidth(); // Display transparent image and check if clicked HelloImGui::ImageFromAsset("images/bear_transparent.png", ImVec2(w, w)); bool clicked = ImGui::IsItemHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0); // Optional: add a label on the image { ImVec2 topLeftCorner = ImGui::GetItemRectMin(); ImVec2 textPos(topLeftCorner.x + ImmApp::EmSize(1.f), topLeftCorner.y + ImmApp::EmSize(1.f)); ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList()->AddText(textPos, 0xFFFFFFFF, label.c_str()); } return clicked; }; std::vector buttonLabels {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}; ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # ImCoolBar: ImCoolBar provides a dock-like Cool bar for Dear ImGui )"); ImGui::ImCoolBarConfig coolBarConfig; coolBarConfig.anchor = ImVec2(0.5f, 0.07f); // position in the window (ratio of window size) if (ImGui::BeginCoolBar("##CoolBarMain", ImCoolBarFlags_Horizontal, coolBarConfig)) { for (const std::string& label: buttonLabels) { if (ImGui::CoolBarItem()) { if (ShowCoolBarButton(label)) printf("Clicked %s\n", label.c_str()); } } ImGui::EndCoolBar(); } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::NewLine(); } void demo_widgets() { DemoCoolBar(); DemoPortableFileDialogs(); ImGui::NewLine(); DemoImFileDialog(); ImGui::NewLine(); DemoKnobs(); DemoToggle(); ImGui::NewLine(); DemoSpinner(); DemoCommandPalette(); } ---- ==== .Click to see the widgets code in Python [%collapsible] ==== [source, python] ---- # Part of ImGui Bundle - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Pascal Thomet - from typing import List from imgui_bundle import ( imgui, hello_imgui, imgui_md, imgui_toggle, ImVec2, immapp, ImVec4, im_cool_bar, ) from imgui_bundle import imgui_command_palette as imcmd from imgui_bundle import portable_file_dialogs as pfd @immapp.static(knob_float_value=0, knob_int_value=0) def demo_knobs(): static = demo_knobs from imgui_bundle import imgui_knobs imgui_md.render( """ # Knobs [imgui-knobs]( provides knobs for ImGui.""" ) knob_types = { "tick": imgui_knobs.ImGuiKnobVariant_.tick, "dot":, "space":, "stepped": imgui_knobs.ImGuiKnobVariant_.stepped, "wiper": imgui_knobs.ImGuiKnobVariant_.wiper, "wiper_dot": imgui_knobs.ImGuiKnobVariant_.wiper_dot, "wiper_only": imgui_knobs.ImGuiKnobVariant_.wiper_only, } def show_float_knobs(knob_size: float): imgui.push_id(f"{knob_size}_float") for knob_typename, knob_type in knob_types.items(): changed, static.knob_float_value = imgui_knobs.knob( knob_typename, p_value=static.knob_float_value, v_min=0.0, v_max=1.0, speed=0, format="%.2f", variant=knob_type, size=knob_size, flags=0, steps=100, ) imgui.same_line() imgui.new_line() imgui.pop_id() def show_int_knobs(knob_size: float): imgui.push_id(f"{knob_size}_int") for knob_typename, knob_type in knob_types.items(): changed, static.knob_int_value = imgui_knobs.knob_int( knob_typename, p_value=static.knob_int_value, v_min=0, v_max=15, speed=0, format="%02i", variant=knob_type, steps=10, size=knob_size, ) imgui.same_line() imgui.new_line() imgui.pop_id() knobs_size_small = immapp.em_size() * 2.5 knobs_size_big = knobs_size_small * 1.3 imgui.begin_group() imgui.text("Some small knobs") show_float_knobs(knobs_size_small) imgui.end_group() imgui.same_line() imgui.begin_group() imgui.text("Some big knobs (int values)") show_int_knobs(knobs_size_big) imgui.end_group() def demo_spinner(): from imgui_bundle import imspinner imgui_md.render( """ # Spinners [imspinner]( provides spinners for ImGui.""" ) color = imgui.ImColor(0.3, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0) imgui.text("spinner_moving_dots") imgui.same_line() imspinner.spinner_moving_dots("spinner_moving_dots", 20.0, 4.0, color, 20) imgui.same_line() radius = imgui.get_font_size() / 1.8 imgui.text("spinner_arc_rotation") imgui.same_line() imspinner.spinner_arc_rotation("spinner_arc_rotation", radius, 4.0, color) imgui.same_line() radius1 = imgui.get_font_size() / 2.5 imgui.text("spinner_ang_triple") imgui.same_line() imspinner.spinner_ang_triple( "spinner_ang_triple", radius1, radius1 * 1.5, radius1 * 2.0, 2.5, color, color, color, ) @immapp.static(flag=True) def demo_toggle(): static = demo_toggle imgui_md.render_unindented( """ # Toggle Switch [imgui_toggle]( provides toggle switches for ImGui.""" ) _changed, static.flag = imgui_toggle.toggle("Default Toggle", static.flag) imgui.same_line() _changed, static.flag = imgui_toggle.toggle( "Animated Toggle", static.flag, imgui_toggle.ToggleFlags_.animated ) imgui.same_line() toggle_config = imgui_toggle.material_style() toggle_config.animation_duration = 0.4 _changed, static.flag = imgui_toggle.toggle( "Material Style (with slowed anim)", static.flag, config=toggle_config ) imgui.same_line() _changed, static.flag = imgui_toggle.toggle( "iOS style", static.flag, config=imgui_toggle.ios_style(size_scale=0.2) ) imgui.same_line() _changed, static.flag = imgui_toggle.toggle( "iOS style (light)", static.flag, config=imgui_toggle.ios_style(size_scale=0.2, light_mode=True), ) @immapp.static( open_file_dialog=None, open_file_multiselect=None, save_file_dialog=None, select_folder_dialog=None, last_file_selection="", # Messages and Notifications, message_dialog=None, message_choice_type=pfd.choice.ok, ) def demo_portable_file_dialogs(): # from imgui_bundle import portable_file_dialogs as pfd static = demo_portable_file_dialogs imgui.push_id("pfd") imgui_md.render_unindented( """ # Portable File Dialogs [portable-file-dialogs]( provides file dialogs as well as notifications and messages. They will use the native dialogs and notifications on each platform. """ ) def log_result(what: str): static.last_file_selection = what def log_result_list(whats: List[str]): static.last_file_selection = "\n".join(whats) imgui.text(" --- File dialogs ---") if imgui.button("Open file"): static.open_file_dialog = pfd.open_file("Select file") if static.open_file_dialog is not None and static.open_file_dialog.ready(): log_result_list(static.open_file_dialog.result()) static.open_file_dialog = None imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Open file (multiselect)"): static.open_file_multiselect = pfd.open_file( "Select file", options=pfd.opt.multiselect ) if ( static.open_file_multiselect is not None and static.open_file_multiselect.ready() ): log_result_list(static.open_file_multiselect.result()) static.open_file_multiselect = None imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Save file"): static.save_file_dialog = pfd.save_file("Save file") if static.save_file_dialog is not None and static.save_file_dialog.ready(): log_result(static.save_file_dialog.result()) static.save_file_dialog = None imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Select folder"): static.select_folder_dialog = pfd.select_folder("Select folder") if static.select_folder_dialog is not None and static.select_folder_dialog.ready(): log_result(static.select_folder_dialog.result()) static.select_folder_dialog = None if len(static.last_file_selection) > 0: imgui.text(static.last_file_selection) imgui.text(" --- Notifications and messages ---") # icon type imgui.text("Icon type") imgui.same_line() for notification_icon in (, pfd.icon.warning, pfd.icon.error): if imgui.radio_button(, static.icon_type == notification_icon): static.icon_type = notification_icon imgui.same_line() imgui.new_line() if imgui.button("Add Notif"): pfd.notify("Notification title", "This is an example notification", static.icon_type) # messages imgui.same_line() # 1. Display the message if imgui.button("Add message"): static.message_dialog = pfd.message("Message title", "This is an example message", static.message_choice_type, static.icon_type) # 2. Handle the message result if static.message_dialog is not None and static.message_dialog.ready(): print("msg ready: " + str(static.message_dialog.result())) static.message_dialog = None # Optional: Select the message type imgui.same_line() for choice_type in (pfd.choice.ok, pfd.choice.yes_no, pfd.choice.yes_no_cancel, pfd.choice.retry_cancel, pfd.choice.abort_retry_ignore): if imgui.radio_button(, static.message_choice_type == choice_type): static.message_choice_type = choice_type imgui.same_line() imgui.new_line() imgui.pop_id() @immapp.static(selected_filename="") def demo_imfile_dialog(): static = demo_imfile_dialog # Access to static variable via static from imgui_bundle import im_file_dialog as ifd imgui_md.render_unindented( """ # ImFileDialog [ImFileDialog]( provides file dialogs for ImGui, with images preview. *Not (yet) adapted for High DPI resolution under windows* """ ) if imgui.button("Open file"): ifd.FileDialog.instance().open( "ShaderOpenDialog", "Open a shader", "Image file (*.png*.jpg*.jpeg*.bmp*.tga).png,.jpg,.jpeg,.bmp,.tga,.