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An index of Australian Federal Government activities at odds with the public interest
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layout: page title: About permalink: /about/ is an index of reporting on Australian Federal Government activities that are at odds with the public interest.

If you see incorrect or unsubstantiated information, or think an existing activity that meets the criteria below should be tracked, please see the contributing page for how to proceed.

Whether an activity is against public interest is measured by meeting one or more of the following criteria:

  1. A public institution has handed down a report that demonstrates an activity failed to meet legal obligations or required standards. For example, reports published by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)

  2. An activity that has been reported to disregard advice from relevant public servants, research or scientific organisations to the detriment of the public

  3. Activities reported to breach ministerial standards as set out by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

  4. Activities reported to breach the constitution, federal or state law.