pulibrary / DSS

DSS Catalog Application
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Local Development Basic Setup

  1. git clone git@github.com:pulibrary/DSS.git
  2. cd DSS
  3. asdf install # if you are using asdf
  4. bundle install
  5. yarn install
  6. bundle exec rake servers:start
  7. bundle exec rake db:seed
  8. bundle exec rake dss:solr:update
  9. bundle exec rake dss:solr:index
  10. bundle exec rails s

(You may need to install yarn separately, if you haven't already.)

Making yourself an admin user

Production Deployment

Deploy with Capistrano bundle exec cap production deploy or bundle exec cap staging deploy

Reindexing in Production

If you need to re-index you can do either of the following.

bundle exec rake dss:solr:deindex bundle exec rake dss:solr:index

or if you want to re-index one Resource object at a time

bundle exec rake dss:solr:reindex

Running the tests

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rspec

Running system specs in the browser

   RUN_IN_BROWSER=true bundle exec rspec spec/system