*", True, ) imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Open directory"): ifd.FileDialog.instance().open("DirectoryOpenDialog", "Open a directory", "") imgui.same_line() if imgui.button("Save file"): ifd.FileDialog.instance().save( "ShaderSaveDialog", "Save a shader", "*.sprj .sprj" ) if len(static.selected_filename) > 0: imgui.text(f"Last file selection:\n {static.selected_filename}") # file dialogs if ifd.FileDialog.instance().is_done("ShaderOpenDialog"): if ifd.FileDialog.instance().has_result(): # get_results: plural form - ShaderOpenDialog supports multi-selection res = ifd.FileDialog.instance().get_results() filenames = [f.path() for f in res] static.selected_filename = "\n ".join(filenames) ifd.FileDialog.instance().close() if ifd.FileDialog.instance().is_done("DirectoryOpenDialog"): if ifd.FileDialog.instance().has_result(): static.selected_filename = ifd.FileDialog.instance().get_result().path() ifd.FileDialog.instance().close() if ifd.FileDialog.instance().is_done("ShaderSaveDialog"): if ifd.FileDialog.instance().has_result(): static.selected_filename = ifd.FileDialog.instance().get_result().path() ifd.FileDialog.instance().close() @immapp.static( was_inited=False, show_command_palette=False, counter=0, command_palette_context=None, ) def demo_command_palette(): static = demo_command_palette def init_command_palette(): static.command_palette_context = imcmd.ContextWrapper() highlight_font_color = ImVec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) imcmd.set_style_color( imcmd.ImCmdTextType.highlight, imgui.color_convert_float4_to_u32(highlight_font_color), ) # Add theme command: a two steps command, with initial callback + SubsequentCallback select_theme_cmd = imcmd.Command() = "Select theme" def select_theme_cmd_initial_cb(): imcmd.prompt(["Classic", "Dark", "Light"]) def select_theme_cmd_subsequent_cb(selected_option: int): if selected_option == 0: imgui.style_colors_classic() elif selected_option == 1: imgui.style_colors_dark() elif selected_option == 2: imgui.style_colors_light() select_theme_cmd.initial_callback = select_theme_cmd_initial_cb select_theme_cmd.subsequent_callback = select_theme_cmd_subsequent_cb imcmd.add_command(select_theme_cmd) # Simple command that increments a counter inc_cmd = imcmd.Command() = "increment counter" def inc_counter(): static.counter += 1 inc_cmd.initial_callback = inc_counter imcmd.add_command(inc_cmd) if not static.was_inited: init_command_palette() static.was_inited = True imgui_md.render_unindented( """ # Command Palette [imgui-command-palette]( provides a Sublime Text or VSCode style command palette in ImGui """ ) io = imgui.get_io() if io.key_ctrl and io.key_shift and imgui.is_key_pressed(imgui.Key.p): static.show_command_palette = not static.show_command_palette if static.show_command_palette: static.show_command_palette = imcmd.command_palette_window( "CommandPalette", True ) imgui.new_line() imgui.text("Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the command palette") imgui.new_line() imgui.text(f"{static.counter=}") def demo_cool_bar(): # Function to show a CoolBar button def show_cool_bar_button(label): w = im_cool_bar.get_cool_bar_item_width() # Display transparent image and check if clicked hello_imgui.image_from_asset("images/bear_transparent.png", (w, w)) clicked = imgui.is_item_hovered() and imgui.is_mouse_clicked(0) # Optional: add a label on the image top_left_corner = imgui.get_item_rect_min() text_pos = ( top_left_corner.x + immapp.em_size(1.0), top_left_corner.y + immapp.em_size(1.0), ) imgui.get_window_draw_list().add_text(text_pos, 0xFFFFFFFF, label) return clicked button_labels = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"] imgui_md.render_unindented( """ # ImCoolBar: ImCoolBar provides a dock-like Cool bar for Dear ImGui """ ) cool_bar_config = im_cool_bar.ImCoolBarConfig() cool_bar_config.anchor = ImVec2( 0.5, 0.07 ) # position in the window (ratio of window size) if im_cool_bar.begin_cool_bar( "##CoolBarMain", im_cool_bar.ImCoolBarFlags_.horizontal, cool_bar_config ): for label in button_labels: if im_cool_bar.cool_bar_item(): if show_cool_bar_button(label): print(f"Clicked {label}") im_cool_bar.end_cool_bar() imgui.new_line() imgui.new_line() def demo_gui(): demo_cool_bar() demo_portable_file_dialogs() imgui.new_line() demo_imfile_dialog() imgui.new_line() demo_knobs() demo_toggle() imgui.new_line() demo_spinner() demo_command_palette() if __name__ == "__main__": from imgui_bundle.demos_python import demo_utils demo_utils.set_hello_imgui_demo_assets_folder() from imgui_bundle import immapp, with_markdown=True, window_size=(1000, 1000)) # type: ignore ---- ==== --- ==== Logger .Logger image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_logger.jpg[width=400] link:[Try the logger in your browser] .Click to see the logger code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== [source, cpp] ---- // Part of ImGui Bundle - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Pascal Thomet - #include "imgui_md_wrapper/imgui_md_wrapper.h" #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h" #include "demo_utils/api_demos.h" #include #include void demo_logger() { static std::vector fortunes { "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.", "You will be a winner today. Pick a fight.", "The world may be your oyster, but it doesn't mean you'll get its pearl.", "Borrow money from a pessimist, they don't expect it back.", "You will be hungry again in an hour.", "A closed mouth gathers no foot.", "Today, you will invent the wheel...again.", "If you can't convince them, confuse them.", "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, or a really good map.", "You will find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, but it'll be someone else's.", "Opportunities will knock on your door, but don't worry, they'll be gone by the time you get up to answer.", "You will have a long and healthy life...and a very boring one.", "A wise man once said nothing.", "You will have a great day...tomorrow.", "The only thing constant in life is change, except for death and taxes, those are pretty constant too." }; static size_t idxFortune = 0; auto addLogs = []() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { HelloImGui::LogLevel logLevel = HelloImGui::LogLevel(rand() % 4); HelloImGui::Log(logLevel, fortunes[idxFortune].c_str()); ++ idxFortune; if (idxFortune >= fortunes.size()) idxFortune = 0; } }; static bool addedLogs = false; if (! addedLogs) { addLogs(); addedLogs = true; } ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(R"( # Graphical logger for ImGui This logger is adapted from [ImGuiAl]( Its colors are computed automatically from the WindowBg color, in order to remain readable when the theme is changed. )"); ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::Button("Add logs")) addLogs(); ImGui::Separator(); HelloImGui::LogGui(); } ---- ==== .Click to see the logger code in Python [%collapsible] ==== [source, python] ---- # Part of ImGui Bundle - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Pascal Thomet - import random from imgui_bundle import imgui, hello_imgui, imgui_md, immapp from imgui_bundle.demos_python.demo_utils import api_demos @immapp.static(idx_fortune=0, added_logs=False) def demo_gui(): static = demo_gui fortunes = [ "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.", "You will be a winner today. Pick a fight.", "The world may be your oyster, but it doesn't mean you'll get its pearl.", "Borrow money from a pessimist, they don't expect it back.", "You will be hungry again in an hour.", "A closed mouth gathers no foot.", "Today, you will invent the wheel...again.", "If you can't convince them, confuse them.", "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, or a really good map.", "You will find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, but it'll be someone else's.", "Opportunities will knock on your door, but don't worry, they'll be gone by the time you get up to answer.", "You will have a long and healthy life...and a very boring one.", "A wise man once said nothing.", "You will have a great day...tomorrow.", "The only thing constant in life is change, except for death and taxes, those are pretty constant too.", ] def add_logs(): for _i in range(10): log_level = random.choice( [ hello_imgui.LogLevel.debug,, hello_imgui.LogLevel.warning, hello_imgui.LogLevel.error, ] ) hello_imgui.log(log_level, fortunes[static.idx_fortune]) static.idx_fortune += 1 if static.idx_fortune >= len(fortunes): static.idx_fortune = 0 if not static.added_logs: add_logs() static.added_logs = True imgui_md.render_unindented( """ # Graphical logger for ImGui This logger is adapted from [ImGuiAl]( Its colors are computed automatically from the WindowBg color, in order to remain readable when the theme is changed. """ ) imgui.separator() if imgui.button("Add logs"): for _i in range(10): add_logs() imgui.separator() hello_imgui.log_gui() def main(): api_demos.set_hello_imgui_demo_assets_folder(), "Log", with_markdown=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== --- ==== Code Editor .Code editor image::{url-demo-images}/demo_widgets_editor.jpg[width=400] link:[Try the code editor in your browser] .Click to see the code editor code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== [source, cpp] ---- // Part of ImGui Bundle - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Pascal Thomet - #include "imgui.h" #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "ImGuiColorTextEdit/TextEditor.h" #include TextEditor _PrepareTextEditor() { TextEditor editor; std::string filename = __FILE__; #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ std::string this_file_code = fplus::read_text_file(filename)(); #else std::string this_file_code = fplus::read_text_file("/demos_cpp/demo_text_edit.cpp")(); #endif editor.SetText(this_file_code); editor.SetLanguageDefinition(TextEditor::LanguageDefinition::CPlusPlus()); return editor; } void demo_text_edit() { static TextEditor editor = _PrepareTextEditor(); ImGuiMd::Render(R"( # ImGuiColorTextEdit: [ImGuiColorTextEdit]( is a colorizing text editor for ImGui, able to colorize C, C++, hlsl, Sql, angel_script and lua code )"); auto ShowPaletteButtons = []() { if (ImGui::SmallButton("Dark palette")) editor.SetPalette(TextEditor::GetDarkPalette()); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::SmallButton("Light palette")) editor.SetPalette(TextEditor::GetLightPalette()); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::SmallButton("Retro blue palette")) editor.SetPalette(TextEditor::GetRetroBluePalette()); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::SmallButton("Mariana