pulibrary / cicognara-rails

Rails app for managing metadata for the Digital Cicogara Library https://cicognara.org
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An application for indexing and displaying IIIF Manifests from multiple partners in an effort to create a high quality digital version of Count Leopoldo Cicognara's private book collection.

CircleCI Coverage Status

Initial Setup

git clone https://github.com/pulibrary/cicognara-rails.git
cd cicognara-rails
bundle install
lando start
bundle exec rake db:setup

Remember you'll need to run bundle install on an ongoing basis as dependencies are updated.

Run tests

  1. lando start
  2. RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup
  3. In a separate terminal: bundle exec rspec

Development setup

Running development services together

Install Lando:

  1. lando start
  2. bundle exec rake cico:development:clean_and_seed
  3. bin/rails s

Create a development admin user

bin/rails c > u = User.new > u.email = me@example.com > u.role = "admin"

Look at app/controllers/application_controller.rb to see how this user is always logged in on a development site. You can comment out the current_user method there if you want to see a non-admin view.

Index/Generate Partials for full Catalogo:

  1. Ensure development solr is running
  2. cd tmp
  3. git clone git@github.com:pulibrary/cicognara-catalogo.git
  4. cd ..
  5. TEIPATH=tmp/cicognara-catalogo/catalogo.tei.xml MARCPATH=tmp/cicognara-catalogo/cicognara.mrx.xml bundle exec rake tei:index
  6. TEIPATH=tmp/cicognara-catalogo/catalogo.tei.xml bundle exec rake tei:partials

Indexing Full Manifests from Getty

  1. Ensure full Catalogo is indexed (see above)
  2. bundle exec rake getty:import

Tagging a Release

To create a tagged release use the steps in the RDSS handbook


When deploying, make sure the desired cicognara-catalogo (MARC and TEI) release is specified:

# config/deploy.rb`
set :default_env,
    'MARCPATH' => 'public/cicognara.mrx.xml',
    'TEIPATH' => 'public/catalogo.tei.xml',
    'CATALOGO_VERSION' => 'v2.1'

After deploying, please invoke the following in order to reindex from the latest release of the Catalogo, and rebuild the partials:

cap [STAGE] deploy:reindex

Manually reindexing

Another way to reindex after a deployment is to SSH to the machine and execute the following rake tasks. This is what we did in March/2022. Notice that we had to manually get the Getty files via cURL before running getty:import because download process fails intermittently (however, once the files are on disk the rake task will use them and complete successfully).

cd /opt/cicognara/current

# Get latest source data files
TEIPATH=public/cicognara.tei.xml MARCPATH=public/cicognara.mrx.xml bundle exec rake tei:catalogo:update

# Run TEI Index (about 5 minutes)
TEIPATH=public/cicognara.tei.xml MARCPATH=public/cicognara.mrx.xml bundle exec rake tei:index

# Regenerate the partials
TEIPATH=public/cicognara.tei.xml MARCPATH=public/cicognara.mrx.xml bundle exec rake tei:partials

# (optional) Get the Getty files via cURL when the site is acting up and requires retries.
# Find the latest set at http://portal.getty.edu/resources/json_data/resourcedump.xml
cd tmp
curl -OL http://portal.getty.edu/resources/json_data/resourcedump_2022-10-31-part1.zip
curl -OL http://portal.getty.edu/resources/json_data/resourcedump_2022-10-31-part2.zip
curl -OL http://portal.getty.edu/resources/json_data/resourcedump_2022-10-31-part3.zip
curl -OL http://portal.getty.edu/resources/json_data/resourcedump_2022-10-31-part4.zip
cd ..

# Run the Getty import (1 hr)
TEIPATH=public/cicognara.tei.xml MARCPATH=public/cicognara.mrx.xml bundle exec rake getty:import

# Re-index the TEI
TEIPATH=public/cicognara.tei.xml MARCPATH=public/cicognara.mrx.xml bundle exec rake tei:index

Create a production admin user

If you need to make someone an admin on a production box, ensure they've logged in once, then run the set_admin_role task for their email address:

EMAIL=user@example.org bundle exec rake set_admin_role

Updating Solr in production

To make changes to the Solr in production/staging you need to update the files in the pul_solr repository and deploy them. The basic steps are:

  1. Update the configuration file for Cicognara
  2. Deploy the changes, e.g. cap solr8-staging deploy.

You can see the list of Capistrano environments here

The deploy will update the configuration for all Solr collections in the given environment, but it does not cause downtime. If you need to manually reload a configuration for a given Solr collection you can do it via the Solr Admin UI.

Google OAuth integration

The environment values used for integration with Google Authentication (GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET) are defined via the console.cloud.google.com. You can use this page to reset the Client ID and Client secret values. If you don't have access to this page please contact Esmé.

Data Sources

There are three main sources of information for this project:

  1. Data from TEI files (~4700 records)
  2. Data from MARC files (~4700 records)
  3. Data from the Getty (~9600 records)

The process to index TEI and MARC files (i.e. rake tei:index) ingests the data into a single Solr collection, but it creates separate documents for each source. For example there are two Solr documents for alt_id:"dcl:nvx", one of these documents (the one with format:marc) has the MARC data whereas the other one has the TEI data. Records from TEI (i.e. -format:marc) are what is searched for when a user submits a search.

This part of the import process also creates records in the Books and Entries tables to represent some of this data.

There is another process that fetches and processes the data from the Getty (i.e. rake getty:import). This process downloads files from Getty, unzips them into about 50,000 JSON files, and finds records that are associated with the "Cicognara Collection". There are about 9,600 records that meet this criteria. For each one of them it process the manifest_urls indicated in the Getty record and creates a Version record to store the metadata for each different manifest.

This part of the process is slow-ish since, for each record, it contacts each different institution indicated in the manifest_url to fetch the data (example 1 and example 2). This data is saved in the Version table. Notice that the data stored in the Version table is displayed to the user but it is not indexed in Solr.

Check out the following documents for additional information on the data and how it is modeled: