pulumi / esc

Pulumi ESC (Environments, Secrets, and Configuration) for cloud applications and infrastructure.
Apache License 2.0
195 stars 4 forks source link
cloud config configuration-management infrastructure-as-code secrets secrets-management

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Pulumi ESC (Environments, Secrets, and Configuration)

Pulumi ESC is an open source secrets management platform that tames secrets and configuration complexity across all of your cloud infrastructure and application environments.

With Pulumi ESC, teams can aggregate secrets and configurations from many sources, manage hierarchical collections of configurations and secrets as environments, and consume them through a variety of means including CLI, SDK, REST API, Pulumi Cloud Web Console and Pulumi-service provider.

Pulumi ESC not only works great for your applications and IaC, including Pulumi IaC, but it also makes your day-to-day developer workflow much more secure and streamlined. For example, the Pulumi ESC CLI (esc) allows you to give your developers immediate, just-in-time authenticated, and short-lived access to cloud credentials across any cloud provider with just a single command: esc run aws-staging -- aws s3 ls.

In this example, an ESC environment named aws-staging has all the necessary staging environment configuration and OIDC setup to connect to AWS. Running this command opens up a temporary environment and executes the aws s3 ls command in that environment. The temporary AWS credentials are not stored anywhere, making them secure and also allowing you to switch between different environments dynamically.

Pulumi's open source secrets management solution overview

Pulumi ESC is also offered as a managed service as part of Pulumi Cloud, and this repo contains the implementation of the following key components of the ESC open source secrets and configuration management solution:

  1. The esc CLI: A CLI tool for managing and consuming environments, secrets and configuration using Pulumi ESC.
  2. The Pulumi ESC evaluator: The core specification and implementation of the document format for defining environments, and the syntax and semantics for evaluating environments to produce a set of configuration and secrets.
Click here to get started with Pulumi's open source secrets manager ESC

Table of contents

Getting Started with Pulumi ESC

For a hands-on, self-paced tutorial see our Pulumi ESC Getting Started to quickly get up and running.

Download and Install Pulumi ESC

  1. Install:

    To install the latest Pulumi ESC release, run the following (see full installation instructions for additional installation options):

    $ curl -fsSL https://get.pulumi.com/ | sh

Building the ESC CLI Locally

You can build the CLI locally for testing by cloning this repo and running:

$ make install

This will produce an esc binary in your GOBIN directory.

How Pulumi ESC Works

Pulumi ESC: Open source secrets management overview

  1. Pulumi ESC enables you to define environments, which are collections of secrets and configuration. Each environment can be composed from multiple environments.
  2. Pulumi ESC supports a variety of configuration and secrets sources, and it has an extensible plugin model that allows third-party sources.
  3. Pulumi ESC has a rich API that allows for easy integration. Every value in an environment can be accessed from any execution environment.
  4. Every environment can be locked down with RBAC, versioned, and audited.

Why Pulumi ESC?

Pulumi ESC was designed to address a set of challenges that many infrastructure and application development teams face in managing configuration and secrets across their various environments:

Pulumi ESC was born to address these problems and needs head on with the following features.

Pulumi ESC Features

Pulumi ESC Roadmap

Review the planned work for the upcoming quarter and a selected backlog of issues that are on our mind but not yet scheduled on the Pulumi Roadmap.

