pulumi / pulumi-ai

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Pulumi AI

Create cloud infrastructure with Pulumi Automation API ☁️ and OpenAI GPT 🤖. Try out Pulumi AI online at https://pulumi.com/ai, or locally with npx pulumi-ai.

Note: This is an experimental AI experience for interactively building cloud infrastructure using GPT. It will likely do surprising and interesting things, and will make mistakes! You have the option to provide access to deploy infrastructure directly into your cloud account(s), which puts incredible power in the hands of the AI, be sure to use with approporiate caution.

Demo of Pulumi AI


To use the CLI tool, you must configure the following:

Note: The pulumi-ai CLI works best with AWS today, but can be used with any cloud.

Then run:

npx pulumi-ai

You can ask for any infrastructure you want, then use these commands to take actions outside of interacting with the AI:

The following environment variables are also available to configure the GPT AI used:


Welcome to Pulumi AI.

Your stack: https://app.pulumi.com/luke/pulumi-ai/dev/resources

What cloud infrastructure do you want to build today?

create aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc my-vpc ...
created my-vpc
vpcId: vpc-016f35c7f078ab9e8

> Add three private subnets
create aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet private-subnet-2-2 ...
create aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet private-subnet-1-1 ...
create aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet private-subnet-3-3 ...
created private-subnet-2-2
created private-subnet-3-3
created private-subnet-1-1
privateSubnetIds: subnet-08add1c8ae97e3cfb,subnet-0cb4ea675f7ac64fe,subnet-0f9a22c87e766fa17
vpcId: vpc-016f35c7f078ab9e8

> Remove one of the subnets
delete aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet private-subnet-3-3 ...
deleted private-subnet-3-3
privateSubnetIds: subnet-08add1c8ae97e3cfb,subnet-0cb4ea675f7ac64fe
vpcId: vpc-016f35c7f078ab9e8

Welcome to Pulumi AI.

Your stack: https://app.pulumi.com/luke-pulumi-corp/pulumi-ai/dev/resources

What cloud infrastructure do you want to build today?

> an s3 bucket
create aws:s3/bucket:Bucket my-bucket ...
created my-bucket
Stack Outputs:
  bucketName: my-bucket-cc63555

> add an index.html file that says "Hello, world!" in three languages
update aws:s3/bucket:Bucket my-bucket ...
updated my-bucket
create aws:s3/bucketObject:BucketObject index ...
created index
Stack Outputs:
  bucketName: my-bucket-cc63555

> give me a url for that index.html file
update aws:s3/bucket:Bucket my-bucket ...
updated my-bucket
create aws:s3/bucketPolicy:BucketPolicy bucketPolicy ...
created bucketPolicy
Stack Outputs:
  bucketName: my-bucket-cc63555
  indexUrl: http://undefined/index.html

> That gave an undefined url.  Can you fix it?
update aws:s3/bucket:Bucket my-bucket ...
updated my-bucket
Stack Outputs:
  bucketName: my-bucket-cc63555
  indexUrl: http://my-bucket-cc63555.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/index.html

> Great - that worked!  Now make it fancier, and add some color :-)
update aws:s3/bucket:Bucket my-bucket ...
updated my-bucket
update aws:s3/bucketObject:BucketObject index ...
updated index
Stack Outputs:
  bucketName: my-bucket-cc63555
  indexUrl: http://my-bucket-cc63555.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/index.html

> !program

> !quit