ptr727 / PlexCleaner

Utility to optimize media files for Direct Play in Plex, Emby, Jellyfin
MIT License
247 stars 12 forks source link
7zip csharp dotnet emby ffmpeg handbrake jellyfin mediainfo mkvtoolnix plex video


Utility to optimize media files for Direct Play in Plex, Emby, Jellyfin.


Licensed under the MIT License
GitHub License


Code and Pipeline is on GitHub.
Binary releases are published on GitHub Releases.
Docker images are published on Docker Hub.


Release Status
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GitHub Pre-Release
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Release Notes

Questions or Issues

Use Cases

The objective of PlexCleaner is to modify media content such that it will always Direct Play in Plex, Emby, Jellyfin.

Below are examples of issues that can be resolved using the primary process command:

Performance Considerations


Docker builds are the easiest and most up to date way to run, and can be used on any platform that supports linux/amd64, linux/arm64, or linux/arm/v7 architectures.
Alternatively, install directly on Windows, Linux, or MacOS following the provided instructions.


Example, run in an interactive shell:

# The host "/data/media" directory is mapped to the container "/media" directory
# Replace the volume mappings to suit your needs

# Run the bash shell in an interactive session
docker run \
  -it \
  --rm \
  --pull always \
  --name PlexCleaner \
  --volume /data/media:/media:rw \ \

# Create default settings file
# Edit the settings file to suit your needs
/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner \
  defaultsettings \
  --settingsfile /media/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner.json

# Process media files
/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner \
  --logfile /media/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner.log \
  process \
  --settingsfile /media/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner.json \
  --mediafiles /media/Movies \
  --mediafiles /media/Series

# Exit the interactive session

Example, run in a screen session:

# Start a new screen session

# Or attach to an existing screen session
screen -r

# Make sure the media file permissions allow writing
sudo chown -R nobody:users /data/media
sudo chmod -R u=rwx,g=rwx+s,o=rx /data/media

# Run the process command in an interactive session
docker run \
  -it \
  --rm \
  --pull always \
  --log-driver json-file --log-opt max-size=10m \
  --name PlexCleaner \
  --user nobody:users \
  --env TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
  --volume /data/media:/media:rw \ \
  /PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner \
    --logfile /media/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner.log \
    --logwarning \
    process \
    --settingsfile /media/PlexCleaner/PlexCleaner.json \
    --parallel \
    --mediafiles /media/Movies \
    --mediafiles /media/Series





Create a default JSON configuration file by running:
PlexCleaner defaultsettings --settingsfile PlexCleaner.json

Refer to the commented default JSON settings file for usage.

Custom FFmpeg and HandBrake CLI Parameters

The ConvertOptions:FfMpegOptions and ConvertOptions:HandBrakeOptions settings allows for custom CLI parameters to be used during processing.

Note that hardware assisted encoding options are operating system, hardware, and tool version specific.
Refer to the Jellyfin hardware acceleration docs for hints on usage.
The example configurations are from documentation and minimal testing with Intel QuickSync on Windows only, please discuss and post working configurations in Discussions.

FFmpeg Options

See the FFmpeg documentation for complete commandline option details.
The typical FFmpeg commandline is ffmpeg [global_options] {[input_file_options] -i input_url} ... {[output_file_options] output_url}.
E.g. ffmpeg "-analyzeduration 2147483647 -probesize 2147483647 -i "/media/foo.mkv" -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -abort_on empty_output -hide_banner -nostats -map 0 -c:v libx265 -crf 26 -preset medium -c:a ac3 -c:s copy -f matroska "/media/bar.mkv"

Settings allows for custom configuration of:

Get encoder options:

Example video encoder options:

Example hardware assisted video encoding options:

HandBrake Options

See the HandBrake documentation for complete commandline option details.
The typical HandBrake commandline is HandBrakeCLI [options] -i <source> -o <destination>.
E.g. HandBrakeCLI --input "/media/foo.mkv" --output "/media/bar.mkv" --format av_mkv --encoder x265 --quality 26 --encoder-preset medium --comb-detect --decomb --all-audio --aencoder copy --audio-fallback ac3

Settings allows for custom configuration of:

Get encoder options:

Example video encoder options:

Example hardware assisted video encoding options:

Note that HandBrake is primarily used for video deinterlacing, and only as backup encoder when FFmpeg fails.
The default HandBrakeOptions:Audio configuration is set to copy --audio-fallback ac3 that will copy all supported audio tracks as is, and only encode to ac3 if the audio codec is not natively supported.

