This Leaflet plugin provides multispectral channel manipulation and processing tools (such as NDVI or other remote sensing methods) for Leaflet tile layers using pure client-side JavaScript. It uses image-sequencer and was developed by Public Lab.
It is based on the simpler plugin for ImageOverlays at
It is available as a node module as leaflet-tile-filter
This library was made possible in part by NASA's AREN project.
See the demo for basic usage:
// create an tile layer
var tileLayer = L.tileLayer(
'https://gibs-{s}' +
layer: 'MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_Bands721',
tileMatrixSet: 'GoogleMapsCompatible_Level9',
maxZoom: 9,
time: '2013-11-04',
tileSize: 256,
subdomains: 'abc',
noWrap: true,
continuousWorld: true,
// Prevent Leaflet from retrieving non-existent tiles on the
// borders.
bounds: [
[-85.0511287776, -179.999999975],
[85.0511287776, 179.999999975]
'<a href="">' +
'<a href="">' +
'View Source' +
// apply a colormap:
To revert the image to it's previous state, use:
With a small change coming in Image Sequencer, multi-step commands and the full Image Sequencer syntax will be available:
// apply NDVI equation to the image, and then a colormap:
For more complex commands, you can use JavaScript expresssions, in the following format:
In this example, we're using Image Sequencer's dynamic
module to set the displayed RGB values individually, with the expressions R*2
, B
, and B/2
, respectively.
(coming soon) Commands you can pass into the filter are extremely flexible; they are Image Sequencer string syntax (full object notation coming soon). Read about Image Sequencer and how to use it here:
Using the visual editor, you can develop a command string to pass into this filter:
Image Sequencer is implemented in pure JavaScript, and is under development; we expect optimizations as well as worker threads and WebAssembly to improve performance in upcoming versions.
Learn about multi-band imagery, some of it's uses at this great blog post by Charlie Lloyd of Mapbox:
Here's some sources of Landsat 8 data:
Here's more on NDVI and DIY techniques to collect multi-band imagery: