pulumi / pulumi-ai

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Unable to properly copy text into AI window, if more than 380 lines. #64

Open cloudor-devops opened 7 months ago

cloudor-devops commented 7 months ago

What happened?

When trying to copy more than approximately 380 lines, the copied text just gets cut off in the AI prompts window. It worked in the previous version.


I have found it very helpful to copy the entire code of index.ts along with any error messages and then seek assistance from the AI. This approach was effective and it worked very well for me in the previous version of the AI.

Output of pulumi about

Version 3.95.0 Go Version go1.21.4 Go Compiler gc

OS darwin Version 14.1.2 Arch arm64

Name pulumi.com URL https://app.pulumi.com/cloudor User cloudor Organizations cloudor Token type personal

Additional context

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