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CI: Scheduled GitHub Actions failed after 60 days of inactivity #6

Open astrochun opened 2 years ago

astrochun commented 2 years ago

The smoke-test.yml should have ran on Jan 3. However, it did not. Looking into this issue, I learned that there's a rule that after 60 days of inactivity, the job will not run.

For reference, here's the usage details: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/usage-limits-billing-and-administration

Also, came across this community thread: https://github.community/t/no-notification-workflow-disabled-after-60-days/182169/11

We need to come up with a solution that would resolve this. For now, changing the smoke-test to run it on a date should fixed the issue.

I think the better complete solution is to upload the new changes. This could be done on a branch and to create a new PR.