Super fast srt translater and mkv extracter, extract subtitles from mvk ,
and translate into desired language in 20-40 sec.
use as cli tool ,or add it Nzbget as post-processing scripts (supported)
Srt-translator function :
- NZBget post processing tanslator script
- CLi Translator
This is version 1.0, so there is probably buggy :)
If you find a bug , please create an Issue
- mkvtoolnix (mkvmerge and mkvextract)
1. git clone
2. chmod +x
./ -f < file > [options]
Options: -f -[Mandatory] MKV,SRT or Directory
-s -[Optinal] language to use when it extract subtitles form MKV file ISO-639-1 format
if not set it will use default value in script,en (english)
-t -[Optinal] language you want to translate into , ISO-639-1 format
if not set it will use default value in script,sv (sewdish)
-w -[Optinal] Temp dir
-Z -[Optinal] How many part the substracted srt file should be split into. aka how many google
translate background job there will be created
-M -[Optinal] Process all MKV files in directory ,if -f is a directory
-S -[Optinal] Process all SRT files in directory ,if -f is a directory
-o -[Optinal] Overwrite srt file at distination ,same location ad the mkv/srt file
-v -[Optinal] print more info
-d -[Optinal] Debug mode
example "Movies/MovieName (2000)/MovieName (2000).mkv" -s en -t nl
This will estract SRT file from MovieName (2000).mkv transelate it into Dutch,
and place a SRT file in folder Movies/MovieName (2000) , with name MovieName (2000)
example "Movies/" -s en -t nl -M
Will find all MKV files in directory and sub directory , and extract subtile and translate it
and place it in the folder the MKV file was found
The script uses, and it hits it hard when alot translate background processes is created
if this can result in blocking or throttling I don't know
The script only supports srt codec , no Vobsub support yet
- Add support for other subtitle codec
- Add support for merge translated subtitle back into mkv file