palette")) editor.SetPalette(TextEditor::GetMarianaPalette()); }; ShowPaletteButtons(); ImGui::PushFont(ImGuiMd::GetCodeFont()); editor.Render("Code"); ImGui::PopFont(); } ---- ==== .Click to see the code editor code in Python [%collapsible] ==== [source, python] ---- # Part of ImGui Bundle - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Pascal Thomet - from imgui_bundle import imgui, imgui_color_text_edit as ed, imgui_md from imgui_bundle.immapp import static TextEditor = ed.TextEditor def _prepare_text_editor(): with open(__file__, encoding="utf8") as f: this_file_code = editor = TextEditor() editor.set_text(this_file_code) editor.set_language_definition(TextEditor.LanguageDefinition.python()) return editor @static(editor=_prepare_text_editor()) def demo_gui(): static = demo_gui editor = static.editor imgui_md.render( """ # ImGuiColorTextEdit: [ImGuiColorTextEdit]( is a colorizing text editor for ImGui, able to colorize C, C++, hlsl, Sql, angel_script and lua code """ ) def show_palette_buttons(): if imgui.small_button("Dark palette"): editor.set_palette(ed.TextEditor.get_dark_palette()) imgui.same_line() if imgui.small_button("Light palette"): editor.set_palette(TextEditor.get_light_palette()) imgui.same_line() if imgui.small_button("Retro blue palette"): editor.set_palette(TextEditor.get_retro_blue_palette()) imgui.same_line() if imgui.small_button("Mariana palette"): editor.set_palette(TextEditor.get_mariana_palette()) show_palette_buttons() imgui.push_font(imgui_md.get_code_font()) editor.render("Code") imgui.pop_font() def main(): from imgui_bundle import immapp, with_markdown=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== ==== And many more! TIP: Tip: use the interactive manual as an inspiration link:{url-demo-imgui-bundle}[image:{url-demo-images}/demo_immapp_apps.jpg[width="400"]] The[interactive manual] provides many demos, _with easy access to their code_. It includes all the examples that are explained here, and many more. .ImGui Node editor in action image::{url-demo-images}/demo_node_editor.jpg[width="400"] .ImGuizmo in action image::{url-demo-images}/demo_gizmo.jpg[width="400"] :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ [[assets_about]] == Assets HelloImGui and ImmApp applications rely on the presence of an `assets` folder. **This folder stores** * All the resources (images, fonts, etc.) used by the application. Feel free to add any resources there! * The application settings (e.g. the app icon, the app settings for macOS and iOS, etc.) **Assets folder location** * **Python**: Place the assets folder in the same folder as the script * **{cpp}**: The assets folder should be placed in the same folder as the CMakeLists.txt for the application (the one calling `imgui_bundle_add_app`) **Typical layout of the assets folder** [source,bash] ---- assets/ +-- app_settings/ # Application settings | +-- icon.png # This will be the app icon, it should be square | | # and at least 256x256. It will be converted | | # to the right format, for each platform (except Android) | +-- apple/ | | +-- Info.plist # macOS and iOS app settings | | # (or Info.ios.plist + Info.macos.plist) | | | +-- android/ # Android app settings: files here will be deployed | | |-- AndroidManifest.xml # Optional manifest | | +-- res/ | | +-- mipmap-xxxhdpi/ # Optional icons for different resolutions | | +-- ... # Use Android Studio to generate them: | | # right click on res/ => New > Image Asset | +-- emscripten/ | |-- shell.emscripten.html # Emscripten shell file | | # (this file will be cmake "configured" | | # to add the name and favicon) | +-- custom.js # Any custom file here will be deployed | # in the emscripten build folder +-- fonts/ | +-- DroidSans.ttf # Default fonts used by HelloImGui to | +-- fontawesome-webfont.ttf # improve text rendering (esp. on High DPI) | | # if absent, a default LowRes font is used. | | | +-- Roboto/ # Optional: fonts for markdown | +-- LICENSE.txt | +-- Roboto-Bold.ttf | +-- Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf | +-- Roboto-Regular.ttf | +-- Roboto-RegularItalic.ttf | +-- Inconsolata-Medium.ttf +-- images/ +-- markdown_broken_image.png # Optional: used for markdown +-- world.png # Add anything in the assets folder! ---- **If needed, change the assets folder location:** * **Python**: Call `hello_imgui.set_assets_folder()` at startup. * **{cpp}**: Call `HelloImGui::SetAssetsFolder` at startup. Or specify its location in CMake via `imgui_bundle_add_app(app_name file.cpp ASSETS_LOCATION "path/to/assets")`. **Where to find the default assets** You can link:[download the default assets as a zip file]. Look at the folder link:[imgui_bundle/bindings/imgui_bundle/assets] to see their content. :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Demo using assets & add-ons .Demo assets and add-ons usage image::{url-demo-images}/demo_assets_addons.jpg[width=400] link:[Run this demo in your browser] This demonstration showcases how to: * Load and use assets (fonts, images, icons, etc.) * Use ImPlot to display various types of plots * Use markdown to display formatted messages This demonstration source code is heavily documented and should be self-explanatory. .Click to see its source code in {cpp} [%collapsible] ==== (link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_cpp/demos_immapp/demo_docking.cpp[view on GitHub]) [source, cpp] ---- #include "hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h" #include "hello_imgui/icons_font_awesome_4.h" #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "imgui_md_wrapper/imgui_md_wrapper.h" #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMPLOT #include "implot/implot.h" #endif #include "immapp/code_utils.h" #include "demo_utils/api_demos.h" #include #include // This function displays the help messages that are displayed in this demo application void ShowDoc(const std::string& whichDoc); // Your global application state, that will be edited during the execution struct AppState { // you can edit the ImPlot pie chart values std::vector PlotData = {0.15f, 0.30f, 0.2f, 0.05f}; // You can edit a demo markdown string char MarkdownInput[4000] = "*Welcome to the interactive markdown demo!* Try writing some markdown content here."; // // Note about AppState: // Inside ImGui demo code, you will often see static variables, such as in this example // ```cpp // static int value = 10; // bool changed = ImGui::SliderInt("Value", &value, 0, 10); // edit this variable between 0 and 10 // ``` // In this example, `value` is a static variable whose state is preserved: // it merely acts as a global variable, whose scope is limited to this function. // Global variables should be avoided, and storing the Application State like this is preferable in production code. // }; // A demo showcasing the assets usage in HelloImGui and ImmApp void DemoAssets(AppState& appState) { ImGuiMd::Render("# Demo Assets"); ImGui::Text("Here are some icons from Font Awesome: "); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(HelloImGui::EmSize(40.f)); ImGui::Text(ICON_FA_INFO " " ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE " " ICON_FA_SAVE); ImGui::Text("Here is an image that was loaded from the assets: "); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(HelloImGui::EmSize(40.f)); // Prefer to specify sizes using the "em" unit: see // Below, imageSize is equivalent to the size of 3 lines of text ImVec2 imageSize = HelloImGui::EmToVec2(3.f, 3.f); HelloImGui::ImageFromAsset("images/world.png", imageSize); ImGuiMd::Render("**Read the [documentation about assets](**"); ShowDoc("AssetsDoc"); } // A demo about the usage of the markdown renderer void DemoMarkdown(AppState& appState) { std::string markdownDemo = R"( # Demo markdown usage Let's ask GPT4 to give us some fun programming fortunes in markdown format: 1. **Bug Hunt**: In the world of software, the best debugger was, is, and will always be a _good night's sleep_. 2. **Pythonic Wisdom**: > They say if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough. Well, here's my Python code for simplicity: ```python def explain(thing): return "It's just a " + thing + ". Nothing fancy!" ``` )"; ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(markdownDemo); // Interactive demo ImGui::Separator(); ImGuiMd::Render("*Try it yourself*"); ImGui::SameLine(HelloImGui::EmSize(30.f)); if (ImGui::SmallButton("Edit the fortune markdown")) strcpy(appState.MarkdownInput, CodeUtils::UnindentMarkdown(markdownDemo).c_str()); ImGui::InputTextMultiline("##Markdown Input", appState.MarkdownInput, sizeof(appState.MarkdownInput), HelloImGui::EmToVec2(40.f, 5.f)); ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(appState.MarkdownInput); ImGui::Separator(); ShowDoc("MarkdownDoc"); } #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMPLOT // A demo showcasing the usage of ImPlot void DemoPlot(AppState& appState) { ImGuiMd::Render("# Demo ImPlot"); static const char* data_labels[] = {"Frogs", "Hogs", "Dogs", "Logs"}; ImGui::Text("Edit Pie Chart values"); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(250); ImGui::DragFloat4("Pie Data",, 0.01f, 0, 1); // Prefer to specify sizes using the "em" unit: see // Below, plotSize is equivalent to the size of 1 lines of text ImVec2 plotSize = ImmApp::EmToVec2(15.f, 15.f); if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("Pie Chart", plotSize)) { ImPlot::SetupAxes("", "", ImPlotAxisFlags_NoDecorations, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoDecorations); ImPlot::PlotPieChart( data_labels,, appState.PlotData.size(), // data and count 0.5, 0.5, // pie center position in the plot(x, y). Here, it is centered 0.35, // pie radius relative to plotSize "%.2f", // fmt 90 // angle ); ImPlot::EndPlot(); } ShowDoc("PlotDoc"); } #else void DemoPlot(AppState& appState) {} #endif // Our main function int main(int, char**) { // This call is specific to the ImGui Bundle interactive manual. In a standard application, you could write: // HelloImGui::SetAssetsFolder("my_assets"); // (By default, HelloImGui will search inside "assets") ChdirBesideAssetsFolder(); AppState appState; // Our global appState // This is our GUI function: // it will display the widgets // it captures the appState, since it can modify it auto gui = [&appState]() { DemoAssets(appState); ImGui::NewLine(); DemoMarkdown(appState); ImGui::NewLine(); DemoPlot(appState); }; // Then, we start our application: // First, we set some RunnerParams, with simple settings HelloImGui::SimpleRunnerParams runnerParams; runnerParams.windowSize = {1000, 1000}; // Here we set our GUI function runnerParams.guiFunction = gui; // Then, we need to activate two addons: ImPlot and Markdown ImmApp::AddOnsParams addons; addons.withImplot = true; addons.withMarkdown = true; // And we are ready to go! ImmApp::Run(runnerParams, addons); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of demo code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Note: the code below only displays the help messages // std::string GetDoc(const std::string& whichDoc) { static std::map docs = { { "AssetsDoc", R"( The icons and image were shown via this code: C++ ```cpp ImGui::Text(ICON_FA_INFO " " ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE " " ICON_FA_SAVE); ImVec2 imageSize = HelloImGui::EmToVec2(3.f, 3.f); HelloImGui::ImageFromAsset("images/world.png", imageSize); ``` Python ```python imgui.text(icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_INFO + " " + icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE + " " + icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_SAVE) image_size = hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(3.0, 3.0) hello_imgui.image_from_asset("images/world.png", image_size) ``` *Note: In this code, imageSize is equivalent to the size of 3 lines of text, using the [em unit](* )" }, { "MarkdownDoc", R"( This markdown string was rendered by calling either: C++ ```cpp ImGuiMd::Render(markdown_string); // render a markdown string ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(markdown_string); // remove top-most indentation before rendering ``` Python ```python imgui_md.render(markdown_string); # render a markdown string imgui_md.render_unindented(markdown_string); # remove top-most indentation before rendering ``` This markdown renderer is based on [imgui_md](, by Dmitry Mekhontsev. It supports the most common markdown features: emphasis, link, code blocks, etc. )" }, { "PlotDoc", R"( By using ImPlot, you can display lots of different plots. See [online demo]( which demonstrates lots of plot types (LinePlot, ScatterPlot, Histogram, Error Bars, Heatmaps, etc.) Note: in order to use ImPlot, you need to "activate" this add-on, like this: C++ ```cpp ImmApp::AddOnsParams addons { .withImplot = true }; ImmApp::Run(runnerParams, addons); ``` Python: ```python addons = immapp.AddOnsParams(with_implot=True), addons); ``` )" }, }; return; } void ShowDoc(const std::string& whichDoc) { static std::map is_doc_visible; if (is_doc_visible.find(whichDoc) == is_doc_visible.end()) is_doc_visible[whichDoc] = false; ImGui::PushID(whichDoc.c_str()); ImGui::Checkbox("More info", &is_doc_visible[whichDoc]); if (is_doc_visible[whichDoc]) { ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(GetDoc(whichDoc)); ImGui::Dummy(HelloImGui::EmToVec2(1.f, 6.f)); ImGui::Separator(); } ImGui::PopID(); } ---- ==== .Click to see its source code in Python [%collapsible] ==== (link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python/demos_immapp/[view on GitHub]) [source, python] ---- from imgui_bundle import imgui, implot, immapp, hello_imgui, imgui_md, icons_fontawesome from imgui_bundle.demos_python import demo_utils import numpy as np from typing import Dict, List from dataclasses import dataclass, field def show_doc(which_doc: str): """This function displays the help messages that are displayed in this demo application (implemented later in this file)""" ... @dataclass class AppState: """Your global application state, that will be edited during the execution.""" # you can edit the ImPlot pie chart values plot_data: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0.15, 0.30, 0.2, 0.05]) # You can edit a demo markdown string markdown_input: str = "*Welcome to the interactive markdown demo!* Try writing some markdown content here." # # Note about AppState: # Inside ImGui demo code, you will often see static variables, such as in this example # static int value = 10; # bool changed = ImGui::SliderInt("Value", &value, 0, 10); // edit this variable between 0 and 10 # In this example, `value` is a static variable whose state is preserved: # it merely acts as a global variable, whose scope is limited to this function. # Global variables should be avoided, and storing the Application State like this is preferable in production code. def demo_assets(app_state: AppState): """A demo showcasing the assets usage in HelloImGui and ImmApp""" imgui_md.render("# Demo Assets") imgui.text("Here are some icons from Font Awesome: ") imgui.same_line() imgui.set_cursor_pos_x(hello_imgui.em_size(40.0)) imgui.text( icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_INFO + " " + icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE + " " + icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_SAVE ) imgui.text("Here is an image that was loaded from the assets: ") imgui.same_line() imgui.set_cursor_pos_x(hello_imgui.em_size(40.0)) # Prefer to specify sizes using the "em" unit: see # Below, image_size is equivalent to the size of 3 lines of text image_size = hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(3.0, 3.0) hello_imgui.image_from_asset("images/world.png", image_size) imgui_md.render( "**Read the [documentation about assets](**" ) show_doc("AssetsDoc") def demo_markdown(app_state: AppState): """A demo about the usage of the markdown renderer""" markdown_demo = """ # Demo markdown usage Let's ask GPT4 to give us some fun programming fortunes in markdown format: 1. **Bug Hunt**: In the world of software, the best debugger was, is, and will always be a _good night's sleep_. 2. **Pythonic Wisdom**: > They say if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough. Well, here's my Python code for simplicity: ```python def explain(thing): return "It's just a " + thing + ". Nothing fancy!" ``` """ imgui_md.render_unindented(markdown_demo) # Interactive demo imgui.separator() imgui_md.render("*Try it yourself*") imgui.same_line(hello_imgui.em_size(30.0)) if imgui.small_button("Edit the fortune markdown"): app_state.markdown_input = immapp.code_utils.unindent_markdown(markdown_demo) _, app_state.markdown_input = imgui.input_text_multiline( "##Markdown Input", app_state.markdown_input, hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(40.0, 5.0) ) imgui_md.render_unindented(app_state.markdown_input) imgui.separator() show_doc("MarkdownDoc") def demo_plot(app_state: AppState): """A demo showcasing the usage of ImPlot""" imgui_md.render("# Demo ImPlot") data_labels = ["Frogs", "Hogs", "Dogs", "Logs"] imgui.text("Edit Pie Chart values") imgui.set_next_item_width(250) _, app_state.plot_data = imgui.drag_float4( "Pie Data", app_state.plot_data, 0.01, 0, 1 ) # Prefer to specify sizes using the "em" unit: see # Below, plot_size is equivalent to the size of 15 lines of text plot_size = hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(15.0, 15.0) if implot.begin_plot("Pie Chart", plot_size): implot.setup_axes( "", "", implot.AxisFlags_.no_decorations.value, implot.AxisFlags_.no_decorations.value, ) implot.plot_pie_chart( data_labels, np.array(app_state.plot_data), 0.5, 0.5, 0.35, "%.2f", 90 ) implot.end_plot() show_doc("PlotDoc") def main(): # This call is specific to the ImGui Bundle interactive manual. In a standard application, you could write: # hello_imgui.set_assets_folder("my_assets") # (By default, HelloImGui will search inside "assets") demo_utils.set_hello_imgui_demo_assets_folder() app_state = AppState() # Initialize our global appState # This is our GUI function: # it will display the widgets, and it can modify the app_state def gui(): demo_assets(app_state) imgui.new_line() demo_markdown(app_state) imgui.new_line() demo_plot(app_state) # Then, we start our application: # First, we set some RunnerParams, with simple settings runner_params = hello_imgui.SimpleRunnerParams() runner_params.window_size = (1000, 1000) runner_params.gui_function = gui # We need to activate two addons: ImPlot and Markdown addons = immapp.AddOnsParams() addons.with_implot = True addons.with_markdown = True # And we are ready to go!, addons) # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # // End of demo code # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # // # // Note: the code below only displays the help messages # // def get_doc(which_doc: str) -> str: """Return the associated documentation string based on the key.""" docs: Dict[str, str] = { "AssetsDoc": """ The icons and image were shown via this code: C++ ```cpp ImGui::Text(ICON_FA_INFO " " ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE " " ICON_FA_SAVE); ImVec2 imageSize = HelloImGui::EmToVec2(3.f, 3.f); HelloImGui::ImageFromAsset("images/world.png", imageSize); ``` Python ```python imgui.text(icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_INFO + " " + icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE + " " + icons_fontawesome.ICON_FA_SAVE) image_size = hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(3.0, 3.0) hello_imgui.image_from_asset("images/world.png", image_size) ``` *Note: In this code, imageSize is equivalent to the size of 3 lines of text, using the [em unit](* """, "MarkdownDoc": """ This markdown string was rendered by calling either: C++ ```cpp ImGuiMd::Render(markdown_string); // render a markdown string ImGuiMd::RenderUnindented(markdown_string); // remove top-most indentation before rendering ``` Python ```python imgui_md.render(markdown_string); # render a markdown string imgui_md.render_unindented(markdown_string); # remove top-most indentation before rendering ``` This markdown renderer is based on [imgui_md](, by Dmitry Mekhontsev. It supports the most common markdown features: emphasis, link, code blocks, etc. """, "PlotDoc": """ By using ImPlot, you can display lots of different plots. See [online demo]( which demonstrates lots of plot types (LinePlot, ScatterPlot, Histogram, Error Bars, Heatmaps, etc.) Note: in order to use ImPlot, you need to "activate" this add-on, like this: C++ ```cpp ImmApp::AddOnsParams addons { .withImplot = true }; ImmApp::Run(runnerParams, addons); ``` Python: ```python addons = immapp.AddOnsParams(with_implot=True), addons); ``` """, } return docs[which_doc] @immapp.static(is_doc_visible={}) # type: ignore # (ignore redef) def show_doc(which_doc): # noqa: F811 # Access the 'static' variable is_doc_visible = show_doc.is_doc_visible # Check if the doc visibility entry exists, if not, add it if which_doc not in is_doc_visible: is_doc_visible[which_doc] = False imgui.push_id(which_doc) _, is_doc_visible[which_doc] = imgui.checkbox( "More info", is_doc_visible[which_doc] ) if is_doc_visible[which_doc]: # The following are assumed to be valid calls within the context of your specific ImGui wrapper. # 'imgui_md' and 'get_doc' should correspond to your actual usage and imports. imgui_md.render_unindented(get_doc(which_doc)) imgui.dummy( hello_imgui.em_to_vec2(1.0, 6.0) ) # Assumes 'hello_imgui' is available in your environment imgui.separator() imgui.pop_id() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== === App icon and app settings ({cpp} only) _The assets folder is deployed automatically during the build; so that they are available automatically whatever the platform._ ==== App icon The app icon is defined by the file `icon.png` in the `assets/app_settings` folder. It should be square and at least 256x256 (but 512x512 is preferred). `icon.png` will define the application icon as well as the window icon. It will be converted to the right format for each platform by CMake (via `imgui_bundle_add_app`). See link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python/demo_packaging[this demo] for an example showing how to package a python application. ==== App settings **macOS and iOS** The app settings are defined by the file `Info.plist` in the `assets/app_settings/apple` folder. You can copy and edit this link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/assets/app_settings/apple/Info.plist[example] by adding your own settings (replace `${HELLO_IMGUI_BUNDLE_XXX}` by your own values). You can also specify different settings for macOS and iOS via `Info.macos.plist` and `Info.ios.plist` [[manual]] == Usage instructions === Dear ImGui - Immediate GUI :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ Dear ImGui is an implementation of the Immediate Gui paradigm. ==== Dear ImGui demo (and manual) Dear ImGui comes with a complete demo. It demonstrates all the widgets, together with an example code on how to use them. TIP: To run this demo in your browser, launch link:[ImGui Manual]. + + For each widget, you will see the corresponding demo code (in {cpp}. Read the part "C++ / Python porting advices" to see how easy it is to translate Gui code from {cpp} to python. ==== Dear ImGui C++ API Dear ImGui's {cpp} API is thoroughly documented in its header files: * link:[main API] * link:[internal API] ==== Dear ImGui Python API The python API closely mirrors the {cpp} API, and its documentation is extremely easy to access from your IDE, via thoroughly documented stub (*.pyi) files. * link:$$__init__$$.pyi[main API] * link:[internal API] ==== Example An example is often worth a thousand words, the following code: {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- // Display a text ImGui::Text("Counter = %i", app_state.counter); ImGui::SameLine(); // by default ImGui starts a new line at each widget // The following line displays a button if (ImGui::Button("increment counter")) // And returns true if it was clicked: you can *immediately* handle the click app_state.counter += 1; // Input a text: in C++, InputText returns a bool and modifies the text directly bool changed = ImGui::InputText("Your name?", &; ImGui::Text("Hello %s!",; ---- Python [source, python] ---- # Display a text imgui.text(f"Counter = {app_state.counter}") imgui.same_line() # by default ImGui starts a new line at each widget # The following line displays a button if imgui.button("increment counter"): # And returns true if it was clicked: you can *immediately* handle the click app_state.counter += 1 # Input a text: in python, input_text returns a tuple(modified, new_value) changed, = imgui.input_text("Your name?", imgui.text(f"Hello {}!") ---- Displays this: image::{url-doc-images}/immediate_gui_example.png[] === Hello ImGui - Starter pack :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ Dear ImGui Bundle includes[Hello ImGui], which is itself based on ImGui. "Hello ImGui" can be compared to a starter pack that enables to easily write cross-platform Gui apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and[emscripten]. ==== API & Usage See the "Hello ImGui"[API doc] and[Application parameter doc]. ==== Features **Multiplatform utilities** * Truly multiplatform: Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, emscripten (with 4 lines of CMake code) * Easily embed assets on all platforms (no code required) * Customize app settings (icon and app name for mobile platforms, etc.- no code required) * Customize application icon on all platforms (including mobile and macOS - no code required) **Dear ImGui Tweaks** * Power Save mode: reduce FPS when idling * High DPI support: scale UI according to DPI, whatever the platform * Advanced layout handling: dockable windows, multiple layouts * Window geometry utilities: autosize application window, restore app window position * Theme tweaking: extensive list of additional themes * Support for movable and resizable borderless windows * Advanced font support: icons, emojis and colored fonts * Integration with ImGui Test Engine: automate and test your apps * Save user settings: window position, layout, opened windows, theme, user defined custom settings * Easily add a custom 3D background to your app **Backends** * Available platform backends: SDL2, Glfw3 * Available rendering backends: OpenGL3, Metal, Vulkan, DirectX NOTE: The usage of `Hello ImGui` is optional. You can also build an imgui application from scratch, in {cpp} or in python (see link:{url-bindings-bundle}/demos_python/demos_immapp/[python example]) TIP: HelloImGui is fully configurable by POD (plain old data) structures. See link:[their description] ==== Advanced layout and theming with Hello ImGui: See the demo named "demo_docking", which demonstrates: * How to handle complex layouts: you can define several layouts and switch between them: each layout which will remember the user modifications and the list of opened windows * How to use theming * How to store you own user settings in the app ini file * How to add a status bar and a log window * How to reduce the FPS when idling (to reduce CPU usage) Links: * see link:{url-bundle}/blob/main/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python/demos_immapp/[] * see link:{url-bundle}/blob/main/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_cpp/demos_immapp/demo_docking.cpp[demo_docking.cpp] * link:[Run this demo online] * see link:[a short video explanation about layouts] on YouTube === ImmApp - Immediate App :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ ImGui Bundle includes a library named ImmApp (which stands for Immediate App). ImmApp is a thin extension of HelloImGui that enables to easily initialize the ImGuiBundle addons that require additional setup at startup ==== API {url-bundle-doc-tree}/external/immapp/immapp/runner.h[{cpp} API] {url-bindings-bundle}/immapp/immapp_cpp.pyi[Python bindings] ==== How to start an application with addons .Click to see an example application with addons [%collapsible] ==== Some libraries included by ImGui Bundle require an initialization at startup. ImmApp makes this easy via AddOnParams. The example program below demonstrates how to run an application which will use implot (which requires a context to be created at startup), and imgui_md (which requires additional fonts to be loaded at startup). {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMPLOT #include "immapp/immapp.h" #include "imgui_md_wrapper/imgui_md_wrapper.h" #include "implot/implot.h" #include "demo_utils/api_demos.h" #include #include int main(int, char**) { // This call is specific to the ImGui Bundle interactive manual. In a standard application, you could write: // HelloImGui::SetAssetsFolder("my_assets"); // (By default, HelloImGui will search inside "assets") ChdirBesideAssetsFolder(); constexpr double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433; std::vector x, y1, y2; for (double _x = 0; _x < 4 * pi; _x += 0.01) { x.push_back(_x); y1.push_back(std::cos(_x)); y2.push_back(std::sin(_x)); } auto gui = [x,y1,y2]() { ImGuiMd::Render("# This is the plot of _cosinus_ and *sinus*"); // Markdown if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("Plot")) { ImPlot::PlotLine("y1",,, x.size()); ImPlot::PlotLine("y2",,, x.size()); ImPlot::EndPlot(); } }; HelloImGui::SimpleRunnerParams runnerParams { .guiFunction = gui, .windowSize = {600, 400} }; ImmApp::AddOnsParams addons { .withImplot = true, .withMarkdown = true }; ImmApp::Run(runnerParams, addons); return 0; } #else // #ifdef IMGUI_BUNDLE_WITH_IMPLOT #include int main(int, char**) { std::printf("This demo requires ImPlot.