pulibrary / special_collections

Deprecated - Special Collections ( formerly RBSC) Drupal 7 Project
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Special Collections

Local development with Lando

  1. git clone git@github.com:pulibrary/rbsc_drupal.git
  2. cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php
  3. In your local sites/default/settings.php file include the following lando-style db config values:

    $databases = array (
      'default' =>
      array (
        'default' =>
        array (
          'database' => 'drupal7',
          'username' => 'drupal7',
          'password' => 'drupal7',
          'host' => 'database',
          'port' => '3306',
          'driver' => 'mysql',
          'prefix' => '',
    # needed for CAS logins to work
    $base_url = "http://rbsc.lndo.site";
  4. Add the following useful local development configuration to the end of sites/default/settings.php

    /* Overrides for the local environment */
    $conf['securepages_enable'] = 0;
    /* This should be set in your php.ini file */
    ini_set('memory_limit', '1G');
    /* Turn off all caching */
    $conf['css_gzip_compression'] = FALSE;
    $conf['js_gzip_compression'] = FALSE;
    $conf['cache'] = 0;
    $conf['block_cache'] = 0;
    $conf['preprocess_css'] = 0;
    $conf['preprocess_js'] = 0;
    /* end cache settings */
    /* Turn on theme debugging. Injects the path to every Template utilized in the HTML source. */
    $conf['theme_debug'] = TRUE;
    /* Makes sure jquery is loaded on every page */
    /* set to false in production */
    $conf['javascript_always_use_jquery'] = TRUE;
  5. mkdir .ssh # excluded from version control
  6. cp $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa .ssh/.
  7. cp $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub .ssh/. // key should be registered in princeton_ansible deploy role
  8. lando start
  9. cp drush/rbsc-example.aliases.drushrc.php drush/rbsc.aliases.drushrc.php
  10. Adjust the config values in the drush/rbsc.aliases.drushrc.php file to match the current remote drupal environment
    $aliases['prod'] = array (
      'uri' => 'https://rbsc.princeton.edu',
      'root' => '', // Add root
      'remote-user' => 'deploy', // Add user
      'remote-host' => 'app-server-name', // Add app server host name
      'ssh-options' => '-o PasswordAuthentication=no -i .ssh/id_rsa',
      'path-aliases' => array(
        '%dump-dir' => '/tmp',
      'source-command-specific' => array (
        'sql-sync' => array (
          'no-cache' => TRUE,
          'structure-tables-key' => 'common',
      'command-specific' => array (
        'sql-sync' => array (
          'sanitize' => TRUE,
          'no-ordered-dump' => TRUE,
          'structure-tables' => array(
            // You can add more tables which contain data to be ignored by the database dump
            'common' => array('cache', 'cache_*', 'history', 'sessions', 'watchdog', 'cas_data_login', 'captcha_sessions'),
  11. Uncomment the alias block for the local lando site
    $aliases['local'] = array(
      'root' => '/app', // Path to project on local machine
      'uri'  => 'http://rbsc.lndo.site',
      'path-aliases' => array(
        '%dump-dir' => '/tmp',
        '%files' => 'sites/default/files',
  12. adjust the .htaccess file not to have a base path. Edit .htaccess and find RewriteBase /special-collections and comment the line out.
  13. bundle exec cap production database_dump; // this will produce a datestamped dump file in the format "backup-YYYY-MM-DD-{environment}.sql.gz".
  14. lando db-import backup-YYYY-MM-DD-{environment}.sql.gz
  15. lando drush rsync @rbsc.prod:%files @rbsc.local:%files
  16. lando drush uli your-username

NPM and Gulp

  1. cd sites/all/themes/rbsc
  2. lando npm install
  3. lando gulp deploy (or any other gulp task)

Solr / Search API

  1. In your browser, go to http://rbsc.lndo.site/admin/config/search/search_api/server/rbsc_solr_core/edit
  2. Edit Solr host to have the value of search
  3. Edit Solr path to have a value of /solr/rbsc
  4. Clear the search index in the browser on the view page (you should be there after the edit) http://rbsc.lndo.site/admin/config/search/search_api/server/rbsc_solr_core and click Delete all indexed data button on the bottom left of the page
  5. lando drush search-api-index will index all content to the local solr index
  6. lando drush cc all will update the caches to show the data