pulibrary / drds-handbook-deprecated

DEPRECATED - Documentation of DRDS Team practices (retired August 2021)
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Digital Repository and Discovery Services Team Handbook

Documentation for general use

  1. List of Applications
  2. Technical Liaisons
  3. Product Owners
  4. Work Cycles - The rhythms and processes of our project work
  5. Creating Issues
  6. Project Kickoffs

Documentation most useful to members of our team


  1. DRDS Overview - About our team and how we work together
  2. Onboarding - Onboarding information for new team members
  3. Development Practice
  4. Runner - The nature and duties of the rotating "runner" role
  5. Student Developers
  6. Triaging Issues
  7. Incident Response


  1. Acronym
  2. Tooling
  3. Administrative Resources - Resources and information about paid time off, travel, expense reporting, etc.