\n"); } #endif ---- Python: [source, python] ---- import numpy as np from imgui_bundle import implot, imgui_md, immapp from imgui_bundle.demos_python import demo_utils def main(): # This call is specific to the ImGui Bundle interactive manual. In a standard application, you could write: # hello_imgui.set_assets_folder("my_assets"); # (By default, HelloImGui will search inside "assets") demo_utils.set_hello_imgui_demo_assets_folder() x = np.arange(0, np.pi * 4, 0.01) y1 = np.cos(x) y2 = np.sin(x) def gui(): imgui_md.render("# This is the plot of _cosinus_ and *sinus*") # Markdown if implot.begin_plot("Plot"): implot.plot_line("y1", x, y1) implot.plot_line("y2", x, y2) implot.end_plot(), with_implot=True, with_markdown=True, window_size=(600, 400)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Application Settings ==== Settings location By default, the settings are stored in a ini file whose named is derived from the window title (i.e. `runnerParams.appWindowParams.windowTitle`). This is convenient when developing, but not so much when deploying the app. You can finely define where they are stored by filling `runnerParams.iniFolderType` and `runnerParams.iniFilename`. **runnerParams.iniFolderType** Choose between: `CurrentFolder`,`AppUserConfigFolder`, `AppExecutableFolder`,`HomeFolder`, `TempFolder` and `DocumentsFolder`. NOTE: Note: AppUserConfigFolder corresponds to `...\[Username]\AppData\Roaming` under Windows, `~/.config` under Linux, `~/Library/Application Support` under macOS or iOS **runnerParams.iniFilename** This will be the name of the ini file in which the settings will be stored. It can include a subfolder, in which case it will be created under the folder defined by runnerParams.iniFolderType. Note: if left empty, the name of the ini file will be derived from `appWindowParams.windowTitle`. **Examples** .Click to expand the examples [%collapsible] ==== **{cpp} example (extract from link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_cpp/demos_immapp/demo_docking.cpp[demo_docking.cpp])** [source, cpp] ---- // By default, HelloImGui will save the settings in the current folder. // This is convenient when developing, but not so much when deploying the app. // You can tell HelloImGui to save the settings in a specific folder: choose between // CurrentFolder // AppUserConfigFolder // AppExecutableFolder // HomeFolder // TempFolder // DocumentsFolder // // Note: AppUserConfigFolder is: // AppData under Windows (Example: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming) // ~/.config under Linux // "~/Library/Application Support" under macOS or iOS runnerParams.iniFolderType = HelloImGui::IniFolderType::AppUserConfigFolder; // runnerParams.iniFilename: this will be the name of the ini file in which the settings // will be stored. // In this example, the subdirectory Docking_Demo will be created under the folder defined // by runnerParams.iniFolderType. // // Note: if iniFilename is left empty, the name of the ini file will be derived // from appWindowParams.windowTitle runnerParams.iniFilename = "Docking_Demo/Docking_demo.ini"; ---- **Python example (extract from link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python/demos_immapp/[])** [source, cpp] ---- # By default, HelloImGui will save the settings in the current folder. # This is convenient when developing, but not so much when deploying the app. # You can tell HelloImGui to save the settings in a specific folder: choose between # current_folder # app_user_config_folder # app_executable_folder # home_folder # temp_folder # documents_folder # # Note: app_user_config_folder is: # AppData under Windows (Example: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming) # ~/.config under Linux # "~/Library/Application Support" under macOS or iOS runner_params.ini_folder_type = hello_imgui.IniFolderType.app_user_config_folder # runnerParams.ini_filename: this will be the name of the ini file in which the settings # will be stored. # In this example, the subdirectory Docking_Demo will be created under the folder defined # by runnerParams.ini_folder_type. # # Note: if ini_filename is left empty, the name of the ini file will be derived # from app_window_params.window_title runner_params.ini_filename = "Docking_Demo/Docking_demo.ini" ---- ==== ==== Settings content The settings file contains, standard ImGui settings (window position, size, etc.), as well as additional settings defined by HelloImGui: * Application status: app window location, opened windows, status bar settings, etc. See members named `remember_xxx` in the link:[Hello Imgui API] for a complete list. * Settings for each application layout (see link:[video] for an example) ==== Store custom settings You may store additional user settings in the application settings. This is provided as a convenience only, and it is not intended to store large quantities of text data. See link:[related doc] for more details. === Python: alternative backends HelloImGui and ImmApp use glfw as a default backend. If you wish to use a different backend, it is possible to use sdl2 or pyglet, via _pure python backends_. The link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/python_backends[python backends] folder contains a set of python backends, that can be used as a replacement for the default glfw backend. This way you will have complete control on your application (they are inspired from link:[pyimgui] backends). NOTE: In this case, you will not benefit from HelloImGui and ImmApp rapid development features (HighDPI support, layout management, automatic idling, etc...). ==== Documentation See documentation in the link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/python_backends[python backends] folder. ==== Examples .Example with a pure python sdl2 backend (click to expand) [%collapsible] ==== [source, cpp] ---- # An example of using Dear ImGui with SDL using a *full python* backend. # This mode is inspired from [pyimgui]( backends, and is still experimental. # # See full python backends implementations here: # # You will need to install sdl2: # pip install pysdl2 pysdl2-dll from imgui_bundle import imgui from imgui_bundle.python_backends.sdl_backend import SDL2Renderer import OpenGL.GL as gl # type: ignore from sdl2 import * # type: ignore import ctypes import sys class AppState: text: str = """Hello, World\nLorem ipsum, etc.\netc.""" text2: str = "Ahh" app_state = AppState() def main(): window, gl_context = impl_pysdl2_init() imgui.create_context() impl = SDL2Renderer(window) show_custom_window = True running = True event = SDL_Event() while running: while SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0: if event.type == SDL_QUIT: running = False break impl.process_event(event) impl.process_inputs() imgui.new_frame() if imgui.begin_main_menu_bar(): if imgui.begin_menu("File", True): clicked_quit, selected_quit = imgui.menu_item( "Quit", "Cmd+Q", False, True ) if clicked_quit: sys.exit(0) imgui.end_menu() imgui.end_main_menu_bar() if show_custom_window: imgui.set_next_window_size((400, 400)) is_expand, show_custom_window = imgui.begin("Custom window", True) if is_expand: imgui.text("Example Text") if imgui.button("Hello"): print("World") _, app_state.text = imgui.input_text_multiline( "Edit", app_state.text, imgui.ImVec2(200, 200) ) _, app_state.text2 = imgui.input_text("Text2", app_state.text2) io = imgui.get_io() imgui.text(f""" Keyboard modifiers: {io.key_ctrl=} {io.key_alt=} {io.key_shift=} {io.key_super=}""") imgui.end() gl.glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1) gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) imgui.render() impl.render(imgui.get_draw_data()) SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window) impl.shutdown() SDL_GL_DeleteContext(gl_context) SDL_DestroyWindow(window) SDL_Quit() def impl_pysdl2_init(): width, height = 1280, 720 window_name = "minimal ImGui/SDL2 example" if SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) < 0: print( "Error: SDL could not initialize! SDL Error: " + SDL_GetError().decode("utf-8") ) sys.exit(1) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL, 1) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 8) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_FLAG) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 1) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MAC_CTRL_CLICK_EMULATE_RIGHT_CLICK, b"1") SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_HIGHDPI_DISABLED, b"1") window = SDL_CreateWindow( window_name.encode("utf-8"), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, ) if window is None: print( "Error: Window could not be created! SDL Error: " + SDL_GetError().decode("utf-8") ) sys.exit(1) gl_context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window) if gl_context is None: print( "Error: Cannot create OpenGL Context! SDL Error: " + SDL_GetError().decode("utf-8") ) sys.exit(1) SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, gl_context) if SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1) < 0: print( "Warning: Unable to set VSync! SDL Error: " + SDL_GetError().decode("utf-8") ) sys.exit(1) return window, gl_context if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== .Example with a pure python glfw backend (click to expand) [%collapsible] ==== [source, cpp] ---- # An example of using Dear ImGui with Glfw using a *full python* backend. # This mode is inspired from [pyimgui]( backends, and is still experimental. # # These examples also demonstrate how to use the markdown rendering feature of ImGui Bundle. # # See full python backends implementations here: # from imgui_bundle.python_backends.glfw_backend import GlfwRenderer import OpenGL.GL as gl # type: ignore from imgui_bundle import imgui, imgui_ctx from imgui_bundle import imgui_md import glfw # type: ignore import sys class AppState: text: str = """Hello, World\nLorem ipsum, etc.