pulibrary / ib

Image Browser -- Browse A filesystem containing JPEG 2000 images.
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Browse A filesystem containing JPEG 2000 images.


Werkzeug, Jinja2, and Sqlite3 are required. All are available in apt:

apt-get install python-werkzeug python-jinja2 sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev


Set the three properties at the top of ib.conf. The application assumes that Djatoka is set up with our production resolver.

Web Server Configuration

If you are using Apache as your webserver, add the following code to your VirtualHost file:

    WSGIDaemonProcess ib user=[webserver user] group=[webserver user] processes=2 threads=5
    WSGIScriptAlias /ib /path/to/ib/ib.wsgi
    WSGIProcessGroup ib

ib should then be accessible at http://yourhostname/ib

In production you should create a user for the application to run under, e.g.

useradd -d /path/to/ib_app -s /sbin/false ib


Running the module (python ./ib.py) will start a dev. server on port 5000.


Levels, etc. are set in ib.conf. Note that logs must be writable by the webserver. If they are not, you will get an Ineternal Server Error (500).

Backup Options

This shell script can be used to backup the sqlite3 database.