pulibrary / pdc-osti

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Code style: black smoke-test linting GitHub tag (latest SemVer) python

This software is supported on Python 3.10 and above and has been tested with 3.10 and 3.11. Support for Python 3.9 was deprecated in October 2023.

For oversight reasons, OSTI requires that PPPL submit its datasets' metadata through their API. OSTI is only a metadata repository, and the datasets themselves are stored in Princeton Data Commons (PDC). We are responsible for posting the metadata by the end of each fiscal year. This is not to be confused with submitting journal article metadata to OSTI, which is an entirely separate process and is handled by PPPL.


Get an ELink account

To post to OSTI's test server, a user needs to acquire an ELink account. Currently, the OSTI API does not have a UI to create an account, so a new user will have to contact OSTI directly. To post to the production account, go to LastPass and get Princeton's credentials.

Setup an environment

We are dependent on ostiapi as a library. Presumably, this will eventually be available on PyPi. For all other libraries install the requirements in a python 3.8 environment.

pip install -e .

For development purposes, please also install additional dependencies:

pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit install

ostiapi requires a username and a password, which are different for posting to either test or prod. poster searches for two environment variables for the appropriate mode (test/prod). After a user gets an E-Link Account, one can set the appropriate variables in a .env file, which is already removed from version control by .gitignore. .env-template is provided for convenience.

OSTI_USERNAME_PROD="my-prod-osti-username" # from LastPass
OSTI_PASSWORD_PROD="my-prod-osti-password" # from LastPass


Pull necessary data

Run scraper command-line script to collect data from OSTI & DSpace. The pipeline will compare (by title) to see which datasets haven't yet been uploaded. It will output entry_form.tsv that one needs to manually fill out with DOE Contract information

Manually enter data

Copy entry_form.tsv to a Google Sheet and share with partners at PPPL. They will need to enter Datatype. See Datatype codes here. (Ideally, in the long run we would integrate these fields into DSpace's metadata.) Save the file into this folder as form_input.tsv. The Sponsoring Organization, DOE Contract and Non-DOE Contract may need to be modified. The latter two are retrieved from PDC metadata. Note that the default Sponsoring Organization is "USDOE Office of Science (SC)".

Note: Since we're joining by title, typos and encoding errors will inevitably lead to missed results in entry_form.tsv. scraper also checks for items that are in OSTI but not PDC, something that shouldn't happen. The user will need to manually remove those rows from the entry form.

Post to OSTI

poster is used to combine the form_input.tsv and PDC metadata to generate the JSON necessary for OSTI ingestion. Choose one of the three options:

    --dry-run: Make fake requests locally to test workflow.
    --test: Post to OSTI's test server.
    --prod: Post to OSTI's prod server.
:warning: Posting to OSTI, both through test and prod, will send an email to you, your team, and OSTI. Make sure that data/osti.json is in good shape by running poster --dry-run before posting with --test. After OSTI approves what you've posted to their test server, post to production with the --prod flag. Ideally, you'd only need to go through this process once.


If you're confused about how the output of scraper turns into the input for poster, consider looking at the CSVs in the examples folder.

Also, successful runs of poster will give the following output:

Posting data...
    ✔ Toward fusion plasma scenario planning
    ✔ MHD-blob correlations in NSTX
Congrats 🚀 OSTI says that all records were successfully uploaded!

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