\netc.""" app_state = AppState() def init_fonts_and_markdown(): # Note: # The way font are loaded in this example is a bit tricky. # We are not using imgui.backends.opengl3_XXX anywhere else, because the rendering is done via Python. # # Howver, we will here need to: # - call imgui.backends.opengl3_init(glsl_version) at startup # - call imgui.backends.opengl3_new_frame() after loading the fonts, because this is how ImGui # will load the fonts into a texture (using imgui.get_io() is not enough) # We need to initialize the OpenGL backend (so that we can later call opengl3_new_frame) imgui.backends.opengl3_init("#version 100") imgui.get_io().fonts.clear() # uncomment to keep using the default hardcoded font, or load your default font here # imgui.get_io().fonts.add_font_default() # Load markdown fonts imgui_md.initialize_markdown() font_loader = imgui_md.get_font_loader_function() font_loader() # We need to call this function to load the fonts into a texture imgui.backends.opengl3_new_frame() def main(): imgui.create_context() window = impl_glfw_init() impl = GlfwRenderer(window) init_fonts_and_markdown() show_custom_window = True while not glfw.window_should_close(window): glfw.poll_events() impl.process_inputs() imgui.new_frame() if imgui.begin_main_menu_bar(): if imgui.begin_menu("File", True): clicked_quit, selected_quit = imgui.menu_item( "Quit", "Cmd+Q", False, True ) if clicked_quit: sys.exit(0) imgui.end_menu() imgui.end_main_menu_bar() if show_custom_window: imgui.set_next_window_size((400, 400)) is_expand, show_custom_window = imgui.begin("Custom window", True) if is_expand: imgui_md.render_unindented(""" # Hello, World Here is some *markdown* text. """) imgui.text("Example Text") if imgui.button("Hello"): print("World") _, app_state.text = imgui.input_text_multiline( "Edit", app_state.text, imgui.ImVec2(200, 200) ) io = imgui.get_io() imgui.text(f""" Keyboard modifiers: {io.key_ctrl=} {io.key_alt=} {io.key_shift=} {io.key_super=}""") if imgui.button("Open popup"): imgui.open_popup("my popup") with imgui_ctx.begin_popup_modal("my popup") as popup: if popup.visible: imgui.text("Hello from popup!") if imgui.button("Close popup"): imgui.close_current_popup() imgui.end() gl.glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1) gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) imgui.render() impl.render(imgui.get_draw_data()) glfw.swap_buffers(window) impl.shutdown() glfw.terminate() def impl_glfw_init(): width, height = 1280, 720 window_name = "minimal ImGui/GLFW3 example" if not glfw.init(): print("Could not initialize OpenGL context") sys.exit(1) # OS X supports only forward-compatible core profiles from 3.2 glfw.window_hint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) glfw.window_hint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3) glfw.window_hint(glfw.OPENGL_PROFILE, glfw.OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) glfw.window_hint(glfw.OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, gl.GL_TRUE) # Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context window = glfw.create_window(int(width), int(height), window_name, None, None) glfw.make_context_current(window) if not window: glfw.terminate() print("Could not initialize Window") sys.exit(1) return window if __name__ == "__main__": main() ---- ==== === Usage within jupyter notebook :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ :notebook-example-image: {url-doc-images}/immapp_notebook_example.jpg ImmApp adds support for integration inside jupyter notebook: the application will be run in an external window, and a screenshot will be placed on the notebook after execution. This requires a window server, and will not run on Google collab. Below is a screenshot, that you can test by running `jupyter notebook` inside `bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python/notebooks` .Using ImGui Bundle inside Jupyter Notebook image::{notebook-example-image}[width=600] link:[40 seconds demo video on Youtube] ==== API: link:{url-bindings-bundle}/immapp/[immapp/] [[python_specific]] == Usage instructions: additional info for Python users :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ :url-bindings-python: === Python context managers: :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ In C++, you would write: [source, cpp] ---- ImGui::Begin("My Window") ImGui::Text("Hello World"); ImGui::End(); // ImGui::End() should be called even if ImGui::Begin() returns false ---- In Python, the module `imgui_ctx` provides a lot of context managers that automatically call `imgui.end()`, `imgui.end_child()`, etc., when the context is exited, so that you can write: [source, python] ---- from imgui_bundle import imgui, imgui_ctx with imgui_ctx.begin("My Window"): # imgui.end() called automatically imgui.text("Hello World") ---- Of course, you can choose to use the standard API by using the module `imgui`: [source, python] ---- imgui.begin("My Window") imgui.text("Hello World") imgui.end() ---- link:{url-bundle-doc-tree}/bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python/demos_immapp/[see] === Display Matplotlib plots in ImGui link:{url-bindings-python}/[] is a small utility to display Matplotlib plots in ImGui. See link:{url-bindings-python}/demos_python/demos_immapp/[] for an example. === Pure python backends link:{url-bindings-python}/python_backends[python_backends] contains pure python backends for glfw, pyglet and sdl2. They do not offer the same DPI handling as HelloImGui, but they are a good starting point if you want to use alternative backends. See link:{url-bindings-python}/python_backends/examples[examples] for more information. [[python_port]] === Read the libraries doc as a Python developer ==== General advices ImGui is a {cpp} library that was ported to Python. In order to work with it, you will often refer to its[manual], which shows example code in {cpp}. In order to translate from {cpp} to Python: 1. Change the function names and parameters' names from `CamelCase` to `snake_case` 2. Change the way the output are handled. a. in {cpp} `ImGui::RadioButton` modifies its second parameter (which is passed by address) and returns true if the user clicked the radio button. b. In python, the (possibly modified) value is transmitted via the return: `imgui.radio_button` returns a `Tuple[bool, str]` which contains `(user_clicked, new_value)`. 3. if porting some code that uses static variables, use the `@immapp.static` decorator. In this case, this decorator simply adds a variable `value` at the function scope. It is preserved between calls. Normally, this variable should be accessed via `demo_radio_button.value`, however the first line of the function adds a synonym named static for more clarity. Do not overuse them! Static variable suffer from almost the same shortcomings as global variables, so you should prefer to modify an application state. **Example** {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- void DemoRadioButton() { static int value = 0; ImGui::RadioButton("radio a", &value, 0); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton("radio b", &value, 1); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton("radio c", &value, 2); } ---- Python [source, python] ---- @immapp.static(value=0) def demo_radio_button(): static = demo_radio_button clicked, static.value = imgui.radio_button("radio a", static.value, 0) imgui.same_line() clicked, static.value = imgui.radio_button("radio b", static.value, 1) imgui.same_line() clicked, static.value = imgui.radio_button("radio c", static.value, 2) ---- ==== Enums and TextInput In the example below, two differences are important: ===== InputText functions: `imgui.input_text` (Python) is equivalent to `ImGui::InputText` ({cpp}) * In {cpp}, it uses two parameters for the text: the text pointer, and its length. * In Python, you can simply pass a string, and get back its modified value in the returned tuple. ===== Enums handling: * `ImGuiInputTextFlags_` ({cpp}) corresponds to `imgui.InputTextFlags_` (python) and it is an _enum_ (note the trailing underscore). * `ImGuiInputTextFlags` ({cpp}) corresponds to `imgui.InputTextFlags` (python) and it is an _int_ (note: no trailing underscore) You will find many similar enums. The dichotomy between int and enums, enables you to write flags that are a combinations of values from the enum (see example below). **Example** {cpp} [source, cpp] ---- void DemoInputTextUpperCase() { static char text[64] = ""; ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = ( ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsUppercase | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsNoBlank ); /*bool changed = */ ImGui::InputText("Upper case, no spaces", text, 64, flags); } ---- Python [source, python] ---- @immapp.static(text="") def demo_input_text_decimal() -> None: static = demo_input_text_decimal flags:imgui.InputTextFlags = ( imgui.InputTextFlags_.chars_uppercase.value | imgui.InputTextFlags_.chars_no_blank.value ) changed, static.text = imgui.input_text("Upper case, no spaces", static.text, flags) ---- === Advanced glfw callbacks When using the glfw backend, you can set advanced callbacks on all glfw events. Below is an example that triggers