Language Matching

Language tag matching supports IETF / RFC 5646 / BCP 47 tag formats as implemented by MkvMerge.
During processing the absence of IETF language tags will treated as a track warning, and an RFC 5646 IETF language will be temporarily assigned based on the ISO639-2B tag.
If ProcessOptions.SetIetfLanguageTags is enabled MkvMerge will be used to remux the file using the --normalize-language-ietf extlang option, see the MkvMerge docs for more details.

Tags are in the form of language-extlang-script-region-variant-extension-privateuse, and matching happens left to right.
E.g. pt will match pt Portuguese, or pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese, or pt-PT European Portuguese.
E.g. pt-BR will only match only pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese.
E.g. zh will match zh Chinese, or zh-Hans simplified Chinese, or zh-Hant for traditional Chinese, and other variants.
E.g. zh-Hans will only match zh-Hans simplified Chinese.

Normalized tags will be expanded for matching.
E.g. cmn-Hant will be expanded to zh-cmn-Hant allowing matching with zh.

See the W3C Language tags in HTML and XML and BCP47 language subtag lookup for more details.


Use the PlexCleaner --help commandline option to get a list of commands and options.
To get help for a specific command run PlexCleaner <command> --help.

> ./PlexCleaner --help
  Utility to optimize media files for Direct Play in Plex, Emby, Jellyfin

  PlexCleaner [command] [options]

  --logfile <logfile>  Path to log file
  --logappend          Append to existing log file
  --logwarning         Log warnings and errors only
  --debug              Wait for debugger to attach
  --version            Show version information
  -?, -h, --help       Show help and usage information

  defaultsettings   Write default values to settings file
  checkfornewtools  Check for new tool versions and download if newer
  process           Process media files
  monitor           Monitor for file changes and process changed media files
  remux             Re-Multiplex media files
  reencode          Re-Encode media files
  deinterlace       De-Interlace media files
  removesubtitles   Remove subtitles from media files
  createsidecar     Create new sidecar files
  updatesidecar     Update existing sidecar files
  getversioninfo    Print application and tools version information
  getsidecarinfo    Print sidecar file information
  gettagmap         Print media information tag-map
  getmediainfo      Print media information using sidecar files
  gettoolinfo       Print media information using media tools
  createschema      Write settings schema to file

Global Options

Global options apply to all commands.

Process Command

> ./PlexCleaner process --help
  Process media files

  PlexCleaner process [options]

  --settingsfile <settingsfile> (REQUIRED)  Path to settings file
  --mediafiles <mediafiles> (REQUIRED)      Path to media file or folder
  --parallel                                Enable parallel processing
  --threadcount <threadcount>               Number of threads to use for parallel processing
  --testsnippets                            Create short media clips
  --testnomodify                            Do not make any file modifications
  --reverify                                Re-verify and repair media files in the VerifyFailed state
  --logfile <logfile>                       Path to log file
  --logappend                               Append to existing log file
  --logwarning                              Log warnings and errors only
  --debug                                   Wait for debugger to attach
  -?, -h, --help                            Show help and usage information

The process command will process the media content using options as defined in the settings file and the optional commandline arguments:



./PlexCleaner \
  --logfile PlexCleaner.log \
  process \
  --settingsfile PlexCleaner.json \
  --parallel \
  --mediafiles "C:\Foo With Space\Test.mkv" \
  --mediafiles D:\Media

Re-Multiplex, Re-Encode, De-Interlace, Remove Subtitles Commands

These commands have no conditional logic and will process all specified media files.


Create and Update Sidecar Files

Get Information

3rd Party Tools

Sample Media Files