pufferffish / agda-symmetries

MIT License
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This repository contains the source code, project time log, supervisor meeting minutes, status report, and dissertation of my individual project for the 4th year of my computing science BSc at the University of Glasgow.


In this project, we study free monoids, free commutative monoids, and their connections with sorting and total orders. Univalent type theory provides a rigorous framework for implementing these ideas, in the construction of free algebras using higher inductive types and quotients, and reasoning upto equivalence using categorical universal properties. The main contributions are a framework for universal algebra (free algebras and their universal properties), various constructions of free monoids and free commutative monoids (with proofs of their universal properties), applications to proving combinatorial properties of these constructions, and finally an axiomatic understanding of sorting.

Formalization in Agda

This project is formalized using cubical Agda. A HTML rendered version is hosted here.


This library has been tested with the following software versions:

Type checking the code

Type check the code by running Agda:

$ agda index.agda


With the exception of the papers/ directory, all files in this project are licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see LICENSE.

All rights reserved for content under the papers/ directory.