a callback whenever the window size is changed: [source,python] ---- from imgui_bundle import glfw_utils, hello_imgui, imgui # import glfw # if you import glfw, do it _after_ imgui_bundle # define a callback def my_window_size_callback(window: glfw._GLFWwindow, w: int, h: int): print(f"Window size changed to {w}x{h}") def install_glfw_callbacks(): # Get the glfw window used by hello imgui glfw_win = glfw_utils.glfw_window_hello_imgui() glfw_utils.glfw.set_window_size_callback(glfw_win, my_window_size_callback) # Install the callback once everything is initialized, for example: runner_params = hello_imgui.RunnerParams() # ... runner_params.callbacks.post_init = install_glfw_callbacks ---- CAUTION: It is important to import glfw _after_ imgui_bundle, since - upon import - imgui_bundle informs glfw that it shall use its own version of the glfw dynamic library. [[cpp_specific]] == Usage instructions: additional info for {cpp} users :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ :url-bindings-python: :doc_branch: main :url-bundle: :url-bundle-doc-tree:{doc_branch} :url-himgui-master-tree: :url-bindings-bundle:{doc_branch}/bindings/imgui_bundle :url-bundle-pages: :url-demo-imgui-bundle: :url-imgui-manual: :url-imgui: :url-logo: :url-demos-cpp: :url-demos-python: :url-doc-images: :url-demo-images: :url-donate: // :url-demo-images: doc_images/ === Multiplatform C++ applications When developing C++ applications, Hello ImGui and Dear ImGui Bundle offer an excellent support for multiplatform applications. See this tutorial video for Hello ImGui: .10' demo video showcasing multi-platform support and rapid video::dArP4lBnOr8[youtube] TIP: The principle with Dear ImGui Bundle is the same, just use the dedicated Dear ImGui Bundle link:[project template], and use `imgui_bundle_add_app` === Debug native {cpp} in python scripts ImGui Bundle provides tooling to help you debug the {cpp} side, when you encounter a bug that is difficult to diagnose from Python. It can be used in two steps: 1. Edit the file `pybind_native_debug/`. Change its content so that it runs the python code you would like to debug. Make sure it works when you run it as a python script. 2. Now, debug the {cpp} project `pybind_native_debug` which is defined in the directory `pybind_native_debug/`. This will run your python code from {cpp}, and you can debug the {cpp} side (place breakpoints, watch variables, etc). [[words_author]] == Closing words === Who is this project for Dear ImGui Bundle aims to make applications prototyping fast and easy, in a multiplatform / multi-tooling context. The intent is to reduce the time between an idea and a first GUI prototype down to almost zero. It is well adapted for * developers and researchers who want to switch easily between and research and development environment by facilitating the port of research artifacts * beginners and developers who want to quickly develop an application without learning a GUI framework ==== Who is this project *not* for You should prefer a more complete framework (such as Qt for example) if your intent is to build a fully fledged application, with support for internationalization, advanced styling, etc. Also, the library makes no guarantee of ABI stability, and its API is opened to slight adaptations and breaking changes if they are found to make the overall usage better and/or safer. === Acknowledgments Dear ImGui Bundle would not be possible without the work of the authors of "Dear ImGui", and especially[Omar Cornut]. It also includes a lot of other projects, and I'd like to thank their authors for their awesome work! A particular mention for[Evan Pezent] (author of ImPlot),[Cédric Guillemet] (author of ImGuizmo),[Balázs Jákó] (author of ImGuiColorTextEdit), and[Michał Cichoń] (author of imgui-node-editor), and[Dmitry Mekhontsev] (author of imgui-md),[Andy Borrel] (author of imgui-tex-inspect, another image debugging tool, which I discovered long after having developed immvision). This doc was built using[Asciidoc]. Immvision was inspired by[The Image Debugger], by Bill Baxter. === License **** The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Pascal Thomet Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **** === Alternatives[pyimgui] provides battle-tested comprehensive python bindings for ImGui. I worked with this project a lot, and contributed a bit to it. In the end, I had to develop a separate project, in order to be able to add auto-generated and auto-documented python modules.[Dear PyGui] ([repository]) provides python bindings for ImGui with a lot of addons, and a more pythonesque API, which makes it perhaps more suited for Python only projects. === About the author Dear ImGui Bundle is developed by Pascal Thomet. I am reachable on my[Github page]. I sometimes[blog]. There is a[playlist] related to ImGui Bundle on YouTube. I have a past in computer vision, and a lot of experience in the trenches between development and research teams; and I found ImGui to be a nice way to reduce the delay between a research prototype and its use in production code. I also have an inclination for self documenting code, and the doc you are reading was a way to explore new ways to document projects. === How is Dear ImGui Bundle developed The development of the initial version of Dear ImGui Bundle took about one year at full time. The bindings are auto-generated thanks to an advanced parser, so that they are easy to keep up to date. Please be tolerant if you find issues! Dear ImGui Bundle is developed for free, under a very permissive license, by one main author (and most of its API comes from external libraries). If you need consulting about this library or about the bindings generator in the context of a commercial project, please contact me by email. Contributions are welcome! ==== History Three of my past projects gave me the idea to develop this library. *[ImGui Manual], an interactive manual for Dear ImGui, which I developed in June 2020 *[implot demo] which I developed in 2020. *[imgui_datascience], a python package I developed in 2018 for image analysis and debugging. Its successor is immvision. Developments for Dear ImGui Bundle and its related automatic binding generator began in january 2022. [[support_project]] == Support the project Dear ImGui Bundle is a free and open-source project, and its development and maintenance require considerable efforts. If you find it valuable for your work – especially in a commercial enterprise or a research setting – please consider supporting its development by link:{url-donate}[making a donation]. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! For commercial users seeking tailored support or specific enhancements, please contact the author by email. //// link:{url-donate}[image:[Donate to support the development of Dear ImGui Bundle]] //// === Contribute Quality contributions are always welcome! If you're interested in contributing to the project, whether through code, ideas, or feedback, please refer to the link:[development documentation]. === License Dear ImGui Bundle is licensed under the link:[MIT License] == FAQ See link:[FAQ] [[devel_docs]] == Developer docs === Developer pages See link:[developer docs] [[folders]] === Repository folders structure .Click to see a detailed explanation of this repository folder structure. [%collapsible] ==== [source,bash] ---- ./ +-- -> bindings/imgui_bundle/ # doc +-- | +-- _example_integration/ # Demonstrate how to easily use | +-- CMakeLists.txt # imgui_bundle in a C++ app | +-- assets/ # (this is a github template available a | +-- hello_world.main.cpp # | +-- imgui_bundle_cmake/ # imgui_bundle_add_app() : | | # a cmake function you can use | +-- imgui_bundle_add_app.cmake # to create an app in one line | +-- bindings/ # root for the python bindings | +-- imgui_bundle/ | +-- assets/ # assets/ folder: you need to | | # copy this folder | | # into your app folder if you | | # intend to use markdown | | | +-- demos_assets/ # assets used by demos | +-- demos_cpp/ # lots of C++ demos | +-- demos_python/ # lots of python demos | +-- imgui/ # imgui stubs | | +-- __init__.pyi | | +-- backends.pyi | | +-- internal.pyi | | +-- py.typed | +-- implot.pyi # implot stubs | +-- | +-- __init__.pyi | +-- hello_imgui.pyi | +-- ... # lots of other libs stubs | +-- ... | +-- ... | +-- immapp/ # immapp: immediate app | | | # utilities | | +-- | | +-- __init__.pyi | | +-- | | +-- immapp_cpp.pyi | | +-- | | +-- py.typed | +-- # imGui_bundle python | | # dynamic library | +-- | +-- python_backends/ # Backends implemented in pure python | +-- py.typed | | +-- cmake/ # Private cmake utilities | +-- add_imgui.cmake | +-- ... | +-- external/ # Root of all bound libraries | +-- CMakeLists.txt | +-- imgui/ # ImGui root | | +-- bindings/ # ImGui bindings | | +-- imgui/ # ImGui submodule | +-- ImGuizmo/ | | +-- bindings/ # ImGuizmo bindings | | +-- ImGuizmo/ # ImGuizmo submodule | | +-- ImGuizmoPure/ # Manual wrappers to help | | # bindings generation | | | +-- ... lots of other bound libraries/ # Lots of other bound libraries | | +-- {lib_name}/ | | +-- bindings/ | | | +-- _doc/ | | | +-- bindings_generation/ # Script to generate bindings | | | # and to facilitate external | | +-- # libraries update | | +-- | | +-- | | +-- ... | | | +-- SDL/SDL/ # Linked library (without | | # python bindings) | +-- fplus/fplus/ # Library without bindings | +-- glfw/glfw # Library without bindings | +-- lg_cmake_utils/ # Cmake utils for bindings | | # generation | +-- lg_cmake_utils.cmake | +-- ... | +-- pybind_native_debug/ | +-- CMakeLists.txt | +-- | +-- pybind_native_debug.cpp | +-- | +-- src/ | +-- imgui_bundle/ # main cpp library: almost empty, # but linked to all external libraries ---- ====