pulsepm / pulse

Unofficial package manager written in python.
MIT License
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Pulse Package Manager (PPM) for open.mp

Pulse Package Manager (PPM) is a comprehensive package manager designed specifically for open.mp (Open Multiplayer), a multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. PPM streamlines the management of dependencies, configurations, and project settings within open.mp projects, facilitating easier development and deployment processes.


Installation and Updating


Install Script (Recommended)

Execute the script to install (or update if necessary) pulse.

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pulsepm/pulse/master/install.sh | bash -s

Manual Installation

  1. Download the latest version of Pulse from our releases.

  2. Mark the downloaded binary as executable:

    chmod u+x pulse
  3. (Optional) Move it to a location that's defined in your $PATH:

    mv pulse /usr/local/bin/ # sudo permissions are required by this specific path

Development Installation

To set up a development environment, ensure you have pip installed (it may be packaged as pip or pip3 on your system). While it's possible to have Pulse working without setting up an virtual environment, it's strongly not recommended. If you don't want to bother with virtual environments, you may want to look into pipx.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/pulsepm/pulse
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd pulse
  3. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    virtualenv venv --distribute && source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. (Optional) Create a script for easier launching Pulse Make sure ~/.local/bin is in your $PATH.

    echo "python3 $(pwd)/pulse.py \"\$@\"" > ~/.local/bin/pulse && chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/pulse


Contributions to Pulse Package Manager are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

Getting Started

  1. Install Pulse Package Manager.
  2. Initialize a new open.mp project using pulse init.
  3. Configure project settings and dependencies using pulse config and pulse install.
  4. Build and run your project using pulse build and pulse run.
  5. Enjoy streamlined project management with Pulse Package Manager!


To utilize Pulse Package Manager in your open.mp project, install Pulse and execute the desired commands in your project directory. Refer to the command syntax and examples provided above for detailed usage instructions.

pulse.toml Configuration

name = "e"
publisher = "Mergevos"
repo = "e"
entry = "main.pwn"
output = "gm/main.amx"

version = "v1.2.0.2670"

live = [

version = "3.10.11"
options = [ "-d3", "-;+"]

version = "3.10.11"
options = [ "-d3",]


pulse config


pulse config


Configures Pulse.


The pulse config command prompts the user to configure Pulse by modifying various project settings, including GitHub credentials and other configuration parameters. If a configuration file already exists, it offers options to modify the existing configuration; otherwise, it guides the user through the process of creating a new configuration file. A welcome message is displayed at the beginning to guide the user through the configuration process.

pulse init


pulse init


Initializes a new Pulse project.


Upon executing the pulse init command, the user is prompted to provide details about the new open.mp project. These details include the user's GitHub username, project name, repository name, entry file name, and whether to initialize a GitHub repository or use Pods for project isolation. If the user chooses to initialize a GitHub repository, the tool creates the repository with the provided credentials via pulse configure. If project isolation with Pods is selected, the command runs pulse pods to set up project isolation.

pulse build [PROFILE]


pulse build [PROFILE]


Builds the pawn file.



The pulse build command compiles the pawn file using options specified within the pulse.toml configuration file. If no options are present, it uses a default list of options. Users can specify build profiles defined in pulse.toml. If the specified profile is not present, an error is shown, aborting the compilation process. The command adds legacy list, modules list, and dependencies from the requirements folder as include paths.

pulse run


pulse run


Runs the open.mp server.


Executing the pulse run command launches the omp-server. If the .pods folder is present, the command ignores the version specified in pulse.toml and executes the version located within the .pods folder. Otherwise, it uses the version specified in pulse.toml. If the specified version is not installed, it is automatically installed. Additionally, the command adds plugins from project_folder/requirements/plugins into the plugins folder of the server and moves the output file so the server has an executable file.

pulse pods


pulse pods


Initialize project isolation.


The pulse pods command initializes project isolation by creating a .pods folder and installing a compiler or runtime of a specific version, which is taken from the cache or downloaded as needed.

pulse install [PACKAGE]


pulse install [PACKAGE]



Install a package for open.mp.


pulse install Ykpauneu/pmtest@main


The pulse install command installs the specified package, including its dependencies, plugins, and configuration. It supports branch, commit, or tag specifications. The tool checks for the existence of a pulse.toml file; if it exists, the package is loaded, and its dependencies are loaded recursively (including dependencies for dependencies). If the package contains a *.dll or *.so plugin, it is moved to the plugins folder. Similar actions are performed in the project_folder/requirements folder. The package is also added to pulse.toml.

pulse uninstall [PACKAGE] [OPTIONS]


pulse uninstall [PACKAGE] [OPTIONS]




Uninstall a package from open.mp.


pulse uninstall Ykpauneu/pmtest==2.0.0


The pulse uninstall command removes the specified package from the Pulse Package Configuration and from project_folder/requirements. If the --recursive flag is used, it removes all dependencies of the specified package as well. After removal, the package entry is deleted from project_folder/pulse.toml.

pulse ensure


pulse ensure


Ensures all packages are present.


The pulse ensure command reads the packages specified in project_folder/pulse.toml, then copies them from the Pulse Package Configuration to project_folder/requirements (including plugins, dependencies, etc.). If any packages are not found, they are installed and automatically copied.

Uninstalling Pulse


To uninstall Pulse and remove only the program binary, execute the following command in your terminal:

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pulsepm/pulse/master/install.sh | bash -s -- --remove

To completely remove Pulse, including all associated configuration and cache directories, use the --remove-all option:

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pulsepm/pulse/master/install.sh | bash -s -- --remove-all

The --remove-all option will delete all files and directories related to Pulse. Ensure you have backed up any important data before proceeding with this command.


Pulse Package Manager is licensed under the MIT License.

This enhanced Markdown document provides a comprehensive overview of Pulse Package Manager (PPM) tailored specifically for open.mp projects, with detailed explanations of commands, configurations, and usage guidelines.